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Posts posted by TheDaivisch

  1. Hi chaps,

    Just thought I'd show off my Delano equipped pair of beauties - A Mayones Jabba Classic (equipped with Delanos from the factory) and Warwick Corvette $$ SE Zebrano upgraded with a Nordstrand 2B pre-amp and Delano MC 4 FE/J M2 pickups. Yes I have a thing for Delano pickups! Love the rich, open tone of these things - bright, full sounding. Very cool.

    The Warwick was one of those "I could just get rid of it, or keep it and spend money changing it" situations - I obviously decided on the riskier latter option. It has definitely paid off. I always absolutely loved the feel, the look and woody finish as well as the acoustic tone (the intrinsic sound character of the bass) of the SE corvette, but couldn't help thinking the MEC kit was not doing it justice. Frankly, the Nordy and Delanos kick the crap out of the MEC stuff. Its a shame Warwick use MEC on such beautifully made instruments, in my opinion. Anyway, enough of the Warwick rant, I just thought I'd show off my gear - so heres a couple of pics. By the way I'm absolutely loving my Vanderkley MNT cab + Genz Shuttle 9.0 rig too - ridiculous amount of sound and tone for the size.

  2. Unfortunately, mods just don't add a proportionate amount of value to an instrument. Just the way the market is - shame coz Im sure those pickups make this a much better sounding bass. Unfortunately, to everyone who wants to buy it, this is still just a squire.

    Have a Im sorry I didn't end up coming to view the bass and got distracted by all sorts of other second hand basses bump.

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