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Posts posted by bremen

  1. http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/book/9780879307677?redirected=true&gclid=CI7TyqWy1LYCFSXLtAodbScAIw

    Some of his text is a bit suspect (he refers to the tone control inductor in the SVT as a 'transducer' among other nonsciences) but it's full of schematics.

    For top quality iron you could go to http://www.sowter.co.uk/

    and for glass envelopes of vacuum: http://www.thetubestore.com/

    Everything else you should be able to get from Farnell.

  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1366117509' post='2048503']
    It was just a funny thing to put in a rider, f***ing hell guys.

    yeah, it was funny, sorry to enseriousize the thread!

    Just a bit grumpy cos of what happened the last time a know-nothing arrogant f***wit engineer got near us. Wouldn't have been the end of the world but it went out on live radio and I (and others) got to hear it after the event.

  3. I'd like it to be a thread about engineers, and how a competent one can make a good noise come out of Behringer whereas your run-of-the-mill numpty couldn't get a decent sound out the most beautiful professional rig.

  4. I've been in many bands that have been recorded professionally, amateurishly and by "name" producers, and have never used a click. Is it the default nowadays?

    Isn't it just a tool that's brought out when there are timing issues and/or the tune needs to have a constant bpm to sync with something later?

    I'd suggest speaking to the producer before going into the studio.

  5. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1365852393' post='2045196']
    All i can say is that Kiogon (John) changed the pots from my JV squier to his own and the difference in sound was truly astonishing. Much deeper and louder, completely changed the characteristics of that bass.
    As previously mentioned, placebo is an awesome upgrade.
    Not to criticise the quality of Kiogon's pots or workmanship, and it's always good to use a more reliable part, but the laws of physics say: there is no way that replacing a crappy 250k pot with a quality one in a passive bass can affect the signal. Or to put it another way, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof: show me HOW it's possible for a crappy 250k pot and a quality one to behave differently in a passive bass.

  6. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1365841014' post='2045053']
    Imagine... A bass with no controls! Paradise or heresy? We'd have nothing to fiddle with or worry about.
    Could make for some nice clean designs, though.

    I did that for a while, single MM pickup straight to the jack. It was [i]very [/i]bright. Only thing I missed was being able to fade the last note out; didn't realise I did that til the control wasn't there.

  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1365684910' post='2042852']
    I think I can play and groove well... I've listened to a lot
    and my technique is pretty sound..all in my opinion.
    I think I know where I stand in the grand scheme of things...or certainly at the level I operate.

    I can't play reggae to save my life..
    but surely, I should be able to if I am a capable bassist....???
    The trick is to know where you come up short...so I leave reggae well alone.

    Do you like reggae though? I'm sure if you do you'd be able to play it after some time listening to and watching Family Man Barrett.

  8. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1365677328' post='2042652']

    Good comment. I know the music industry likes to compartmentalise bands, but there is a whole world of fascinating, interesting and exciting music out there of almost infinite variety to draw on, so why do some so many bands and musicians seem to limit themselves to playing and writing within a particular genre? If you listen to a wide range of music (which I'm assuming most of you do), then surely that would get automatically absorbed into your musical style?

    The notion that a musician can only play well (with 'authenticity' - whatever that means) in one particular style is absurd. Can you only play rock 'properly' if you have tatts and percings? Do you need to wear a zoot suit to play jazz? Or a pork pie hat to play ska? Why can't you play a tune with a heavy rock flavour followed by one with a reggae beat followed by a mongolian folk song? Ok, maybe not the mongolian folk song, but provided you have a group of musicians with decent chops and you have the necessary instruments at your disposal, then surely any style is up for grabs?

    One of the positive things about music for me today is that we have moved away from the almost tribal musical affiliations of years gone by - mods v rockers, punks v teddyboys etc. - ok, maybe the down side is that people are less passionate about music than they once were, but the upside is more familiarity with and acceptance of different types of music.

    I guess ultimately it's down to perception. If you have very fixed ideas about what makes something 'rock', and are upset by any deviation from that template, then that's up to you, but for me that completely misses the point of what makes brilliant music.

    Great post, reminded me of my favourite ever genre-ignorer, Mr Zappa:


  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1365510850' post='2040458']

    Why do people use these sorts of companies if the kit is deemed inadequate...??
    This is why you need to use people you know and trust, IMO....

    I don't think I'd be hiring a Belringer/PV type P.A as we could cobble together far better ourselves...IMO.
    And you can't leave this sort of thing to people who don't know much but work against a price.

    I'm talking about the dreaded "house PA" here.

  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1365505095' post='2040361']
    Every other instrument in a band is input into the PA at the very end of its signal chain. Someone please give me an excellent reason why the bass guitar alone should be treated any differently?

    Yes, please do.

    Also agreed that good/modern bass amps have far more versatile eq than the bass, treble and sweepable mid you get on the behringer desk that most venues offer.

  11. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1365506467' post='2040371']
    hey guys, going to be getting a fretless bass extremely shortly and need a few lines to get me started

    so far i sort of know these from learning on a fretted:

    weather report: birdland
    jaco pastorius: teen town
    paul young: come back and stay
    paul young: everytime you go away

    any other suggestions would help :) nothing too hard though please haha


    You've learned teen town and birdland and want 'nothing too hard' !
    Tom Waits' Swordfishtrombone has some juicy double bass, fun to play on fretless.

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