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Posts posted by bremen

  1. [quote name='hunt the shunt' timestamp='1364651435' post='2029231']
    What on earth do you think you will achieve adding a 1x15 to a kilowatt 8x10 rig???

    He just wants his roady to hate him more.

  2. Edited again for misplaced decimal point!

    According to winisd, you should get a decent response and power handling from a 100mm pipe 165mm long. That's tuned to 32Hz, so you've still got 300W power handling down to 30Hz.

    Response is 3dB down at 70Hz and 11dB at 32Hz.

    Power handling drops to 130W about 55Hz, mind, so it might fart out a little there. I don't think you can avoid that limitation with your chosen driver though.

    Should be punchy enough. It won't boom if it's adequately braced.

  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1364210113' post='2023115']
    No but what you are going to get is two lots of active EQ which may or may not conflict depending on how you have them adjusted.

    I'm not a big fan of on-board pre-amps for basses, because I believe that you should EQ once in your signal chain and do it at the point where it is most effective. This normally means at your amp. It is generally the place where the least amount of restrictions have been imposed on the circuit design, either from power requirements or space. Any compromises in the EQ on your amp have been done because the designer wanted to, not because they had to through lack of space or the need to power it off 9V batteries, and IMO if you can't get a decent sound out of just your amp, then it is the wrong one for you, and you should change it.

    I totally agree with exactly half that ;)

    I don't think the eq in the bass will conflict with the eq in the pedal. After all, you can always just set one flat. And I don't agree that you should only EQ once. A typical recording chain might see eq applied by a Sansamp, the desk, then eqd again in mixdown, at mastering and finally by the (shudder) graphic equaliser in the car.

    And if using a pedal makes the amp you already own sound great, why buy a new amp?

    The bits I do agree with, fwiw, are: I don't go for onboard eq for the same reasons as bigREDex, and share his less-is-more philosophy.

    If it was grinding and clanking I was after I'd go for a Sansamp, or an Ampeg SVP pro. And a Precision with new stainless steel roundwounds :)

  4. This:

    ' This random placement causes obstacles for electrons and when encountered this interference can cause noise, slow down electron flow and sound deterioration affecting the quality of the sound of the vacuum tube.'

    sounds like absolute twaddle to me. Replacing the cheapo Chinese valves in my SVP with groove tubes did make it quieter and less microphonic, though.

    Why do you want to be more attractive to women anyway? You're beating them off with a sh1tty stick as it is. I'd just practise the bass a bit more.

  5. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1363536433' post='2013755']
    The 'why do we need to perform live?' Q puzzled me for years until I heard the great Rabbath explain. He says the adrenalin slows down time, so you have forever to form each note, and that's a very special thing.

    Spot on. No amount of rehearsal gets that adrenalin going. You have to have an audience. :)

    Love it, never thought of it that way before.

  6. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1363373126' post='2012086']
    Wow OK, thanks!
    what about the port though?

    Ah, the port.

    If you calculate the port for one speaker, then four such ports will work. Presumably that means you can then replace them with one of the same length but for times the area.

    I'm not 100% sure about that though. I could model a random speaker in WinISD and check...hang on...

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