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Status Replies posted by Oldman

  1. Did you find a Cirrus I’m selling one soon

  2. Did you find a Cirrus I’m selling one soon

  3. Ampeg or Aguilar...I hate decisions.

    1. Oldman


      Grist for the Mill: I recently purchased the Aguilar AG700, tossing up between the AG, the Mesa Subway D-800 and the Darkglass Microtubes 900. I wanted to run 3 + cabs (C4's). I didn't want the front end fussiness of the Darkglass, I had two poor reports on the Mesa and went for the AG..... Big Mistake, I returned it after a week it wasn't for me. Little or no control over the gain input, plenty of power but, it just didn't do it, even through 3 x C4's... I now have the Genzler Magellan, controllable front end, bags of power... And I love the sound.. Also I had previously used an Ampeg PF-50 for a Blues gig  that was sublime, but under powered for this current project.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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