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Posts posted by longtimefred

  1. Saw Testament at Hard Rock Hell this year. Friggin awesome! one of the best metal bands i have ever seen. just pure baddass thrash metal. They really prove it can still be done.

    The Big 4 is just crap really! They were only ever billed as such as they have sold more stuff than anyone else. Probably why the smaller bands such as Testament and Exodus are still pumping cool tunes is caus they didnt get swimming pools n crap.

  2. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1360852827' post='1977417']
    So why don't you get an empty beer crate? That would definetly look RnR :)

    Haha yeah, i been trying to pinch one from venues for a while now, suprising how little of them actually keep hold of them any more. guess dodgy bass players kept stealing them.

  3. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1360684532' post='1974615']
    Only downside is hearing more top end can mean you hear the crap sound you are making that you didn't hear before, its a big issue with guitarists.

    right well im pretty sure im not making a crap sound at the moment and i dont tend to use much top end really so dont think that would be an issue. I have heard what im doing up high before as i have stuck my matamp on top of a peavey 410 that i didnt plug in (stupid 4 ohm cab) and it sounded awesome. just what i wanted. but i didnt want to start lugging a cab around that im not plugging into just to get my cab up where i want it.

    If a more clear top end is the only drawback im sure i can live with that!!

  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1360683675' post='1974584']
    Why not treat your lovely matamp to a nice flightcase and just unpack it then stack it on top when playing. Protection and elevation win win!
    i thought of that, does plonking your cab on an empty box create any unwanted boom or make it sound crap at all? Its just i have never seen anyone else do it to hear what its like. Maybe a good option if people think its fine to do so.

    [quote name='Lee Carter' timestamp='1360683833' post='1974591']
    I had the same issue with my TC rig. Swapped out the 112 for 212, vertical stack and I now have a 10" pretty much next to my earhole. Problem solved.

    Like [url="https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=sFBvCFjI7JFqAM&tbnid=xzK7ZmZj3LbHgM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.proaudiostar.com%2Ftc-electronic-rs-212-bass-cabinet.html&ei=EmMaUdi_DIuIhQf7nIB4&bvm=bv.42261806,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNHYEqVPoorVNx82HTLaz9nrcMKH3A&ust=1360770191270952"]this[/url]

    yeah i have seen those, never tried them though. Also i would have to flog the Matamp which i kinda dont want to do. Good call though. Maybe worth a go to see what they sound like.

  5. this a real frustrating one! I have a Matamp 4x10 which is pretty much the perfect cab for me. Never played through one that suited my taste better.

    My problem is that i have recently started playing in a new band doing some pretty cool Heavy Metal kind of thing after taking a break from it for a few years and i have the issue that i solved the last time i was doing this kind of thing by having an 8x10. I need my sound up by my head rather than down by my feet! Metal just doesnt work with this setup. Gotta get that air moving!!!

    I love my Matamp so much i would love to buy another one to sit on top and that would be problem solved. I cant afford to buy a new one and these coming up second hand just doesnt happen that often. I got to use an Ampeg 8x10 at my last rehearsal and it was a big improvement (bar the ampeg scooped sound which i dont dig) having it up high. i just really dont want another friggin huge 8x10, i just couldnt live with one, or put it in the car on my own!!

    So my question is... Does anyone have the perfect solution to getting a cab up off the floor without loosing the arse end of the sound? Or is there another brand of cab that suits the Matamp sound that go quite cheap that i could match it to sit underneath? Maybe a little Orange OBC115 or something? Would one of those be high enough to help the dispersion? Is a 6x10 a good in between?

    What are peoples thoughts as its making me loose sleep. (Well not really but getting there)

    Cheers bass dudes!!


  6. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1360599056' post='1973065']
    Research this company very carefully on the web before you order - i believe a few people had some "issues" with them.

    I can recommend Roqsolid wholeheartedly though. Had a few from them and delivered quickly, great quality and value too.

    yeah be careful there dude, i heard some very negative storys about people paying and never receiving even an email let alone their cover. Do some good research, for all i know they may have changed....

  7. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1360318625' post='1968436']
    I'm afraid i think FB is the way it is. last year we did a number of original gigs and all the promoters were pushing the use of FB for promoting. It's basically gonna become SKYNET

    Hit the nail on the head there.

    The amount of shows i have played over the last couple of years where the promotor has only used facebook to promote the show is untrue. Sometimes they ring us up saying they may pull the gig because only a couple of people have clicked that they are going on the page! WTF!! Its almost like if you dont have a FB band page in this day, you will get nothing!

    Facebook is just making people lazy and its a shame.

  8. I don't mean to de rail the thread or anything but I have an opinion of Facebook band pages that might be worth discussion. If a mod feels this might be a better thing to do separately then cool.

    I remember a time before social media when bands used to have to set up their own pages online. I liked this as when looking at how it was designed, the artwork that has been used on it and the overall feel of the site kind of displayed how the band want to be portrayed (if that makes sense). You could delve into the world of that band as it used to be cool to have as much info about them as possible for people to get their chops into. From what gear they use to photos, videos, discographies, lyrics, forums etc etc.

    Then MySpace came along as the new way of connecting fans/industry/venues etc directly to the band all in one place. Again I thought this was cool as you could re design your page to how you like it ( I had my bands one set up exactly the same as our full proper site so it was like an extension).

    Then Facebook appeared, slaughtering MySpace and now all bands seem to be on there instead. Here comes my issue (finally). I really dislike Facebook for basically turning all our bands into a catalog of bland looking pages that all look the same, and gives no feel of the bands image in the way of the old independent sites did. You have to put your band's info in all the same places as everyone else and nothing looks different from one page to the next bar the photograph. Has it now come to a time where your entire band presence has to fit one tiny page on the Internet? Do people loose interest if its over that amount as that's what Facebook are telling you that's all you need? Am I just out of fashion? Does anyone care? Lol

    I find it quite sad if this is the case as I used to love going into these band 'worlds' and spend time geeking out on what they have to offer. Even now major pro bands are starting to just have a nice fancy landing page when you on their .com site and all it does is link you to a bloomin Facebook!

    I hope it's not just me that finds this annoying.

  9. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1359742691' post='1959805']
    There were quite a few dry joint issues with the early release ones.
    Thankfully, it was resolved by the time they released the second production run of them. :)

    ahh right, this was one of the old blackface ones with the cool LED's in the sliders of the eq section. Looked great! i bought it second hand around 14 years ago.

  10. fun reading this. I dont think i have ever owned a crap amp, quite lucky really. Even my first one was an Ampeg B100R!

    Most unreliable one i had was an old Hartke 3500 thing. Always broke and i got rid quite quickly, sounded good... just a duff one.

    I vaguely remember playing through a carlsboro thing at a rehearsal studio that had a "suzz" channel. that was pretty sh*t and the knobs fell off all the time.

    My college's old Peavey TKO was probably the most terrible. no matter what you did with the eq, it didnt really change much and wouldnt go very loud.

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