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Posts posted by Badass

  1. A no name EB3 copy was the worst Bass I even owned. Bought it when I was a wee lad, back in 1974 so I could be like Jack Bruce. It sounded terrible, with strings so high I could limbo under them...On the positive side, I ended up with strong fingers, and I realised it was Stanley, not Jack that I wanted to emulate back them.

    :sigh: Oh how times change :)

  2. The latest bassist with Bonamassa, Carmine Rojas...

    Think I have seen pictures of him sporting an ESP, and talk of him using Eden in 2008...No mention of his latest rig though when I've searched.

    Does anyone know what rig he uses now?

  3. I used to do this a long time ago. I used this pedal:-

    Bass into the input of pedal, and two leads out to the preamps. One was an Ampeg SVP pro preamp, which then went to my hartke 7000 head active input, and the other straight into the Hartke. Worked great but I felt it was over kill, So never used it for long.

    Very simple to wire, and did the job for me.

    Still have the pedal if you want to try it :)

  4. Hmmm....I am going to have to try this out on the main rig and the combos. Never had a master past 12 o'clock on any amp, and I have been in some loud bands in the last 40 years! Most gigs we do now the master is never more than about 8 or 9 o'clock. I understand the reasoning, it just seemed an alien way of setting the volume level to me.

    [b]Dave Vader[/b] maybe you're right and the boost is the gain. I seem to remember the GK RB700 set up clipped night and day with any bass.

    [b]chris_b[/b] Only ever got to use an SVT and 8x10 in anger once, but yeah a mighty sounding set up. If you have a roadie :)

  5. I have been looking at some of the new neo speaker cabs / combos on offer, and I came across this snippet from a GK manual...Preamp headroom maybe?

    [quote]5. Level and Master Volume settings:
    Set the master volume to 3 o'clock. (MB210,
    MB115 and MB212 only) While playing, turn
    the input gain up to the desired volume level.[/quote]

    I have always, in 40 years of playing, set the gain then the master.

    Anyone else do it the way described by GK?

  6. This the one [b]casapete[/b], I tried a search on that site and drew a blank?

    [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_jumbo_akustikbass_case.htm"]BASS CASE[/url]

    Have the same Takamine Bass, and still looking for a case to fit

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