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Posts posted by Stacker

  1. Rick copies - I just don't get them. Not these days, anyway. They just look sh**t. And when you think of the effort that goes into some Fender knock-offs why don't these comapnies make something that looks like a 'backer, no matter how litigious John Hall is. It's the old adge of 'If you can't do it properly, don't do it at all'!

    Better off picking up an old Ibanez Rick than waste money on cak like Indie, [i]ad nauseam[/i].

  2. I'd forgotten about these things! Never been a big P-bass fan although have previosuly owned two. Chandler Guitars did a slim, single bound slab-bodied version of this fella back in the mid '80s which fell into my hands but the neck was f'd so i didn't buy it. Didn't Ibanez do one, too, back in the late .70s?

  3. Wait a minute - have you seen the price these things go for in the 'States? I've seen them go for more than that, esp the stack-knob Jazz with the dampers!

    Having said that, I think the vintage market is full of holes these days in that if you do see a bit of kit that can be proven to be 100% original, then it will attract this kind of offer tag, if not a customer.

    You'd be better off chucking your money at John at Bravewood and leaving the other 8K sitting in the bank!

  4. [quote name='themoo' post='276811' date='Sep 4 2008, 11:20 AM']Some great collections going on there... So here's my little bass history!

    Full details and some pictures... [url="http://web.mac.com/themoo/Basses/moos_basses.html"]http://web.mac.com/themoo/Basses/moos_basses.html[/url][/quote]

    Man, a Strata! I rememebr just about wetting myself when they came out. Got a Status Series II not long after.

    Here's my lot:-

    Rickenbacker 4001CS
    Rickenbacker 4001 1973 with toaster and (retrofit) Horseshoe
    Rickenbacker 4001 1973 with toaster and cheq binding
    Steinberger XL2A
    De Armond Ashbory
    Fender Custom Shop fretless Jazz, stackpots with gold hardware
    Fender japan 1965 reissue Jazz
    Squier modified fretless Jazz
    Levinson Blade Jazz

    [u][b]Past Paramours (in order)[/b][/u]
    Hofner HS182 Artist bass (Jazzalike)
    Ibanez 4ick 4001 copy
    Attila Baloght Odyssey
    Rick 4001
    Ibanez MC 924
    Washburn 8-string bass
    Washburn fretless
    Alembic Series 1 point
    Rick 4001s 8-string
    Washburn Bantam twin-neck Steiny copy
    Fender Precision Lyte
    Fender Precision, defretted
    Status Series II
    Fender Precision with pull-pot sending pup straight to the jack!
    Fender Precision 1954 reissue
    Shergold Marathon
    Warwick Thumb Thru-neck
    Warwick Thumb Thru-neck fretless
    Warick Dolphin Pro-1 (Boire and Ovangkol models)
    Rick 8-string bass (again!)
    Musicman Stingray, transitional model with mutes and TR bullet adjuster
    Danelectro Longhorn reissue
    Dynelectron Longhorn
    Ricky/Jazz/Musicman Frankenbass
    Self-built Jazz
    Self-built P-bass
    Fender Jazz 1965 in Oly White with matching headstock - sold to pay a credit card bill!!!!!
    Linc Luthier fretless 5 string
    Esp telebass
    TJ Clem custom built bubinga fretless
    Bravewood Stacker Jazz
    Rick 4001 1980 with reverse chq binding
    Rick 4001 1975 fretless
    Hayman 4040
    Rick 4003 BlueBoy
    Fender Precision 1978 fretless
    Traveller Bass

    [b]Is that enough basses, Stacker? NO![/b]

  5. [quote name='Paul_C' post='23105' date='Jun 25 2007, 05:15 PM']I thought my total of basses previously owned had peaked at 55 (including the 10 I have right now), but I have remembered another 3 today, so that's 58 :)

    I haven't got pics for many of them, but I thought a list might amuse ..

