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Posts posted by krazy_olie

  1. Definately wouldn't have to change the pickups. The MM Jazz pickups are just standard '75 vintage coils which you can buy separately. I think MB1 is trying to say that the pickups on the MM are designed to be used with an active pre-amp whilst the standard is not, however this is not really the case.

  2. Facebook is much more organized than myspace but music on it is a new thing, it's not designed for promotion really. Facebook is starting to get slightly messy with all the new 3rd party apps, but even with 100s's of add ons it still looks ordered. It's mostly students though, in fact most students are on it, most of them are addicted.

  3. Put on some Thomastik Superalloys. For the first time ever I've actually really liked the sound of my strings when new, they're bright but not brash/clangy. They are simillar to the D'addario nickels I used to use but better. They are pricey though and the string tension is quite high so I'm tempted to try DR strings (either fat beams or sunbeams, which are a supposedly a bit more flexible).

  4. Just thought I'd add that now I have new Superalloys on them and the bass has been set up properly with a fret dress and I'm really pleased with it. It plays quite well now and the sound is fantastic, it's the first time ever that I've actually like the sound of new strings.

    I played a few songs with an acoustic duo tonight and I got the exact tone I was looking for, just a basic powerful even sound with a bit of top added for clarity. I definately think that for most live work series works best, sacrificing a bit of complexity in the tone for "oomph" is worth it. For recording I would probably use parallel.

    I'm really excited about playing this on my real amp.

    I wish they made this with a slimmer neck, then I might be in bass heaven.

  5. The bass has now had work done to the frets and is playing the best it has ever done. I might have got a slightly better job done somewhere else but this was reasonably cheap and been able to just pop round was more than useful. The initial setup took 5 days I think but they did the fret work in a day.
    I had the basic setup done and "upgraded" to the full setup after deciding that although the frets weren't in a horrible condition it was probably worth it getting it done, and it as as the action is probably as low as it will get.

  6. I think Jazz basses are great for rock so don't rule them out, the Fender Jazz 24 comes in a 5 string variant, although I have never played one so I have no idea if it's any good.
    Is there a reason you need the 24 frets?

    There's quite a lot in that price range, what about the Warwick Doublebuck (might be 24 frets) for example. Lakland too. Not that I think anything is wrong with the Ibanez but there's a lot of choice.

    Good Luck!

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