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Posts posted by TheDaivisch

  1. Just a few covers (not 100% accurate - I used a little artistic license :) using my Mayones Jabba Classic and heavily upgraded Warwick Corvette Double Buck (Nordstrand pre, Delano pickups). All Mayones vids with tone controls set flat and all on the neck pickup so far. I'll post some more videos with more varied tone soon and a tone comparison test pre and post Norstrand SE pickup upgrade.


    Recording was direct into a M-Audio USB interface into VirtualDub.



    Gorgeous, beefy sounding Ibanez SR705 5 string bass in transclucent black.

    Huge variety of precise punchy tones. Excellent for metal, rock, jazz whatever you throw at it.

    Perfect condition apart from bearly there buckle rash.


    Reduced to clear!

    [b]£380[/b] including fab Warwick gig bag and strap


  3. [quote name='munkonthehill' timestamp='1323606498' post='1464868']

    and there we go Jack, a quick search on [b]this[/b]forum gets you a Ric 2nd hand for a grand. I was a bit out on the 800quid granted as I got my figures mixed up but still cheaper than 1200 as quoted.


    Yeah and look at the state of it :) Id rather have an immaculate 400 quid copy and have bit of fun upgrading it. Also, I quite like the idea of 22 frets. I can see the argument, if a roadworn Rick floats your boat, but Id rather not spend anymore than 400 at this stage

  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1323604205' post='1464828']

    Not convinced, I'm afraid. This Career sells for roughly £400, so another £400 would take you up to £800.

    See how far you get on the second-hand Rik market if you're only waving £800 about.

    As I write this, the [i][b]cheapest [/b][/i]second-hand Rik on eBay UK is £1200.

    Agreed! An 800 quid 4003 would either be grosdly underpriced or just complete pile of old driftwood

  5. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1323534333' post='1464331']
    I think that Career is the same as the Shine 'faker. There's quite a few brands out there, but there seems to be relatively few factories making them. When they started popping out of the woodwork a few years ago I was making a mental note of the ones that were identical (or nearly so), but there's getting to be too many for a feeble-brained geriatric like me to keep up!

    I think they might share some parts - bridges and possibly pickup surrounds, but the Shine has different pickups - Seymour Duncans, has a dodgy shaped headstock, no binding and uses different woods. The Shine is all maple and a true through neck, whereas the Career has a Nato body and set neck - but doesnt seem to be any worse for it. Infact the career has the better reviews.

  6. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1323475466' post='1463887']
    What's the issue with the wood being nato (mora)? Mora is pretty much indistinguishable from mahogany when used in musical instrument construction. It has similar tonal qualities to mahogany as well as being strong and durable, and unlike many varieties of mahogany is widely available. Would much prefer a bass built with nato than the more commonly used basswood, given how much more resistant to wear and damage nato is.

    Depends on which factory was manufacturing under the Greco brand name, as Greco isn't a factory, just a trading name originated by Kanda Shokai. Matsumoku manufactured some very accurate Rickenbacker copies for Greco, that are neck-through, and highly detailed, almost identical to the ones Matsumoku similarly manufactured for Aria. Reason you don't see many of either of those copies is that most are wearing Rickenbacker decals, and fooling the purported experts.

    Yes, I heard all that, I was just being slightly snobby because it has a reputation as an almost industrial grade wood which is used in cheap guitars only. The sound of it seems to speak for itself though..so I'm over it, plus it's cheapness has no doubt contributed to this bass only costing 400 quid, so all good with me.

  7. I've experienced the wrath of the Rickenwaffen on a Rickenbacker fanboy website. Jeeezus they're a bunch of snooty gits. Got all sorts of abuse for posting this in the wrong forum and generally blaspheming the mighty Rickenbacker with my sinful faker-lust.

    They need to chill the hell out!

    But yeah - there's ony a handful and most are a bit crap, TBH. The Rockinbetters look nice, but play and sound a bit meh, especially for 600 quid. This one looks promising, and has loads of very positive reviews.