    Aria P bass copy (my first bass, I was given it by a friend)
    Maison (Bass Collection's cheap range)
    Squier Jazz (one of the first, wish I'd kept it)
    Gibson Thunderbird (s/h knackered, horrible, I took it back and bought the Maison instead)
    Yamaha SBV/SBs (16) The Collection, now down to just two
    Yamaha SB-2s (2) still got these, they need shifting
    EB Musicman StingRays (4)
    Rickenbacker 4003s (4)
    EB Musicman Bongos (4) bought another one (a 4HH/P) so the total stands at 5 now
    Pedulla Rapture J2
    Epiphone EBO
    Dean acoustic
    Washburn AB10 acoustic
    Status Stealth 4
    Status Stealth 6
    Fender Precision '78
    Fender Highway One Precision
    Fender Std. Jazz
    Lakland Skyline Jerry Scheff
    NS CR4MG upright
    Daisy Rock Butterfly
    Aria Pro II
    Modulus Sonic Hammer
    Modulus Jazz
    Fender MB5
    Westone Thunder 1A
    Westone Thunder II
    Yamaha Attitude I
    Fender Jaguar
    Fender Urge I
    Levinson Jazz
    Ibanez Sr305
    Squier Bronco
    Kubicki Factor

    There's probably more that I've forgotten about, but that's the total for now :rolleyes:[/quote]

    I've played most of those models and the Levinson Jazz would blow the t**s off them all! One of the best basses ever made. Vastly underrated.

  6. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='616021' date='Oct 3 2009, 08:10 PM']Sorry to be vague on the price guys,

    I've just had a look and noticed that unlike my Stienberger L2 it doesn't take double ball ended strings, just standard strings cut down.

    Here's a [url="http://myweb.cebridge.net/gareth/gbay/index.htm"]link[/url] to another owner / seller from 2006

    So any suggestions as to value most welcome.[/quote]

    That was what became a real issue with the one I had: that f****** clamp! They obviously couldn't get a licence from Steiny so they made that thing. Bad design on an otherwise great bass.

  7. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='607241' date='Sep 23 2009, 11:22 PM']Mid 1980's Washburn Bantam needs new home.

    Single coil pick ups (Riverhead, I think) to look like emg's.

    Quite a modern, bright sound.

    Weightwise not too bad with the right strap.

    I was told by Washburn that only 6 of these were imported to U.K.

    R.R.P. was just over £1100

    Open to offers or trades for old Jazz or P bass, Gibsons (incl guitars) uprights, eub's etc or Bose L1 pa, or w.h.y.?
    Or maybe a headless Status, never tried one!

    [attachment=33387:twin_cropped.jpg] [attachment=33388:Wasburn2.jpg][/quote]

    Man, I had one of those back in the mid '80s! Sound Control had to order it in from Washburn Germany. Cost me just over £600 then and I punted it in Brixton Exchange Mart a few years later when i fell out of love with it. Thanx for that bit of nostalgia!

    BTW, is BEM still on the go??

  8. [quote name='Mokl' post='614221' date='Oct 1 2009, 08:52 PM']I have an awesome Westone Quantum which is about as 80`s as it gets. It has the original rifle case and has been a very convenient back up as it takes no room in the car. I might sell it but would be looking for £200.

    Here's a pic I found online - mine is identical to this :)


    +1 to that! That's just the one i was about to recommend. Didn't expect to see a beauty like that. Now all you need is an old Trace combo and an analogue delay (for the chorus) and you're off. And remember to wear the bass under your chin!

  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='614527' date='Oct 2 2009, 09:21 AM']I've often wondered the same thing myself...[/quote]

    Yeh, I'm inclined to agree. the Seppos also act like a bunch of magpies when it comes to Rick basses. You should see the state some of them get into on a certain rick forum when something tasty pops up on evilbay. They have a pecking order over who gets 'first dibs' (WTF??) on an instrument before the auction's even over!

  10. The way I see it is that they're not work the £2.5K+

    I nearly bought a '64 Dakota Red relic'd Jazz with - supposedly - a Brazilizan rosewood 'board. It didn't look like Brazilian rosewood but I guess it depends from what part of the tree it was taken from. The pots had next to no travel on them in terms of roll-off: you backed the pot off a touch and the whole signal just about disappeared! You'd be better of keeping that £2.5K and surfing ishibashi for a few months and picking up some lovely, unique fender Jap basses.

