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Posts posted by funkle

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='608105' date='Sep 24 2009, 08:10 PM']Chris used to run a successful bass shop in Copenhagen before he started building basses so I'm not so sure his business skills are up for question. I do know the problems Chris has been facing but out of respect to his privacy I'm not at liberty to divulge them publically.

    He also shut down the original workshop because the previous landlord raised the rents by a significant amount. Then he moved to the location I visited which was closer to the airport anyway. Are you suggesting this location has shut down also?[/quote]

    Ricki Bass? You out there? Enquiring minds would like to know the answer :)

  2. [quote name='Ricki_Bass_DK' post='576318' date='Aug 21 2009, 06:00 AM']I'm not sure if you know it ( probably not ) but the Celinder factory has in fact shut down. Apparently Chris was too bad a businessman, which means that he couldn't keep his times of delivery. I know several bassplayer that waited for more than 2 years for delivery. I guess the bad reputation caught up with him.
    Sorry - the basses are great![/quote]

    Really? Is this confirmed? I was just starting to get interested...

  3. Thanks guys. Eude, thanks for the heads up (x2!). Mayones looks nice. Know of any secondhand? It's hard to splash that much cash unseen, whereas the 'Spunky' (:)) is cheap enough that I've just about worked myself up to have a go at it, unheard. The Sandbergs are nice too, but have one fret too many - 21 frets is where it's at for me, and I think it's going to remain that way.

    The 'Amazon' Willows bass looks very nice, and pretty fancy too! Again, though, falls into the category of too expensive to try sight unseen (as resale value if it's not quite right is probably lowish, given the poor brand recognition over here).

    I had forgotten about Mike Lull, but I love his work ( [url="http://www.mikelull.com"]http://www.mikelull.com[/url] ). HIs philosphy and mine tally nicely, and I'd be willing to stump up for a secondhand one if I see it, as it could probably be moved on without too much hassle if it wasn't right. There's one on the 'bay at the moment, but it's going for a leetle too much cash.... OTOH, I suppose I could always save the shekels for a Lakland USA alder DJ4 (though the 'Signature' DJ model has been pulled from their website, I believe Lakland intend to re-name it and continue producing it).


  4. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='602700' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:06 AM']Hey Funkle,
    I'd say the neck is definitely slightly chunkier than your average Jazzer,any that I've played at least,MIA,MIM and a Squire VMJ etc and I suppose I have fairly small hands but I don't struggle.I was looking for a decent cheapish Jazzer at the time and it was a toss up between the VMJ and this one.I thought the VMJ was a cracker for the money but comparing the quality between my mates VMJ and the Spunkster.....well it's a step above and then some.
    I've never had the pleasure of playing a Lakland so I can't help you there.As for the dusty end,well I don't venture that way too often but again,when I do have a twiddle up there I've not noticed any problems. :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Thanks mate. I guess we're both up early today! :)

    Thanks for the pic of the dusty end. I get up there moderately often, what with playing jazz and what not... :lol:

    The neck being a little chunky takes some thinking about. I love the DJ neck, and I think it's about the same as a vintage Fender Jazz neck (less chunky than many modern Jazz necks). That said, modern Jazz necks still feel pretty comfy to me, and I spent a few days trying out MIA/MIM/Squier Fenders, most of which felt ok to me.

    Thanks again!

  5. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='602544' date='Sep 18 2009, 09:17 PM']Hey Funkle,
    Glad you like the look of it :)
    I'm pretty sure you can spec the colour but it was the antique white look I was after.If you look on their gallery and Bass body pages there's at least a few more different to look at.
    From the outset to taking delivery the experience was pleasant indeed.I did have to make a couple of calls to get hold of the guy that puts the basses together but once I managed to speak directly to him on the phone it was a breeze.You will need to speak with Ryu though as I think he's the only one who speaks English.
    He was constantly updating me via email and was always happy to take my calls.The one thing that I was'nt completely happy with at first was the colour of the Rosewood board as the one that's on my Bass is darker than the one shown on his website.He explained and I don't know if it's true or not that he put a higher grade wood on my Bass as he wanted to make it "more special" for me.Make of that what you will but to me it's now a very minor point.
    As for build quality and value for money ?? Well for me it's top notch.I'm not the most well off person and a boutique Bass is but a dream for me,well for now at least so I honestly feel that it's the lovliest Bass I could own for the money.
    I dropped the Bass of this week for a Pro set up with this guy [url="http://www.guitarsetup.co.uk/"]http://www.guitarsetup.co.uk/[/url] His appraisal was that it's equal in build quality/attention to detail to Fender/Gibson guitars,the body/neck wood is of a high quality and the binding work was exceptional.When I told him what I paid for the Bass he was gobsmacked.
    There you have it and hopefully that's helped you out.
    I'm sure he won't mind me saying but Paul @ Prosebass was equally impressed when he saw it. :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Thanks mate. If they can change to body colour for very little extra, then it's an astounding deal. Sounds like you had a good experience with them!

