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Posts posted by scojack

  1. Looking forward to having a listen to this when i get home. Saw Garbarek and Weber together a good few times over the years with their own bands.
    Can't help but have a wee tear in my eye to see him still playing with Rainer Bruninghaus too...but no Weber. :(

    Ah well time moves on i suppose ..


  2. If we are talking a standard neck through then i'd say the bolt on is the fiddliest as there is a bit more work required to fit the neck.

    [i][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]An original Neck Through...[/font][/size][/i]

    There are the more complex NT's where the neck wood is faced over at the front/back of the body (likes Andys builds )...

    ..i'd say these were about the same in terms of difficulty.


  3. No it's fine Jabba thanks........ you've got more than enough to be getting on with ;) .
    I was thinking of a wee floating job to allow me a degree of intonation adjustment, there was a big difference on my last 5 string so i'd worry about settling on a fixed bridge.
    Have you had any thoughts on the electrics...mixing the piezo/mags ?


  4. Aaarrggghh as if this wasn't bad enough ...when i looked at this I got Mr Sausage Fingers (who's real name shall not be uttered)..... flogging an HB for folks with shovels for hands as an ebay 'Suggestion'
    .. Aaah MY EYES !!!

  5. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1455109023' post='2975944']
    This is the one that really comes to mind for me. Jack Lancaster's prog production of Peter and the wolf. Used to play this a lot.

    Judging by the list below, he had a rather well connected phone book.

    [color=#000000]The Cast:[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Narrator / Vivian Stanshall[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Peter / Manfred Mann[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Bird / Gary Brooker[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Duck / Chris Spedding[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Duck / Gary Moore[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Cat / Stephane Grappelli[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Wolf / Brian Eno[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Pond / Keith Tippett[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Grandfather / Jack Lancaster[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Hunters / Jon Hiseman, Bill Bruford, Cozy Powell, Phil Collins[/color]

    [color=#000000]Additional Musicians:[/color]
    [color=#000000]- John Goodsall, Pete Haywood, Alvin Lee / guitars[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Percy Jones, Andy Pyle, Dave Marquee / bass[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Robin Lumley / keyboards[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Cozy Powell & Phil Collins / drums[/color]
    [color=#000000]- Bernie Frost, Julie Tippetts, The English Chorale / vocals[/color]

    Never heard/seen this definately going to check it out.

    Another one for the pot....

    Days Of Future Passed - Moody Blues

  6. I don't understand how a marginal difference in string height can be causing so much problems.
    Surely if you have a light touch...its the same whether the string height is low or high??

    I'm assuming the techique problems are with your right hand .

    Maybe you are sub-consciously digging in more with your right hand when the strings are slightly higher ?
    With action set very very low you have no option and need a light touch or the strings will buzz. Take the action up a bit and you can play harder before the strings start to buzz. Maybe you are just playing a little harder and not noticing it ?

    Just a thought..

  7. Well he's still recording/gigging so it will get a lot more use in his mits...belated xmas present.
    Must admit it was quite a wrench to see it go and am missing noodlin' on it already was just getting used to navigating the extra string, defo now a 5 string convert don't know why i didn't try it years ago.

    PS I left the walnut 4string behind, it will probably go to the bottom of the todo pile tbh, off to pursue the bottom B :D

  8. Its gone :unsure: ...my Brother was so taken with this bass ........he took it !! :)
    He's had the same fless Wal ProII for over 30 years and really likes this (praise indeed), so the old girl from High Wycombe is getting retired.
    Thinking this years projects will be a fretted version of the above and possibly a short scale Turner/Allen inspired job,
    Thanks for reading
    Ian Mid

  9. Strings on and finished !
    Plays really well (I would say that though) and the sound from the MM pup is thunderous :) its a 2 coil Alnico job and im really impressed.
    Thought i would miss the second pickup but not a bit of it, there's plenty of adjustment from the controls for my taste. Its a G&B preamp with B/M/T,,simple.
    (better photos)

    Sweet :)


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