  11. Here's a link to a pic of the one I had:-

    [url="http://www.luthiersaccessgroup.com/isodyssey1.html"]Odyssey Bass[/url]

    It was my first 'name' bass. I'd been heading for a real Rick 4001 when I walked into Jimmy Grant's shop in Edinburgh and he had a raft of them. Odysseys, that is. Mine was one of the top-end ones and there was also a model like the one above that had a built-in 5 (Ithink) band graphic EQ!! The only thing I began to dislike about that bass was the sound from the rear pup. HAve a look at it and see how close it is to the bridge. Very tight sound with a quick decay. I fell out of love with it and it went after about six years but it turned up in my hands as a repair about 12 years later; somebody had ruined the wiring harness and the rear pup tone didn't work. A lovely but heavy bass

  12. Burnel is quoted as saying that he tried loads of Precisions and that none of them came close - through Hiwatts or whatever - to the old dog that he used. Listen to [i]Rattus Norwegicus[/i]: the bass tone is not always the same, although the grunge is still there, so it can't all be blown cabs or the studio board/fx.

  13. [quote name='bassmachine2112' post='602705' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:27 AM']hiho,I,ve noticed that nobody has mentioned pick up height.I found this to be a part of the ricky sound jigsaw.Be prepared to balance the two pups to your taste.They can start to distort if you get them too high,not a problem with the neck pup as you cant get it as high as the bridge and a lot of people set the bridge pup too high in relation to the neck pup.I think balance is the word I,m looking for.Just a thought that might help someone.[/quote]

    That's an interesting point, esp re basses. Usually, the common complaint is a weak E string on the back pup. An interesting point is that some early 4001s had Philips-head pole pieces (like one of my '73s) which gave you so much more control over the output.

  14. Ok, I'll add my my ladle to the stew!

    I have a love/hate relationship with these instruments. I had two when I was younger - a dead-dog of a 4001 and a 4001S 8-string that would be in tune down the bottom end and waay out up top and then had a break of about 15 years before I bought a whole bunch of them in a matter on months. The main beef I have with them is that CV finish they use and the marks and blemishes that can appear in them, although I'm sure I've heard they are moving away from that to another finish. Beware of those fat-neck 4003s that are going about, made from the late '90s up until '07, I think; my Blueboy had such a neck and that, combined with a weird reaction in the finish, was enough to make me punt it. The newer models have the slimmer neck and vintage tone modd but, yeh, I agree: they cost far too much. And their QC isn't that great, either.

    Def a 'try many times before you buy' guitar. If you can find them, that is.

  15. Ok, one of the basses I was after has not, in fact, been sold so the CS may have to go. You've seen the pix/description so giving it a few hours punt on here before I open it up to the horde.

    Any further Qs, fire away!


    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58149&st=0#entry575946"]original thread[/url]

  16. [quote name='99ster' post='578328' date='Aug 23 2009, 05:01 PM']The way that many of these shops do their 'business' in a similar way may well have a lot to do with the fact that many of them are owned by the same two characters - the Harrison brothers - with the 'Music Ground' empire now comprising of the following shops:

    Music Ground Denmark Street
    Music Ground Manchester
    Music Ground Leeds
    Regent Sound Denmark Street
    Rockers Denmark Street
    Rhodes Music Denmark Street
    The Bass Cellar Denmark Street
    TPA Denmark Street
    Hanks Denmark Street
    ...and good old Andys Denmark Street

    And they also own both Hiwatt (yes - the Hiwatt) and JMI amps and have their fingers in many other pies as well.[/quote]

    Wow, interesting. I've been wary of their spam ever since I encountered their sales guys in the Leeds shop back in the early '90s. That aside, I wonder how much they actually pay for the goodies they seem to acquire; they can't all be commissions.

  17. I'd recommend Ishibashi any day. Yes, they make take a day or two to get back to you, but once the ball is rolling on a deal it's done very quick. Here is a a pix of my '65 dot and bound Jazz Bass re-issue, shipped to the UK in three days! Now, you don't see these in the UK, do you?

  18. [quote name='Zach' post='578116' date='Aug 23 2009, 11:28 AM']Unfortunately I didn't check the bass in detail before walking out the shop, as when I got home I noticed that they'd completely stripped the screw head, so now I can't change the pickup height. Not a big deal, but it easily could have been. hence why I now am just happy to pay a bit more to go to the gallery instead.[/quote]

    Perhaps it's time to tech-up, yourself. here is what you need:-

    [url="http://www.jmldirect.com/product.asp?pf_id=S5616&changecurrency=GBP"]Screw Remover[/url]

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