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Posts posted by beardybass

  1. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='903451' date='Jul 23 2010, 05:19 PM']Garethox, I'd probably ignore what thisnameistaken has to say, he's the sort of person that likes to throw rocks at things and see what happens on impact. For what it's worth though, Entwhistle and McCartney were both great players, not worth comparing in the least as they are most massively different.[/quote]

    Not particularly helpful there captain, if you don't like what someone says or the way they conduct themselves just ignore them. That kind of comment helps nobody, and can unfortunately contribute to threads getting silly and being closed.

    I like Come Together and Taxman, they've got cool bass lines, I'm not a big beatles fan really, so I don't know much else. I don't like The Who much to be honest, and I don't like his daft pointy basses either.

  2. I'm with Bilbo, he's a great player but his music leaves much to be desired. I went through a phase where I bought loads of his stuff, then realised I could only listen to it for about 30 seconds before turning it off and putting something with songs in it in the cd player. I'm almost scared to say this, but I find Miles Davis really rather tedious too. :ph34r: :)

  3. You might be able to get it with a pair of needle-nosed pliers, careful not to scratch or bend anything inside though! Also, to echo what others have said TURN IT OFF FIRST!! If you don't feel like you want to do anything, take it to a shop, should be easy enough for them to sort it out.

  4. I think basses look a lot COOLER than guitars on the whole, there's something about the big, chunky nature of them that I really like. I agree with the headless thing, they look all wrong. There are some really nice guitars though, I happen to know that one of our fellow basschatters has a relative with a VERY nice VERY old, Les Paul...

  5. It does sound wee bit lacklustre, I've always really liked Nick Fyffes playing the best, but the playing on this is nice too, I agree with crez5150, synkronized is an awesome album, especially Black Capricorn Day.

    @OldGit :)

  6. That one isn't actually being sold by Amazon, it's being sold by Ikebe music. I had a look and it says that if they do international delivery it would say so on the product page, which it doesn't, so they might not. It also says in the product description that the bass is new but very slightly scratched, there are no photo's of that, so you don't really know what yer getting. They seem to be selling them off cheap because they're not in good enough condition to sell at full price. That one also has American pickups rather than Japanese ones, don't know whether that would affect your wanting to buy it or not.

    Hope that was helpful in some way! :)

  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='877902' date='Jun 26 2010, 12:46 AM']Just pick one. It doesn't mean you have to stop playing the other one.[/quote]


    Just because you specialise in one, doesn't mean the other one will disappear from your life, I went to college and Uni with lots of people who played more than one instrument, the emphasis in any course should be on being a MUSICIAN not a bass or guitar holder. I think you're getting yourself wound up over nowt to be honest with you. Pick the one you think you'll do best at.

  8. +1 on the Hercules, I used a couple, one of them to hold a Yamaha 6-string and the other to hold the 6 that our very own Howard built for me :)
    Never had any problems with them. I recommend 'em.

  9. [quote name='BigRedX' post='844271' date='May 21 2010, 02:44 PM']Japan - have a great time in one of the most interesting countries in the world and pick up a bass or two while you're out there.[/quote]

    The man speaks the truth! Unfortunately, in-store prices seem to have gone up a bit here recently, but they may still be cheaper than the U.K. I'm not sure.

  10. Don't think it's the music or the instrument, it seems to be the drugs, alcohol, and ...er... pneumonia :)

    Something to think about though isn't it. Bass players are like the 'token (insert adjective here) character' from Hollywood movies, everyone likes us, but as soon as things get heated, we're f***ed!

  11. I only have two here, I have a few more gathering dust at my parents' house, but I asked my Dad to sell a couple a couple of years ago, so now I can't remember what I've got! (I don't have that many, but my memory can't cope with the time difference.)

    At the moment I'm getting along swimmingly with a Japanese jazz (my first ever Fender) and an Aria 'leccy upright. GAS free as well. :)

  12. I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say, I'd take the VV Brown gig (or any of the ones in Silddx's sig for that matter) over the Mike Stern one any day of the week, sorry.

    People need to get over this myth that jazz is the be-all and end-all of creativity in music, some of it is great, but that doesn't mean that other gigs are devoid of worth, or not fulfilling.

    maybe, just maybe, they took the gigs because they wanted to, and they enjoy them.:ph34r:

  13. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='812135' date='Apr 20 2010, 12:31 AM']Oh and next time I walk into a venue and the sound guy looks like he's trying to look all moody I'm turning around and walking out again. We're there to play rock star, not you. Turn our f***ing mics on and sort out our f***ing monitor mix, you can update your Facebook status and order your pizza when you've spent five minutes doing your f***ing job.[/quote]

    haha, excellent!

    That is weird though, I reckon you're right about it being the way they play. They probably don't put enough oomph into it!

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