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Posts posted by RhysP

  1. The other side of the coin in this debate is that you can, and often do, end up with people playing styles of music they should leave well alone.
    I'm sure we've all seen pub bands that mainly play one style of music to an acceptable degree but then insist on throwing in the obligatory funk or reggae number with very often disastrous results.

    Part of being a decent player to my way of thinking is knowing your limitations (and we ALL have them, as much as some of you don't like to think so :) ).
    I dick about with slapping or whatever when I'm playing for my own amusement, but I know there are people out there that are much better at it than me.
    I'm not really interested in being a jack of all trades - I'm a pretty good player in the genres of music that most interest me and that's enough for me.

    There are plenty of highly regarded pro players out there who pretty much stick to one genre - I'm fairly certain that Larry Graham or Bootsy would be pretty sh*te Thrash Metal players, but that's not going to bother them at all.

    I once read a great quote from Billy Sheehan who said that "The things you choose to reject are just as much an influence on your playing as the things you accept" and I think that this is correct.

  2. If I had symptoms as severe as the ones you describe there's no way I'd be trying to cure it by reading a book,
    I'd be going to see a specialist & very quickly, even if it meant going private for the initial consultation.

    You're assuming it's an RSI - it could also be carpal tunnel syndrome or any number of other things

    Anybody that makes a statement like "all RSI is psychosomatic" is quite obviously a quack & a snake oil merchant.

  3. [quote name='Mog' post='792478' date='Mar 31 2010, 09:07 PM']Unless, as Delberthot was implying, its a function band. Once money comes into the equation and it becomes a job morals can take the back seat.[/quote]

    Oh, I completely agree.
    If you want to earn a living from playing an instrument & you choose to play stuff you don't particularly like just to be out playing then fair enough.

    I love playing, which is why I backed away from turning pro in the late 80's.
    I just didn't want it to become something I HAD to do to pay the bills & end up hating it.

    I'm glad I did this; I know some excellent professional musicians who hate most of what they do, to the extent that they never play for enjoyment anymore as they can't stand the sight of their instruments after earning their living with them all day.

    I think that's really sad.

  4. [quote name='Delberthot' post='792419' date='Mar 31 2010, 08:30 PM']The most important thing is to entertain the paying public and as long as you can do that and enjoy yourself then I see no harm in it.[/quote]

    This is where I fundamentally disagree with a lot of people.

    f*** the punters.
    When I play I'm doing so purely for my own entertainment and enjoyment.

    If people like what I'm doing then that's brilliant, but if they don't then I honestly don't care so long as I'm happy with what I'm doing, even if it means nobody but me & a few other people ever hear the music.

  5. [quote name='TheButler' post='792414' date='Mar 31 2010, 08:28 PM']On the other hand i secured a pretty cool endorsement deal, and have a couple of hundred quid piece of software coming my way soon! :)[/quote]

    Please allow me to be the first person to say "Free software? What's he ever done to deserve that? I'm much more talented than him".

    Back to the original topic; the best comment I ever read about reviews was simply:
    "It's just one persons opinion".

  6. [quote name='TheButler' post='790957' date='Mar 30 2010, 07:18 PM']I'm only 19, and i think i am just worried that i have rather a lot to learn about such a multi-faceted industry.[/quote]
    All you have to learn is that basically everybody in the music business is a many-faced untrustworthy bastard who would sell you down the river in a microsecond to further their own needs & ambitions.

    It's pretty much just like every other avenue of life really. :)

  7. [quote name='JackLondon' post='792066' date='Mar 31 2010, 03:52 PM']Yes but you wouldn't know if you hate without seeing it. If you won't play something you don't know if you like it or not.[/quote]
    There are many styles of music I hate. I know I'd hate playing them without needing to try it.

    For example: Ska makes me want to go on a violent, indiscriminate killing spree, and has done since I first heard it over 30 years ago. I have to leave the room if it's being played anywhere I detest it so much.
    There is no way on earth that playing it is going to make me think "Oh, this is OK actually".
    I would rather cut my arms off than play Ska music. There is not enough money in the world to adequately compensate me for having to play a millisecond of Ska.

  8. Ovation Magnum (with a bit of chorus).
    That's what he was using live around the time of the Escape album.
    Of course, in the studio it could have been anything........

    (There are some lovely bass parts on Escape - it's one of my all-time favourite play-along albums).

  9. [quote name='TheButler' post='783376' date='Mar 23 2010, 01:16 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Midas-Fall---Eleven.-Return-and-Revert---PROMO-CD-ALBUM_W0QQitemZ310206107234QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20100313?IMSfp=TL100313128001r34358"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Midas-Fall---Eleven....313128001r34358[/url]

    I'm surprised it even got £2.19..![/quote]

    How do we know you haven't been bumping the price up by bidding on it yourself? :)

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