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Posts posted by 12stringbassist

  1. You could always stick a small mixer in front of the rigs and re EQ the output to the guitar amp to trim
    the bottom end off. A guitar amp is never going to put enough out to carry to an audience without the
    speakers dying.

    I'd still say you'll never get a 12 strings ound from a 4 string. I reckon you'll be very happy with the sound
    if you get an 8 string bass and a mix of 10 / 15" speakers.

  2. I think a lot of what Tom does is, shall we say, 'experimental' and a lot of it is for show (tbh).
    The spillage from string impact between the pickups surely negates the individual outputs.
    there is no way to separate signal from the bass strings and drone strings. As soon as you
    get hold of a 12er, you'll see that. It's the same as a 12 string guitar.

    He is certainly going to be able to fine tune his sound between the rigs, but I reckon you can
    get a great overall sound with what i have, without resorting to an arena size bass rig!.

    He uses the Rickenbacker cabinet and Reeves / Hi Watts.
    I think the AC30's are Robin's.

  3. I'd also throw in playing at a Licensed Victualers function near Lancaster a number of years ago.
    I won't name the venue, as someone could be really upset if it turned up on Google.

    The 60's cabaret band I was playing with at the time noticed a disturbance about 60 feet away in the distance across the dancefloor and someone motioned for us to stop playing. One of the guitarists walked over to have a look and came back to pronounce that some poor chap had keeled over at the edge of the dancefloor. It didn't look at all good: "Brown bread" he said. Oh Sh*t.

    We stayed around the stage as a few people rushed around to sort things out. The DJ who we worked with quite regularly when we played there was taking advantage of the fact that his ever-present girlfriend wasn't there that night and was esconsed upstairs in a room, "conversing at length" in a redced-clothing situation with another young lady.

    He wasn't around to put any quiet mood music on, so the organisers asked us to carry on playing. The scene across the dance floor was looking worse. Chap not getting up, his wife was hysterical, not at all good or at all conducive to playing. BUT, we soldiered on as instructed, to the disbelief of about 75 of the punters. Some callous pigs actually were dancing within 10 feet of the guy, while his wife could be heard crying above the band. Appalling.

    Next song on list - Heartbeat. I don't think so...

    Fortunately, the Ambulance people came in, waved quite firmly for us to stop as they entered.
    That was it, game over. Never have I been so relieved to see the uniforms turn up.

  4. The last gig I did with my previous band.... a sax player got up to make tooting, burping and farting
    noises for the whole of the second spot.... and stood in front of me, using my mic. Arrangements went
    out of the window. Absolute chaos. The singer was pissed out of his tiny mind and thought it was the
    best gig we'd ever done. When I parted with the band, I took the guitarist with me.

    Photos exist of that gig - I can't even bear to look at them 4 months later.

  5. My standard reply is that I wish other manufacturers had the wit, imagination and enough ideas
    not to just use old Fender designs. There are endless other shapes they could dream up, but no -
    another P bass or Jazz bass design turns up every few weeks. Pointless.

    If I want a Pbass shaped bass, it will be a Fender (or even a Squier).
    Anything else is just a copy, whether it's more expensive or not, and doesn't really interest me at all.

  6. This is the one I'd have to save from a burning building, as it's totally irreplaceable.

    My #1 go-to bass is either (active) Warwick Steamer Chrome Tone, or (passive) Midnight blue Ric 4003.

  7. [b]Gibson SG Supreme[/b] - limited edition made one month only.
    The maple top gives a lovely treble you don't often find on an EB3 type bass.

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