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Posts posted by FLoydElgar

  1. Lol, I suggest being capable of doing anything that is required for the music.... Technique is only a tool in making music... If you practice both surely you can never become unstuck? Just practice slow and increase tempo... with everything you do. Or see a tutor... More than likely, they are going to say the same thing!

  2. @Pete, [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgMKftB_aOM[/media]
    Let me know what you think ;- ) Some interesting ideas on using the double basses capabilities, IMO :D
    I recommend you buy the Duncan McTier's 3 albums of Amazon.. You'll have plenty of some of the finest music to listen to!

  3. Great Website Geoff :D Great Quality vids for this very part of the forum!

    I think it would be cool to expand on your left hand technique vid as its great!
    A suggestion would be -
    Mention in a future video expanding on how the hand shape in the half position requires a bigger distance from the G# to the A

    An exercise for that would be A harmonic Minor scale (Neil Tarlton stresses this in his Beggining scales book) and Duncan's Daily exercise no. 4 :D
    Really cool to see this type of info is free for everyone :D

    Great work Geoff!

  4. If I was you I would just take it the shop and have them sort it out...
    Do not let the sound post drop and do not play around with taking the bridge off yourself... Be Carefull you have 5 steel strings holding all that tension together if your sound post is in the wrong place from the bridge.... add some serious damage to dat bass :D
    As you don't know what you're doing... Be safe and spend ££ if you have it... And goodluck welcome to the dark side!

  5. I suppose as musicians we all want to try new things... i.e.. P bass, Jazz bass, Ken smith, new pickups new strings, new amps etc...
    I've been experimenting myself...

    I have recently moved over to the Cello Rosin and can only see the benefits in why so many pros use it in the Orchestra... Bigger sound, easier to control dynamics and the overall improvement is amazing....

    If you have a spare £10 kicking around.... instead of buying 4 Jagerbombs (tasty) grab yourself some new rosin and experiment! : D


    I am using Kaplan Artkraft light Rosin around £6.50 inc pp - i think I bought it on string Zone..
    It does the job at the mo but am looking at getting Goldflex string rosin in the next few following months!

  6. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1375727797' post='2164862']
    Duncan McTiers dailies are great but I think will only help indirectly with making big leaps up the fingerboard? ( there aren't any large interval exercises there but some excellent ones for developing accuracy by 'climbing' the fingerboard ).

    I wouldn't rush such a thing if you want great results! Reason why I said Duncan's exercises... Is because assuming one isn't too familiar with the rosin end of the bass! This would facilitate the hand with correct shape and all etc... So when you come across the vomits or those types of various exercises your hand goes into position as you have practiced it previously! Instead of "finding the note" and praying to the high gods for a miracle lol!


  7. Sorry to say there is no good resources other than a tutor... With the vids you are only going to gather information on how to use the bow.. Whereas a tutor will be able to tweak any queries you have... Just pay.. as its all an investment... You can buy books and watch vids but end of the day you are going to need solid guidance to make a good sound.


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