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Posts posted by Stacker

  1. [quote name='Delberthot' post='639317' date='Oct 28 2009, 07:13 PM']I nearly caused an all out riot when I suggested on the Rickresource that it could be a copy. Rickenbacker did produce limited amounts of custom stuff in the early 70s but this one could also have had a new fretboard. It could also be a copy which would mean that the really expensive 4003LK is a folly. i say copy - get it round them.[/quote]

    Those guys on rickresource are a right bunch of dummy-spitters. Say what you want, mate!

  2. +1 to letting it go and bump him as a mate. Hard to do but so is life, mate! It would cost you more than the bass is worth to get a refin, too.

    Never lend your bass/guitar to [i]no one[/i]! I played a Fresher's Ball a good many years ago and when I turned up the main band (whose egos were then expanding having just supported the Rolling Stones in Edinburgh) were in crisis: their bass player's only bass was broken and the sound check was in progress. I had my brand new Status Seris II with me that night and the sound crew leaned on me to lend the bass to the main act. I refused and got bawled out by the ginormous FOH sound man, saying that the gig couldn't go ahead otherwise. As a reluctant young man I relented, asking that the bass was returned to me personally by the bassist. It wasn't.

    I had to go looking for it. It took me ages and by the time I found it - sitting alone in an empty make-shift dressing room -
    it was covered in scratches and one of the pots was loose. I vowed then never to lend anyone anything. But I did, years later, with an old P-bass. Took months to get it back. It stank of fags and beer and had a few more scratches.

    Just don't do it.

  3. [quote name='fatback' post='631371' date='Oct 20 2009, 02:36 PM']I wouldn;t worry in the slightest; Getty won't care about marked images. What they do worry about are the non-watermarked versions of these images. The ones here are just like contact prints, for viewing only. Also, if they want a take-down, they'll ask for one.



    I don't think Marshall, Gibson or whomever makes Derek's FrankenRay whould clamour for their pound of flesh from a photo that is, in essence, in the public domain! I could remove that Gettymark but it would take a wee while and surfing for bass is... well, there's not that much time, is there?

  4. It's cak. For a kick-off look how close the bridge is to the rear pup, or rather how far it is away from the rear of the body, assuming the body is of true JB proportions. So, scale length wrong and if it's a standard neck it may not intonate properly. The string spacing looks bogus as well. Avoid!

  5. [quote name='philw' post='629735' date='Oct 18 2009, 07:31 PM']Don't even think about Photoshop to erase the credit. First you'll probably never manage it without leaving a visible trace. Second an outfit like Getty Images will still be after you anyway, and thirdly the images are probably additionally watermarked with far more subtlety than just the big Getty Images logo. Oh and fourth, using somebody else's image without permission is just as unethical as using somebody's music without permission. All of us here would be justly annoyed if somebody copied a recording we'd made and posted it all over the web. It's no different for photographers.

    Sure, on an image with a watermark; I meant images in general that have, say, a corner credit.

    Re using somebody's image: whilst I take your point, to a degree, we're always trying to show things/describe things to each other on any forum so what are we supposed to do? Avoid the 'right-click' trigger-finger? Take the time to find/email the copyrightholder for their permission to use a few pix? C'mon. man, life's too short for that! It would be a different kettle of fish if you were lifting stuff willy-nilly and putting it in an actual publication, but on a net forum for the purposes of discussion??

  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='630913' date='Oct 19 2009, 11:01 PM']Gotta say, Rich, the fiesta red roadworn Jazz does look very nice - and it sounds great too, judging by the clip you posted a few days ago of that dude shredding on one (like a 21st century Jaco; he was not my cup of tea musically but technically was very impressive)

    For those reading here is a link to the clip [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=63425&view=findpost&p=627418"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=627418[/url][/quote]

    I'd back you up on that, to a degree. I tried that fella out alongside its £2.5K older Custom Shop brother. Whilst not having the honk of the CS, I did like it and it looks ubercool. But, for me, there's the MIM tag. OK, sure, they're better now than the stuff produced in the '90s whose metalwork would cut your hands to shreds but it's still something I baulk at. And the £900 price tag is not helping me get over that mental hurdle.

  7. [quote name='bigthumb' post='629398' date='Oct 18 2009, 12:36 PM']Its stunning. I'm in love!

    It only fuels my GAS for a '57 reissue.[/quote]

    here you go:-


  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='629393' date='Oct 18 2009, 12:31 PM']I would, but I promised our lass I'd go to the chippy for tea tonight, so I haven't quite got enough cash. :)[/quote]

    Give her a bloater paste sandwich; that'll keep her happy and you can use the change for the Preccy!

  9. [quote name='4000' post='581920' date='Aug 26 2009, 09:34 PM']The toasters, as I mentioned earlier, are my neck pickup of choice. I think there's also a guy on Rick Resource who swears by having toasters in both positions. The toasters are more transparent and clear, but not as thick and growly. FWIW I'd look around; I got my '73 toaster for just over £50 on ebay.