  8. Hmm....

    Real one

    "Career" Rickenfaker


    Sounds pretty good! Im quite tempted - I didn't like the idea of the Nato body wood and glued construction, but it sounds and looks great! All for 450 Euros.

    Looks even better with some real Rick bits stuck on -


  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1323189811' post='1460354']
    Sounds authentic.

    The Career? Yeah. I'm very tempted!


    Looks even better with some authentic Rick parts added to it!

  10. Hmm....

    Real one

    "Career" Rickenfaker

    Sounds pretty good!

  11. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1323084076' post='1458952']
    It was the type with the funny headstock, they are all reasonably well made but I'd be unsure about their longevity in comparison to say an old Ibanez or CMI Faker. The hardware for example felt lightweight and cheap - all very shiny (s'cuse the pun) but no substance. There are still bargains out there especially given the recession, I got my US Rick as a restoration project off a local chap for less than that, mine needed a lot of TLC but it's now one of my main gigging basses.

    Cheers, good to know.

    I just realised your're the chap with the John Birch for sale...how's that going?

    by the way, the reason I got distracted by other potential Rickenfakers was that I had heard the Birch sounds nothing like a Rick. Also, I'm not sure I can get my head around the funny looks. Still intriguing though...


  12. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1323083036' post='1458932']
    Hmmm, I had a Shine Rick and also a Tokai, both looked OK but certainly felt like a budget bass at a not so budget price and were sold on very quickly. There are cheaper alternatives out there that are as good if not better in terms of quality and you could always mod it yourself.

    Bummer. The Shines on the website I linked to look very well made, at least in the pics. I'm assuming you had the standard black, with funny headstock RK2000NT?

    What would you recommend?


  13. I know this has been brought up a few times, but does anyone have any experience of these?


    they look lovely (and I love the idea of a 22 fret Rick) and I'm very tempted!

    I'm confused though, why does this appear to be the only place that sells them, and also the only place where I have seen them with a proper headstock? Also, with delivery fees, it works out at £700!!

    I contacted the seller and the conversation went as follows. I'm rather skeptical about his claim that he helped design them..the parts, as far as I can see are standard Shine - just with nicer finish options and a Rick shaped headstock:

    >> Med Vänlig Hälsning / Best Regards
    >> Björn Clern, "Mr TIP TOP"
    >> TIP TOP Musik AB: Katarinav�gen 22 (T-Slussen),
    >> S-11645 Stockholm, Sweden
    >> Öppet/Open: Tis-Fre kl 13-18, L�r 12-15
    >>> I understand these are good bases, but 810E seems a lot for Chinese made
    >>> copies. The older versions are £500 here. Would you do it for 700Euro?
    >>> Dave

    > On 29 Nov 2011, at 21:51, "Tip Top Musik" <[email="[email protected]"][color="#234786"][email protected][/color][/email]> wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> I designed these basses after being RICs distributor for 10 years...
    >> Its better than a RIC:
    >> bone nut, better bridge, better head angle,nicer inlays etc.
    >> USA Duncans are killer pickups.
    >> Yes they have correct RIC heads.
    >> 810 euros is firm sorry.

    > You designed them? I thought they were Shine basses? Is it not the
    > RK2000NT?
    > Sent from my iPhone


    They are Shine basses.

    I did "design" these RIOC copies for Shine and included all improvments I
    told RIC to do when we were their distributor(but they did not listen...).

    For Sweden, Shine also make the right head.

    Deal or ?

    Med Vänlig Hälsning / Best Regards

  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1322426098' post='1450788']
    Nice Mayones...Ive been looking at them and the Carvin SB5000. My only gripe is, as much as I can go down and test drive one, Ill want a different configuration, which means I won't get to test the one I want to buy! Such is life....what do you think of the Delanos vs Seymour Ds?

    Carvins are supposed to be very nice too. The Delanos are fuller souding with more top end - more modern, the Seymours are more oldschool, possible more mid focused.

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