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Posts posted by krazy_olie

  1. cool, I'm a fan of the p/j setup, I don't understand how it produces the sound it does when used together, doesn't really sound like either to my ears but it's a good tone!

    Added to that a proper p sound and an almost j sound it's a winner!

    Need get my hands on a red one to try, excellent choice of colour there :)

  2. Up for sale is my Ashdown MAG 115 cabinet speaker. Need to shift it as I want to downsize.

    250W capacity
    8ohm impedance

    As far as I can tell it's largely the same as the current one [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=22"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=22[/url]

    Differences I can spot are:
    It's carpet covered
    I'm fairly sure it's lighter than 27kg! I could carry it when I was a skinny 16 year old and I think it was 20kg (I will try and look this up somehow).

    Works well to produce trouser flapping tones, though has enough response to not be muddy.

    Purchased around 2005/6.

    Mostly used in my room and some band practises. As far as I know it's in very good condition, never had any issues of any kind with it.

    I will post up pictures tonight hopefully but in the mean time here's what it looks like


    Currently only going to offer this for collection as it isn't feasible to send. I am based in north London/Hertfordshire and usually around on evening/sundays. Might be able to deliver shortish distances.

    It has only been used with my Warwick pro-III which at 8ohms falls well under the rating.[s] For anyone interesting in acquiring the whole half stack or the amp I may consider swapping or part exchanging for a combo (or something interesting!). I'm reluctant to lose the amp for it's monetary value though so realistically it's probably only available for a trade.[/s]

    Price is [s]£120[/s] £100 for the cab. Very open to listen to any sort of trade p/ex offer etc. basses/FX/non bass stuff
    I will give the cab a bit of an inspection tonight but as it's just sat in my room for a number of years I'm unlikely to find anything of note. If I do I'll post here and adjust the price.

    Thanks for reading and feel free to ask anything about it! Visits welcome

  3. On the standard j/p basses it's built to a mucher higher spec with modern features like graphite rod in the neck. So part of the cost difference is there and part is in the MADE IN USA stamp.

    Things get a bit hazy as mentioned above, I'm not a massive fan of the standard MIM basses (although i heard a rumour that they have improved in recent years) but amongst the various classic/deluxe/artist basses there are some really good ones.

    The American standard basses are very good but especially now they might not be worth the money and a high spec MIM will probably provide better bang for buck.

  4. Would be interested in the jag on sale right now, I think it would be too much of an impulse buy - got some other bits to sort out before I rush to buy anything.

    I should get round to trying out some more ibanez (what's the plural?) I already occasionally pick up my GSR . Doesn't look like the 500 has changed, but it was a long time ago that I played it, my perception of "good tone" is probably a bit different. There are some more expensive models available though which might be worth a look at and I shall keep my eyes peeled for those older models.

    Really like the look of the candy red "overwater". Not sure why they've gone for the p/j though, would be good to compare it to the squier CV jazz and the bass collection "jive bass"

  5. Hello!
    After years of being entirely content with my bass I think it might be time to add another.
    Currently have a g&l l-2000 tribute which is a tone king so have no intention of selling, but it can be a bit unwieldy . It's quite big, heavy and the neck is quite wide so looking for something a bit more ergonomic and easier on my fingers and back.

    A jazz of sorts might fit the bill with the slim neck, and the classic jazz sound is the tone I can't come close to at the moment. Still usually fairly big and heavy instruments. Annoyingly it looks like the jaguar has been discontinued, I thoroughly enjoyed trying one out even if it did sound a touch thin to my ears (most things sound thin compared to the g&l though). Could look for one on the used market maybe. The classic vibes appear to be a hit, basswood body should make it light(ish)

    Ibanez soundgears are a pleasure to play, I tried an sr500 when I was last looking and it was great to play on but I don't remember it sound particularly brilliant, was a long time ago but I think I managed to get a decent tone running it in passive mode.

    Beyond that I'm not entirely sure what else to look at

    Will look at anything between 300-700 I think, new or used.

    Post your suggestions!

    Thanks, Olie

  6. Hi!
    I have a Warwick Pro-Fet III (3) and I don't have a clue how much it is worth. New they were retailing I think around 300 but got mine in a clearance as the bass center were making way for the newer Chinese "3.2" models(this one made in Germany) which have apparently now also been discontinued to make way for the WA series.

    Any ideas? If it's worth a good amount i can put it towards a promethean combo, if not I will either keep it and change only my cab or buy a cheaper combo (GK MB112 looks good!).

    Thanks, Olie

  7. Hello, little while since I've posted on here. Just wondering if anyone is heading to this gig at the Vortex Jazz bar tomorrow/ suppose it's a bit of a heads up for it. I do like the non-gimmicky bass/guitar combo thing!

