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Posts posted by beardybass

  1. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQTSYzuu9g"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQTSYzuu9g[/url]

    Deon Estus interview, he seems like a really cool guy! He has a short jam by himself at about 12 and a half minutes in.

  2. I would absolutely, unreservedly recommend Neil Harland! He was my teacher at Newcastle College a couple of years ago, Also Ian Paterson, he's a mate of mine and an absolutely crackin' guy! Also, Neil is indeed the salt of the earth!

  3. Good to see everyone being so positive about this like! See that's the upside of places like this, there are people like 51mon who can say, "this guy talks cack, ignore him!" Of course I'm aware of his playing, but I've never come across any of his rants before, if they're all like this, I'll not bother eh!

    If you think about it, it's really fairly irresponsible of the man to be saying things like this in an internationally recognise publication! People of his stature should be setting a positive example for younger players, not telling them that their dreams will go unfulfilled and they'll have to work in Morrisons (I'm paraphrasing slightly here)

    I also believe the future of live music is safe, I know I'll never get sick of gigs (playing and watching) and I'm sure as hell not the only one!

  4. I found this today, during one of my hugely productive procrastination sessions. Depressed me fairly thoroughly! How about you guys?

    [b]Anthony Jackson
    It’s always fascinating to force the future to show itself. You can imagine anything you want, think hard about it, and convince yourself that it’s an accurate prediction. So: My turn.

    Within 20 years only a handful of large recording studios will remain, catering only to orchestras and other large ensembles. Midsize rooms will disappear with the proliferation of moderately priced, super-high-fidelity, solid-state recorders that can be used in the home; the present dominance of hard disk will end, barely a decade after it destroyed magnetic tape. Session work will continue to be done, but remote Internet recording, already increasing, will dominate music production, and iTunes and illegal live recording will make it almost impossible for musicians to prosper from their work. Nightclubs catering to live music will largely cease to exist. Musicians will find themselves relegated to local and statesponsored “performance organizations” and university-funded groups. An era of threadbare culture, already descending, will worsen. Case in point: the appallingly corrupt American Idol and Making the Band (where there is no “band,” and the “singers”—few if any of whom can sing without the intervention of Auto- Tune—are clearly unconcerned about music, only with thrusting asses and spastic dance steps) point to a future that will worsen before it improves.

    None will escape this scenario—including us. Only the strongest, in any field of art, will prosper. Live music will never end, but the tradition of musicians, musicians everywhere—in small clubs, large clubs, halls, outdoor venues, summer jazz festivals, live TV—will not return in abundance until our popular culture begins to evolve again. Twenty years? Maybe, but I think it may be longer. Still, I sincerely believe good times for artists will return. Hypothetical advice to all of us players: Play well, to give our instrument its best chance to survive this era, where a “musician” is too often anyone who can press a PLAY button

  5. Alrighty there,

    How goes it? I always fancied an Overwater like, but I never quite managed to get the pennies together. Are you from that neck of the woods? I like fretless like, it's always a good time! How's the Mark bass amp sound?


  6. [quote name='metaltime' post='463174' date='Apr 15 2009, 05:13 PM']alright sir.

    Dan is a legend and an epic player good to have you on board even though you are an arse :) :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Cheers for that clown shoes, I'm struggling with my photo though, it won't let me change it! I notice most people seem to have more than one photo, so I think I'm missing something!! How do you do it!

    (by the way, to anyone reading this, me and Andrew have been best friends since we were kids, we're not just hurling random weird abuse at each other)

  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='461792' date='Apr 14 2009, 08:18 AM']Oh :)

    Anyone want to donate me a really fab EUB then :D[/quote]

    Hi there,

    I've just got myself an Aria SWB, for the same reasons as you! It's a good bass (in my humble opinion!) and since you were saying that feel and size are more important than spot-on sound, I reckon it might be a good option.

    I bought mine here in Japan, so I'm not sure where you can get them in the U.K. I know they have them on www.thomann.de not sure how you'd feel about mail order though, also I'm not sure about how they hold up price wise.

    In short... good bass, worth a look.

    Hope that helps :rolleyes:

  8. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='463099' date='Apr 15 2009, 03:52 PM']Good to know you've still got the 6-string even if it's not out there with you.

    The shop ain't there anymore - I had a minor heart attack a year and a half ago and am now semi-retired but once you come back to the UK you can still keep in touch as I have a little workshop out west in Throckley and would be happy to give the 6 a service as and when required.[/quote]

    I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad you got over it though. Real shame the shop's not there anymore, that was a great little place, you had all sorts of cool stuff in there! Good to know you've still got something going on, I'll definitely want to get it road worthy again when I get back!

  9. Hey guys, thanks for the replies :)

    Good to hear from you Howard, how you been? I couldn't bring the sixth string over, so it's bein' looked after by my Dad back in Durham! I spoke to him today, says he's been playin' it a lot! That's a great bass mate! You should be well chuffed with that, I really miss it actually, makes me feel good to have the first one like!

    As for the playin' side of things, I've done a couple of gigs over here, a lot of jazz goin' on, people are all about the live jazz in Japan like! But no, I'm not playing professionally, I'm actually working at a private English conversation school, planning to head back to the U.K. in a few months to get back to playing.

    I thought I wanted to take a break from studying and playing music, turns out, nope, I didn't want that at all!

    I thought this forum would be a good way to keep in touch with the back home bass community.

    If anyone has any Japan or Japanese related questions, gimme a bell!


  10. Afternoon/ evening/ mornin'

    I'm new to the forum, been playing bass for about 8 years ish. I studied at Newcastle college of music then decided to try something new, so I buggered off to Japan, whichis where I am now.

    Back home I played mainly upright, a cheapo stentor guy, but also a six string yamaha a four string peavey and a fretless six string that I had made for me by a guy in Newcastle.

    Over here I've got a japanese fender jazz (which is awesome by the way, if anyone is considering one, I say do it!) and an Aria electric upright bassy-thingy.

    Interestingly enough, I bought a 100watt Laney amp over here, and it cost me less than the 60 watt one I bought back in the U.K. which is of course where the company is from! What's that all about!!

    Anyhoo.... Hello


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