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Posts posted by bigd1

  1. I had to use the dispute option with a supplier in America. I needed some parts for my Richenbacker, contacted them by email about parts before ordering, then placed my order with payment. 2 weeks later get an email saying they don't deliver outside the USA but I can use an address they supplied in America to get the goods sent to, then pay for them to ship to me. Sounded very very odd to me. Asked for a refund, 2 weeks went by nothing, sent more emails nothing. Put it into dispute with paypal got refund in 2 days.

    Don't mess around, if people take your money they should supply the goods or return the money. I would put this in dispute now, and let Paypal help you get your money back.


  2. I never said I had a problem with people taking a spare bass etc. I find it interesting that people don't have the confidence in there equipment and feel the need of a spare.
    I think you will find there is a world of a difference between playing at a wedding gig no matter haw big it is, and being on tour as your Dream theater example.
    It is as was pointed out, very hard to break a string on a Tuba. Having said that I don't think I've ever broken a string on bass guitar.
    The battery going dead problem. I always put a new battery in for each gig so again never been a problem, although I do carry spare.
    As I did say before, I was just interested in if anyone has really found they really need a back up, this has not been answered or is it habit, or just you feel more confident having a back up.
    I don't see this as a good or bad thing, although some seem to be talking the stance that I see this as a weakness. Far from the truth, if you want to take a spare guitar, stack, amp, speaker, car, cloths, partner, band or anything I have missed of this list thats up to you.
    My point was just to hopefully be clear, has anybody found they really need to take spare instruments when playing gigs?

  3. Some have said you need a spare bass because the gig is a big one or you are being paid a lot for the gig. My question is, if you do carry a spare bass have you ever really needed it, or is it as I said before just a comfort blanket.
    I have played most "big venues" including the Royal Albert hall, Symphony Hall & Bridgewater Hall. These gigs have been on Tuba but, I have never needed a back up. I don't think you get much bigger than these, and I've never even thought of taking a back up.

  4. Any reason to get more basses is a great idea but, quite a lot of people on here say they take/have or even must have a "back up " bass. As I said before I have been a musician for 30yrs and in all that time never used or needed a backup bass. I've seen post where backup amps & pedals are "needed".

    The only backup of any type I take is a Leatherman tool kit, strings, batteries & spare lead.

    How many of use have found the need of a backup bass guitar ?
    I don't just mean the need to have one but ever really needed to use a backup instrument.

    I find the build quality etc of instruments now to be in most cases very high, little if anything seems to go wrong. Even basses from the lower end of the market for say less than £500 are of a high standard. Yet it seems there is no confidence in the instruments you all use. Or is it just a "comfort blanket" type of thing.

    I think it could be interesting to know. Is the backup bass really needed ?


  5. I have both tendonitis and carpul tunnel problems in both wrists. Please seek advise from a professional like a Physio. Your wrist is made up of lots of small bones and tendonds, you can do a lot of damage staining them doing the wrong things to try to solve the problem you have, if you don't know what you are doing. Go see a Physio private probably only cost you about £25 but could be the best £25 you might spend. PLEASE don't try squeezing balls etc until you have got pro advice.


  6. Made in England Ashdown 200w 4x10 combo , like new condition, great sound, good and loud. This is one of the early Ashdowns with a black face on the amp & blue speakers. In top class condition never been gigged or abused only used as a practice amp. This is one of the Ashdowns made when a designer from Trace had moved to work them producing some fantastic amps.

    A very good bargain price of £180 is all I'm asking, although you may need to pick up or I can deliver for GoGo juice (it's a bit big to post)

    Ta very glad BIGd

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