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Posts posted by Stacker

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='578082' date='Aug 23 2009, 10:26 AM']I know a guy who took his Telecaster in to the repair guy above Rockers and asked for a curve to be made in the back to make it more comfortable, he went back SIX months later and the guy had painted it black and asked for £150 when the guy said he didn't ask for it to be painted he started shouting c**t at him and charging at him frm across the room, he still hasn't got his guitar back but he was offered the body back with no hardware on in a bag.[/quote]

    Man, that is scary! Did he not get the cops involved?

    This is becoming an interesting thread. ANy more scary stories?

  2. I awlays pay a visit to DS whenever I'm in London, just to see what's one the go. Some of the prices, esp in V&R, are a bit steep, in my books. Was in there last month whilst visiting a mate in London and spotted a lovely 66(?) Jazz in CAR. Some Spanish guy was playing it and it sounded hot! Him and his missus were going on about it (they looked like they had coin). On the way out I asked how much; '£7k' came the reply. Woooo.........

    And then on to Andys, where I saw a lovely Danelectro baritone guitar, large bodied, vintage finish. For the first time in my life I felt a purchase at DS coming to fruition but at £800? No thanks.

    MG are bad enough but their pals up north are the most condescending lot ever! Didn't they somehow get ahold of Chris Squire's old 21-fret 4001 a few years back?

  3. [quote name='robocorpse' post='566297' date='Aug 11 2009, 10:00 PM']. Also, I looked for, and subsequently found the bailiffs/liquidators auction of Andys remaining stock when they cleared the shop, and got in on the action early enough to get a couple of cracking vintage instruments for less than the price of a Squier. Lose some, win some.[/quote]

    Good man! Did you phone them and noise them up about that? :)

  4. [quote name='KevB' post='576753' date='Aug 21 2009, 03:06 PM']I'm a bit disappointed at the finish discolouration and the fingerboard varnish issue but still a desirable object![/quote]

    I'm disappointed as well, but please remember I've had the bass for 5 years and it came to me with the lacquer issue and it hasn't gotten any worse in that time span. The leaching issue was borne out of ignorance of how the CV would react with guitar stands and there are a lot of RIC owners out there who've got guitars blemished in this manner. Apparently, RIC are moving away from the CV finish.

  5. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='576616' date='Aug 21 2009, 12:40 PM']Nick (if I buy it, I will have two! mwahaha!) - you can just see mine in the far right of my avatar![/quote]

    It's the bass that stands out the most, even at that resolution!

  6. Ladies & gentlemen, it is not without considerable reluctance that I offer, for your consideration, this 1993 Rickenbacker 4001CS outfit, complete with original case, certificate and case candy which includes: the German distributor's hanging tag; the original RIC North American warranty document (still 100% intact); the RIC owner's maintenance manual; RIC polishing cloth. Additional candy includes a large poster of [i]Schindleria praematurus[/i] himself along with a review of the instrument and an interview with CS, taken from two contemporary trade magazines. £1119.50 at 1991 prices, eh?

    Points to note:-
    [*]raising of lacquer in upper regions of neck; no actual absence
    [*]reaction in pickguard around front pup mounts (common on the CS)
    [*]red leach mark near rear strap-pin; this was a reaction to foam on gtr stand

    No other issues.

    Interesting to note that I only found out about the propensity for finish reaction to certain guitar stands within the RIC conversion varnish months after I'd noticed it. RIC doesn't advertise this (not to my knowledge) and only when commenting on it on the official RIC forum did I discover that they've known about it all along. Strange that they offer no warning at point of sale. I have had three Ricks' finish flawed by this reaction. Anyway, moan over.

    The instrument has never been gigged by me and it is my belief I am the second owner, given that I bought it from Germany where it was imported (see dealer's card). This bass has been in my posession for about 5 years and has been kept in its case ever since the reaction with the guitar stand. I would mark this bass 9.5 out of a score of 10. Please also note that this is one of the models with the slimmer neck and smaller 'cresting wave' on the headstock. There are quite a few that were made with fatter necks and headstocks when RIC, bizarrely and in the middle of a prodcution run, changed the template of the V63, which is the bass the CS takes it's footprint from

    This instrument is offered for sale within the British Isles, ROI and Europe; I will not ship anywhere else. Furthermore, I also request that, should the instrument sell, the buyer [i]must[/i] arrange his own courier and insurance; this is not open to dialogue. Sorry if that appears a bit of a bind but those are my terms. Collection in person is also welcome; home try-outs are not. No trades.

    Ok, here are a couple of pix for starters:-

  7. CS bass (with certificate in the 400s) and silver RIC case. All VGC. No issues apart from a small reaction in the finish near the rear strap button and slight lifting of the lacquer on three of the higher frets; no lacquer missing. Monster sound. Pix available soon and on personal request.

  8. Ahh, an Ibanez MC 924 bass, just like the one I had in 1983, though from what I remember the active circuit was a bit harsh and the front pup was a bit of a thumper. Having said that, it was one of the first truly affordable basses (along with Aria) to hit the scene. I was a big Mark King fan at the time and I used to string it with Superwounds (the ones where you had to cut the string and loop it back through the ball-end). You can't actually see it in the pix but the finish was a pearl white that spakled slightly depending on which angle you looked at it. I also have a feeling they did a short run of these in zebrawood.

  9. You are correct about the CS.

    The three Ricks are being kept and the savings are being raided.

    And selling something to buy something else? Sure, done it many a time and regretted it only a few. That XL2A in my avatar pic? BAck in the day I sold my old Vauxhall Cavalier to cover the cost of getting that, using the logic that I could always get another car but maybe never another XL2A. ^_^ The only time that backfired on me bigstyle was when I sold a fretted and fretless Warwick Thumb for a Warwick Dolphin ProI. Again, the 'do your homework' rule wnet right out the window chased by impetuosity and I landed the newer Ovangkol version which I hated and not the older Boire version that I coveted. Did get a Boire one eventually.

    Howz about a pic of that '69 4001 SS73?

  10. Thinks it's just the angle I took the pic at, although the CS has a longer, skinnier upper horn (starts [i]on[/i] the 20th fret, not in between like the others) and a good bit of wood taken out fusther down the curve. The neck is slightly longer, too, but then the bridge assembly is slightly further forward than on the '73s.

  11. Ok, here's the three Rick basses I have left (660DCM left out for obv reason).

    The one in the middle is another '73 that came to me as a botch refin. I sanded it back, sealed it and kept it nice and natural. Put a 4003 7-screw bridge and a horsey on it.[attachment=31082:CIMG1421.JPG]

  12. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='572612' date='Aug 18 2009, 08:52 AM']I think it's the silver XL2..........


    No, but I've just had a look at that! never ever heard of a silver one before. I have an XL2A, though.

    The bass I was after was a 20th Anniv Stingray fretless. I sat there and watched it tick down to zero without bidding. Later on in the evening I decided that I would rob the savings after all so I emailed the guy asking if was going to relist and I haven't heard anything back.

    Moral: He who hesitates is bassless!

  13. [quote name='4000' post='572600' date='Aug 18 2009, 08:27 AM']Sell the '73. To me. :rolleyes: (I've actually got one incoming so unfortunately couldn't afford it at the mo. Be interested to see it though!). Seriously, depending on condition of all 3 I'd sell the DCM, and not just because it's a guitar. Edit; just read the rest of the thread. Doh!!!!!

    We still want pictures though!!!!! :)[/quote]

    What of? The two Rick basses?

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