    Another couple of questions for you - how do you find the neck profile? Simialr to a Jazz, chunkier, thinner? I quite like the necks on the Lakland DJs, so that's my standard for comparison....

    And finally - how do you find the upper fret access to be?

    Thanks again for all your help!


  6. [quote name='~tl' post='602405' date='Sep 18 2009, 06:13 PM']Shuker?[/quote]

    Been thinking about that, but custom basses remain a chancier prospect all round. With an 'off the shelf' bass, you don't like something about it, it's fine - off it goes, look for something else. There's a name people recognise, makes selling a bit easier.

    With customs though - it's so personal, that if you don't like even one little thing about it, it's really annoying. Fixing it can be expensive (especially if you get it wrong through specifying it incorrectly, and the builder is just doing what you ask/following your instructions), and selling it incurs a huge loss. Unless you know perfectly and exactly what is desired, a custom strikes me as inherently chancy. Although I keep flirting with the idea...and Jon Shuker makes great instruments.

  7. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='601642' date='Sep 17 2009, 07:57 PM']Ahem !!


    Absolutely love mine to bits. :)

    Exchange rate as of this evening works out at £251 plus around £60 to ship it.I got lucky with the duty or rather lack of it.
    Mine worked out at £285 delivered but that was just before the arse dropped out of the £.
    Pics of mine just before it was sent.[/quote]

    Wow, that looks excellent and the price is right. Are they willing to do different colours, or do you have to have it in white? Looks brilliant for my purposes. Some nice aspects of the builds also - countouring of the heel, quarter sawn neck, ?have they tapered the lower horn a bit...nice sound on the videos also, although that one was an ash body.

    I'm considering trying one out. How did you find dealing with the factory? Keen to know...

    [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='601687' date='Sep 17 2009, 08:32 PM']Looooooonnng shot from the left field; Vigier Passion (std) series III.[/quote]

    Very nice! Very expensive....

    [quote name='Doctor J' post='601965' date='Sep 18 2009, 08:34 AM']Perhaps Bacchus would fit the bill?[/quote]

    Great thought! I had forgotten about them...I played a few in Tokyo a few years back and was very impressed. However getting one in the UK looks pricey/awkward. Great basses though, will keep an eye out for one.

    These have all been really helpful. Thanks guys!

  8. Hi all

    This may be a long shot, but here goes. Been playing quite a few Fender Jazzes and similar the last couple of days - turns out I love the sound of alder and rosewood (as long as it has single coils). However, I'm used to having 21 frets and decent upper fret access, and no-one seems to make an 'off the shelf' alder jazz bass with 21 frets (as opposed to 20, 22, or 24). Anyone know of a maker who does a nice jazz bass with 21 frets, an alder body, and decent upper fret access? (I have considered the US Darryl Jones with an alder body, but it's a little pricey for me...)

    I have entertained thoughts of a custom, but I'm a firm believer in trying out what's out there - too easy to go wrong on a custom!

    As an aside, played a Squier Classic Vibe 60's Jazz - knocked my socks right off! Unbelievable tone for the money. If I can't find anything out there with 21 frets, it's cheap enough that I might just buy one...



  9. Thanks for the comments gentlemen.

    I had heard from the Talkbass boards that the signature model is probably going to be pulled, and I had written the blurb on ebay wth that in mind also. However, from what I'm reading, it still looks like Lakland will be putting out a DJ model - just not the DJ sig anymore. Still, I'm sure it'll add some value to the instrument if later models are no longer 'signature'.

    Nonetheless, money still talks, and my bank account is barking at me...


  10. Hi all

    I need to fund a further bout of GAS, so up for sale is my tasty Lakland 44-02 in Cherryburst. It's an '06 model with the Bartolini pickups and some minor player wear (on the pickups and some scuffs on the top edge of the headstock), but sounds flexible and tasty. It's pretty squarely in the Fender/Musicman camp, and I have had excellent J/P/MM sounds out of it, much as you would expect. Specs are at [url="http://www.lakland.com/44-02.htm"]http://www.lakland.com/44-02.htm[/url].

    I had to import it from the USA, as there don't seem to be many available in the UK. I went for the nicely grained ash top, wasn't too keen on the quilt on most of the deluxe models.

    It'll ship in a tidy hard case, which can also been seen in the pics. I've also recently restrung with DR 40-100 Black Beauties, a special order gauge for that string (£30!).

    Reduced to [b]£750[/b] + shipping. Less than what I paid to import it, anyway...If you're interested, get in contact!

    Enjoy the pics!


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  11. [quote name='richardd' post='593212' date='Sep 8 2009, 07:44 PM']:) Hi Pete .As far as I am aware between 1995 and 99 Fender fitted single pole pickups by John Suhr, of Pensa Suhr, as for the neck profile I think it is according to Fender 9-1/2 radius .Hope this helps Rich[/quote]

    Thanks Rich, that helps. Although I presume you mean single coil pickups, as opposed to single pole (although I can see they are single pole in construction from the photos)....


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