    Oliver :)

  8. Hi guys, too long since I've posted here.

    Essentially I don't like my cab - Ashdown MAG 115, it is massive and while can produce thundering sounds can lack highs as well so I want rid of it. I'm running this with a warwick profet III (the original German one).

    I'm just wondering if I should move to a combo or just get a smaller/lightweight cab, probably a 112?.
    I can't see my cab fetching much money so to upgrade just the cab might work out more expensive than a combo but I don't really know how much my stuff is worth so I'm rather confused :) . I don't know if I should sell then buy or part exchange as well

    In terms of combos i have my eyes on the Ibanez promethean and the hartke 112c, I don't really know what cab options are available to me, presumably the cab equivalents of these models?
    don't really want to spend more than £250 after sales of current stuff (or thing), but will do if it's really worth it.

    I'm leaning towards the combo idea mostly for compactness, but I do like my amp and would be a shame to let it go without good reason.

    Suggestions and thoughts welcome!

    Cheers, Olie

  9. Hi, it has been a while since I've been on here but hopefully someone can still help me out.

    The Warwick pro-fet iii is the predecessor to the 3.2, it's fairly simillar.

    Instead of a compressor it has a variable mid control alongside high and low mids.
    It is made in Germany as opposed to China.

    300w @ 4 ohms
    5 band eq with variable mid
    Deep and Bright switches
    Di and Headphone out sockets
    Rack mountable (I think it's 2 units).

    The Ashdown Cab is a 15" fairly standard affair.
    It's quite big (I will try and find the exact dimensions) but doesn't weigh as much as it looks.
    Deep sounding as expected from a 15" and as a result if I'm honest lack some of the higher frequencies.

    The speakon cable comes as a freebie :)

    I'm really not sure how much this is worth as I've fallen out of touch with pricing generally.
    I'm going to say £250, though if I'm way off I'd appreciate someone telling me!

    Please contact me if you wish to only buy one item.

    Would preferably like to exchange or part excange this for some sort of combo 100w +.
    I will consider trading for something else though.

    I am based in Borehamwood, which is pretty much North London. I will be moving to Bristol shortly for the start of uni shortly but the stuff is remaining in my room and I come home at weekends occasionally.

    I think I have some pictures somewhere, will try and locate!

  10. Thanks guys,

    I'm quite liking the look of the Kickback 12, whilst the A100 looks like better value but a bit less portable but I could happily buy it and be in no rush at all to sell my current stuff (though I would eventually have to get round to it).
    I think I'll be doing some research and taking a trip in to town to check them out.

    Eden Nemesis combos do look viable if I could get a decent deal.

  11. First post on here for quite a while, just been very busy with university and such.

    So sitting in my room I have a Warwick Pro Fet III 300w amp and an Ashdown MAG 115 cab, which sounds pretty good but it's too big for me to even take to uni so in hindsight was a actually a poor purchase. Which is annoying because I really like the amp (it's one of the older German made models they don't make anymore)

    So my question is... I'm looking for a combo for general use, no huge gigs, for which I would just rely on a PA for anyway that I could get by trading/selling this and probably put in up to £100 of an additional cash injection.
    For little jams I use my Peavy microbass but I need something in between really.

    Any thoughts on this [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/backline-112/13007"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/backline-112/13007[/url] ? I remember them being a fair bit pricier than that

    Many Thanks, Olie

  12. The thread for one of my strap buttons has gone, well it doesn't hold the screw in anymore. The screw itself seems fine so I can only assume it's the wood, are there any reasonably simple fixes like some form of gluing for this or should I take it to a luthier?

    Cheers, Olie

  13. I have a pro-fet III (slightly older German made version). I think it really sounds great, doesn't colour the sound much but gives you massive tonal options. I may actually be trying to get rid of it soon (see a couple posts below). I don't really like warwick basses but I've really liked all their amps that I've used.

  14. Hi,
    I've been really busy recently and not paying attention to bass related stuff at all recently (hence the lack of posts) so I was wondering if I could get some input.

    I have a Warwick Profet III head and Ashdown MAG 115 cab, and to bring them up to uni would be a little pointless, I can't get it around and I don't have a big room. So i need a replacement combo of similar value (new or used). I'm happy to go down in power and even sound quality as a decent amount of portability is required.


  15. Just thought I'd add that I've played some rubbish Jap Fenders as well as some exquisite ones, so be wary. There are some very nice MIM basses out there too. I have to say that my favourite Fender for it's price is the Jaguar.

  16. If you want to try actually one out (the non export models) there's a few shops on Denmark street (no too much of a trek) that stock them, not great prices, but at least you can make up your mind about which model.

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