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Posts posted by ashevans09

  1. Due to an errant microphone during a gig a couple of weeks ago (it would be the flailing guitarist that knocks it over wouldn't it :) ) , my bass is now getting rebuffed at Mansons, leaving me without a bass for the next 10 days! Argh! On the other hand there was some veeeeery nice bass candy in store...

    Damn guitarists eh?

    I needed to complain... <_>

  2. What's a fair price for a second hand pedulla rapture over here?

    I had a go selling mine towards the end of last year but had no luck...and I'm now wondering if it was because I was over ambitious with the price. it's a 5er in the SB config, so what would be fair?



  3. [quote name='presoulnation' post='17728' date='Jun 14 2007, 05:27 PM']I love the geetars. I'm big into the Steph Carpenter models and they play really really nice. Not so keen on the basses though.[/quote]

    Ah man I've always wanted to play one of those! What they like?

  4. My bass teacher basically said that he'd taken me as far as he could with bass guitar, and being the jazz and soul fiend that he is he decided to start me on double bass (this was two years ago). Bless 'im lol I love the guy. Really talented bloke, if anyone lives in Oxfordshire and wants lessons I can give you his deets.

    I reckon you should go for lessons mate, it manages to be an entirely different beast to the bass guitar, yet somehow oddly manages to make you feel at home. You won't regret it. While I play bass guitar more than double bass, it's still shummat I definitely won't be giving up in the near future.

    My 2 cents


  5. [quote name='NJW' post='16706' date='Jun 13 2007, 10:02 AM']back (slightly) on topic - as bill fitz said somewhere recently... Theres no replacement for displacement! This thread has given me GAS for the impracticality of an 8x10 again![/quote]

    Well if you want one you know who to come to :)

  6. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='16067' date='Jun 12 2007, 09:53 AM']has ABM production (and the new stuff - can't remember what it's called) switched to China as well?[/quote]


    Yeah, the ABM series is now manufactured in china, though there are some new british made ABM's floating around, you just gotta look for them.

    The Klystron heads and Neo cabs are still made in the UK though.

    Hope that helps...

  7. [quote name='NJW' post='15638' date='Jun 11 2007, 03:09 PM']exactly. I hope one day he tries to pile 20 of them, vertically, and the whole thing comes crashing down on top of his root notes.[/quote]

    meow...! :)

  8. From what I've played:

    looks the mutts nutts, plays and finished like sh!t.

    However I've only ever played the lower-mid end LTD's, so I can't really judge on anything higher than that. Love the guitars tho...

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