    When I get my now surplus neck high-gain with my restored bass I'd be happy to let you have that for £50 if you wanted it.[/quote]

    Doesn't kent Armstrong make toasters, too? or was he 'got' by the litigious John Hall?

  10. [quote name='LeftyJ' post='580241' date='Aug 25 2009, 02:10 PM']I agree the Hipshot is a 'better' bridge in terms of adjustability, userfriendliness and playing comfort, but it it's not just the looks traditionalists don't like about them. They have a dramatic impact on the tone of your Ric. The Hipshot both brightens and fattens up your tone.[/quote]

    I haven't tried the Hipshot but anything is better than that bridge Rick make! No individual string height - what a bind! And there's the dreaded 'tail-lift' to worry about if you have a older Rick. For a while, RIC made the 4003 with a seven-screw bridge - two extra on the rear to counteract futrure tail lift. They're supposed to be changing the alloy that that piece of crap is made of.

    I suppose it depends how authentic you want the bass to look/sound?

  11. Well, one thing you need to consider is, like all kit, whether you have been given provenance that the parts/electrics are all original. I personally don't have a problem with non-original parts in vintage kit so long as they are, at least, contemporary. I would certianly want to see the instrument upfront and wouldn't buy anything blind offa evilbay, that's for sure. The other thing to bear in mind is that the vinatge market is vastly inflated by certain vintage music shops here in the UK (let's not even talk about the USA) and it all boils down to what you want to pay for and in what condition. 7K for a battered '65 Jazz? I think not! Even the re-issues I don't think are worth anywhere near what they're commanding.

    Anyway, it's your choice, just be careful. For me, if i wanted another vinatge fender i'd ask John at Bravewood to make me one at a fraction of the cost. I've owned a '64 jazz and had one of John's and, honestly, there wasn't much bewteen them bar the years!

    PS: I'd avoid the '70s Jazzes: 3-bolt neck and waay too heavy! Just my opinion.

  12. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='625049' date='Oct 13 2009, 02:47 PM']I dunno about most people, but I'm happy with off the peg basses once they have been tweaked to my preferences. Degloss the back of the neck if required, set up with the action low with TI flats, replace the pots & socket with CTS & switchcraft, roll the fingerboard edges, put on an aged pearl pickguard on a mustang, chrome covers on a Precision, badass bridge on a jazz, hipshot d-tuner etc

    Getting one custom made would take all the fun out of it.[/quote]

    I'm having more fun knocking them up from parts myself! Well, a Strat and two tele projects that are in the offing and one Jazz, now sold.

  13. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='629145' date='Oct 17 2009, 11:07 PM']"Where's my Fendar??????"

    Nice pants?![/quote]

    [i]How[/i] did he let himself be shown like this?? Too much Peruvian makes you think you can get away with anything!

    Anyway, I';m sure he also had - for a very short while - a red Hamer Explorer fretless, and an 8-string one at that! I can see it in my mind's eye. And if memory serves correctly he didn't use it much cos he was sh*t on it. Who wouldn't be??

  14. [quote name='Bassassin' post='626200' date='Oct 14 2009, 05:19 PM']Early 80s, Japan-only unless you can find a dodgy import! Fwiw like most MIJ brands, Fernandes isn't an actual manufacturer, these would have been made by Kawai or Tokai.
    Happily Fernandes still produce Rickenbacker copies, not exactly accurate but I'd make a few allowances for the paintjob:

    [url="http://www.rakuten.co.jp/gakki-genki/674604/838925/899155/"]Fernandes Sw***y Spider[/url] (can we PLEASE sort out the fukking autocensor?? :) )

    [url="http://www.dhgate.com/original-rickenbacker-4003-in-nature-electric/p-ff8080812295ac8a01229655464d1f23.html"]They're stunningly realistic![/url] :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:


    [i]HOW[/i] did you find that?? jeez, what a site.

  15. [quote name='Bassassin' post='626200' date='Oct 14 2009, 05:19 PM']Early 80s, Japan-only unless you can find a dodgy import! Fwiw like most MIJ brands, Fernandes isn't an actual manufacturer, these would have been made by Kawai or Tokai.
    Happily Fernandes still produce Rickenbacker copies, not exactly accurate but I'd make a few allowances for the paintjob:

    [url="http://www.rakuten.co.jp/gakki-genki/674604/838925/899155/"]Fernandes Sw***y Spider[/url] (can we PLEASE sort out the fukking autocensor?? :) )

    [url="http://www.dhgate.com/original-rickenbacker-4003-in-nature-electric/p-ff8080812295ac8a01229655464d1f23.html"]They're stunningly realistic![/url] :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:


    Now [b]that's[/b] the best I've ever seen! I never knew about this? Blows the ships off the Ibanez ones. '80s, yeh?

  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='624718' date='Oct 13 2009, 09:16 AM']The really good copy is the Tokai "Rockinsbetter" model. They are excellent basses if you can track one down.[/quote]

    D'you reckon? I can't help think how guff that rear pup looks. Tokai are pretty good at everything but the jury's out for me on this one, on looks, at least.

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