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Posts posted by bigd1

  1. Ashdown MAG C250 4x10, same speck as the newer C300 4x10 but 50w less output, not that you would notice. This is one of the earlier Ashdowns that had the connection to Trace Elliot. Don't no if that makes any difference or not.

    Reviews can be found here

    Used for home practice and only gigged about 2 times. In very good condition, no rips or scratches, meter light works as it should. Very loud great sound. Only reason for sale is I need to get some lighter equipment due to back problem.

    Not sure how much this is worth, so open to offers.

    I'm based between Manchester & Huddersfield and think due to size & weight of this combo pick up maybe the best option. Although I will price up post if needed. I can also deliver or meet up for GoGo juice.

    This really is a great amp, and I will be sorry to see it go but needs must.

    Ta BIGd

  2. I have a Jensen NEO 15" speaker that is to be a build project in the next few months so that might sort the heavy speaker problem. But I could always sell the speaker if I find the right replacement Amp & ca set up.

  3. What I was really after was opinions on the sound. Those of you who use light weight gear is it a compromise of weight for sound. As I said before I like a old sound, big & wide, can I get this with light stuff or is that asking just to much.


  4. I have a SWR workingmans 15 combo that sounds fantastic, I love it, best sound I have ever had. But I have a back problem that now means I need to look a lighter gear (booooo) The SWR is sooooooo heavy.
    I know some of you on here use Markbass, I am thinking possibly a little Mark with a 1x15 cab. What are they like, any good, loud, I like a big wide sound, not a toppy sound. I like a clean not over driven sound, just big & wide.(don't we all)
    I play G & L Astat, Rickenbacker 4001, Bass collection fretless or Ephiphone thunderbird. All 4 string only but might be looking at getting a 5 at some point. I don't use FX just plug in and play.
    Are any other Amp heads light that might give me the sound I like ?
    Reviews, comments, thoughts, advice all welcome.


  5. Speak to Gary at Sounds Great in Manchester. They deal in G&L although mostly guitars not basses when I was looking at ordering mine Gary was very helpful. I was told that you need to order a G&L as they are made to order not carried in stock even at the factory.


  6. The bass is in first class condition, not really got any scratches or dints. It is a great example of a 74 Rick. To be honest if I had the money I would have bought it myself, but I have convinced him to keep hold of it. It did take a lot of saving on his part to get the bass he has always wanted.

  7. When he bought the bass the bridge was missing & the pickup cover. He has replaced these but wants to be able to use the bass as it stands it keeps letting him down. I agree with the post about keeping the bass as original as possible but as I said the tunners have been repaired on more than one occasion and sometimes you have no chioce but to replace.

  8. A student of mine has a 4003 1974 Ricky bass. The machine heads on this bass keep bracking (the back cover keeps falling off them). He want's to replace these with new ones but we are having trouble getting hold of machine heads of the right size. He wants quallity ones and as the bass is not all original he is not looking to replace with 74 pegs.

    The machine heads we have tried have pegs that are to large for the Ricky head, we would like to not drill out the head if possible.

    Does anyone know of a good machine head we can fit to this bass, or is drilling the only way.


  9. Yes it is the one with 2 sockets, I know some players who do run them so you can run each pickup to a separate amp. The owner wants to run this through one amp but use both pick ups.

    Thanks for the info Tayste_2000


  10. A student of mine has a Ricky stereo bass. But he is using it with a single mono lead (Doh!!), anyhow does anybody know where he can order or get a cable made. He is looking for a 20ft ish lead of good quality. Any help would be great.


  11. Went today (Sunday) not much on the bass front but ok otherwise. Watched Doug Wimbish........ Oh dear me what a pile of crap !, He was 20 mins late starting, then his set was just how many noises can I get from a load of processors/foot pedals. He didn't to me show any skill as a bass player. I know this sounds harsh but I really think any of us could have made that kind of noise just as well if not better. I don't like to down any fellow musician but this really was crap !

    A very disappointed


  12. A good way I have used is, each member of the band brings a book to rehearsal, player 1 chooses a page number, player 2 paragraph, P3 line & P4 number of word along line. It can be done a few times till you come up with something you like.

    I was in a band called "Dr White & the heavy Bleeders" in the late 70's, don't think you would get away with it now. Still makes me smile though. :)

    Taz very glad BIGd

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