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Posts posted by ashevans09

  1. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='91873' date='Nov 20 2007, 10:27 PM']The only relation between today's Kustom and that which came out of Chanute, Kansas three decades ago is the spelling of the name. It's all Asian now, mostly at the lower midrange of the quality scale. Roughly equivalent to lower end Peavey, for example.[/quote]

    Hmm, I'd disagree with you on that - my guitarist uses a Kustom 4x12 with his NYC Tech 21 head and it sounds absolutely awesome. However he did pay fair whack for it. Maybe there's a large difference in quality between lower end and higher end kustom cabs?

  2. Hi there,

    Just done a quick search and it's yielded nowt, but is there a bass version of those little mini rigs you can attach to your belt?

    In this kind of vein:


    Anyone seen one?

    Cheers, :)


  3. [quote name='misrule' post='84559' date='Nov 6 2007, 06:57 PM']I use an SVT-3 Pro, which I also like despite its reputation as being under-powered.

    I believe Mr Hoppus also has a couple of them. :)



    +1 for an SVT-3 Pro, I absolutely love mine, and coupled with the 8 ohm version of the cab you're looking at I really can't see me changing anything about my set up for a very long time. However, if you get the opportunity to try it all out first, take it - some people hate the ampeg tone.

    Also I thought Mark Hoppus was an SVT-4 man?

    EDIT: Realised there was a comment that could have derailed the topic. Sorry!

  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='84015' date='Nov 5 2007, 03:26 PM']Cunning Linguists?

    Ah balls, beaten to the punch. "Lingus" is just too close to "Linguists" eh?

    Baaaaack to the drawing board...

    On the other hand though they are playing their last gig soon... :ph34r:

  5. [quote name='Viajero' post='71664' date='Oct 9 2007, 03:35 PM']A band name shouldn't be too defining - it's like being called Dennis and finding yourself working as a lion tamer: it might seem a little out of character in the future.

    So, my advice is to get together with your bandmates and get utterly ruined (using the intoxicant of your choice). Get the banter going, and something will come along. It's worked for me on a couple of occasions.[/quote]

    Unfortunately for me this resulted in the band name "Cunning Lingus".

    no. Just no. :)

  6. Hello there,

    I'm looking to get a rack tuner, and was just wondering what alternatives I had to behringer or Korg. I have nothing against Korg, in fact I'm considering buying a korg tuner, but I just really want to assess my options first :)

    Thanks for any help,


    Also, what differences are there between the Korg DTR-1000 and the DTR-2000?

  7. Howdy there,

    Any idea how much the road ready cabs are worth second hand? Thinking more 4x10's, 2x15's etc. Assuming good condition?

    Any help appreciated :)


  8. What it says on the tin really, 2U rack, I think it's wood. Deep enough to hold an SVT-3 with looooots of room at the back. Been gigged alot, so bares appropriate scarring. Still in good condition, no cracks etc.

    Looking for £25 + pnp, though I'd prefer a pick up, cos it'll probably cost more to send it than it costs.

    PM for more info/pics :)



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