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Posts posted by bartelby

  1. 5 minutes ago, Franticsmurf said:

    Not really sure what kind of cardboard to be honest, but I suspect a laminate of some kind. I do like the natural finish, but I was hoping for a little more corrugated effect.

    Maybe it's a Chinese ripoff... Chardboard?


    Nice bass btw :D

    • Thanks 1
  2. Recently I’ve been listening to a fair bit of early 90s Shoegaze.

    So when I saw the Catalinbread Soft Focus I quickly crumbled and ordered one. I also got a NUX Time Core pedal as I wanted a delay with tails.


    Whilst I got these primarily to use with guitar, I’ve just had a play with a bass through them.

    The delay is great for £60. Up to 2000ms delay, 40 sec looper, tap tempo and tails. It does a lot. I may keep this for bass and use my EHX Memory Man tt550 for guitar.


    The Catalinbread is their version of the Yamaha fx500’s Soft Focus patch ( think subtle shimmer reverb with subtler modulation), but with tweakable settings. It’s kind of a one trick pony, but it does it very well.


    But running a bass through you can get really nice, dark sounding, pad style sounds. Chuck in the delay before, do some volume swells and add a few string squeaks and you get awesome atmospheric synth sounds and noises.



  3. 25 minutes ago, bloke_zero said:

    It took me quite a while to find all the parts (at least an hour looking differnt places) so there is that too - along with the heartbreak of having ineveitably ordered the wrong part for something key!



    One reason I haven't gone anywhere near anything like this for a few years is I absolutely hate sourcing components.

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