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Posts posted by Twigman

  1. That very much depends on who is available and when.

    At the moment we've not got any gigs until December, so we meet up for 4 hours about once a month to run through some new ideas - we're in a writing phase.

    We'll probably have a couple of four hour rehearsals in the 10 days before our next gig trip (Sicily 7th Dec).

    We've been together for donkey's years - we don't need much rehearsing - it's all in the muscle memory.

    I do miss it when we're in this kind of between gigs phase.

  2. 2 minutes ago, ped said:

    Pretty sure I made it clear in my last PM that your political views aren’t welcome here, not everyone has the same view as you and we try to avoid politics as you know. I told you to ‘leave it there’ last time so kindly do actually ‘leave it’ 🙄

    So i get my wrist slapped for stating a fact about what will happen to import charges after a brexit which takes us out of the single market?

    I'm not expressing opinion.

    I'm stating a fact.

    Are you censoring the facts now?

  3. 2 minutes ago, CamdenRob said:

    I tried to buy a bass from sweetwater a couple of months ago and was told they wouldn’t ship to the UK 🤔

    The way round that is get it shipped through a 3rd party in USA.

    When i worked for a firm with an office in LA I would use their office as a shipping address and then get them to forward it to me.



    I did something similar to get my forged car wheels from Japan, via a Japan resident.

    • Like 1
  4. On 24/09/2019 at 13:13, Twigman said:

    When i got my nano+ I drilled out the feet and replaced them with 4 jacknuts and taller rubber feet.

    It means I can get my T-Rex Chamelon underneath, no problem. It's a simple mod that costs pence and takes 30 minutes tops.

    A pic to show what I mean:


    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Twigman said:

    Expect this kind of extortion when buying from places like Thomann after a brexit which takes us out of the single market


    before ped comes to slap my wrists again - I'll just leave that there - thanks leave voters



    Although technically Thomann shouldn't charge us the 19% German VAT - it'll still be dearer for us than it is now, especially after GBP tanks further

  6. On 30/09/2019 at 03:17, bobbass4k said:

    Finally got something resembling a board back together, relatively straightforward signal chain. The 3 off the board usually live on the desk for easy tweaking when going into the interface, cabsim, bass pre (logic clone with mods) and guitar pre (Hudson broadcast clone with mods).



    Clearly you never have to take your board on easyJet as hand luggage

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 minute ago, ambient said:

     it’ll simply be uneconomic to do so.

    What with the cost (and hassle) of carnets, on top of visas, he's right.

    Almost all our gigs are in EU - that's our market.

    I can see us never gigging again.

    And with my business likely to go bust, that effectively destroys my life.

    UK leaving SM equals my life being destroyed.



    Thanks leave voters. You nasty pasties.

    • Like 2
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  8. 1 minute ago, Daz39 said:

    Are you just going on as normal and pretending nothing's happening until it does? (to avoid meltdown)


    Got my EORI number sorted - trying to sort out a VAT and duty deferment account BUT due to the amount of traffic and high value of the equipment we bring in HMRC require a £2.5 million bank guarantee!!!   When our balance sheet is c£500k getting a £2.5m bank guarantee is impossible.

    The issue being that VAT will be levied on the VALUE of the goods we bring in, not the cost of renting them.

    We have looked at 'rehoming' a quantity of equipment here, we have a large warehouse, but UK market is so fickle it is likely we will stock the wrong gear, besides the UK market alone isn't big enough to maintain adequate utilisation to pay for the gear.

    If UK leaves the SM I can see us going bust within a month.


    • Sad 2
  9. Just now, Daz39 said:

     I feel particularly sorry for SMEs that do a significant amount of trade within the EU

    I own one of them too - I have exclusive UK distribution rights to the largest inventory of a certain type of capital equipment in EU (based in Germany)to rent business to business into the UK market. Everything is imported temporarily and I have 2 or 3 artic trailers a week going back and forth.


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