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Posts posted by TheButler

  1. Tested out today with a Tecamp 212 courtesy of our friend krispn. A very pleasant surprise that after blowing the cobwebs off it produced a very solid sound indeed. At first there was an issue with what sounded like something not having grounding/something loose i.e input jack. However, that stopped after 'playing about with it', however there is a definite rattle from what sounds like one of the pieces of metal that surrounds/retains the valve (my ignorance shows). 

    I'm not going to increase the price, as this still clearly needs a going over but it's certainly in serviceable condition and still capable of doing what people love these amps to do! 

    The video actually accentuates the rattle from the valves. Worth noting that it only rattles at low frequencies hence it's definitely a vibration issue rather than something more sinister. 

    Oh and please ignore my child. She seems to think the speakon should be plugged into her shoe. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, krispn said:

    Hey my friend. Good to see you’re still kicking about. 

    If you need someone to give this a road test just to make sure it’s all running smooth I’m happy to offer my services 😀

    Do you have a cab that we could use? I'm all cabbed out! And yes, good to see you're still kicking about! 

  3. Selling this one as I have two... and don't need two. My friend built my original one a couple of years ago, but this enclosure was built by another builder. It's a fine job, built out of marine plywood and all to exact specifications of the Greenboy plans. It's massive and even though empty it could be a decent light(ish) option for a huge cab. 

    Not sure how much this is worth, so I'm just using roughly what I paid as a ballpark but I am willing to negotiate. 

    Pics to follow. 

  4. Hello folks,

    So as a favour/nice thing to do a friend of mine has constructed one of these cabs for me. For free. Nada.

    Really this was for no reason other than a bit of fun, expensive fun I'll give you that, but fun nonetheless. In a time when right thinking people are ditching cabs, or are using lightweight ones I thought I'd gonagainat the grain.

    So, my question is this:

    The cab is clearly designed for Eminence Kappalite 3015LF, 18Sound 6ND410 and a horn of some description.. If I don't use these speakers then things will sound awful right, because the cab is like designed for them? Should I be looking at alternatives/better options?

    Secondly, are all crossovers created equally, or should I be looking for certain ones? And handles, I know nothing of these but they are enough to make or break a cab.

    Thirdly, coverings. What, where and any reasons why other than aesthetics?

  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1474568786' post='3138914']
    Is the room used regularly, or left vacant for a week at a time..? That will determine the impact on any gear left there.

    It will be. A few times a week for a few hours at a time. We have had dehumidifiers going for a month now. There is an open fire, but not sure on the state of the chimney. We are also needing to think of a decent heating/damp prevention solutions.

    [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1474570946' post='3138942']
    what about the old carpet on the walls trick? Mates used to do it all the time in the 70s and 80s, no idea if it works though?

    We have hundreds of carpet tiles that we had planned on putting some way up the way. But they're pretty thin.

    [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1474579789' post='3139057']
    Are the stone walls exposed?
    If yes then the uneven surface will serve to break up soundwaves.Modern flat, parallel walls are more of problem.
    I've always found suspended floors more of a problem than solid ones as well, they always seem very boomy.
    I'd go with Dad's advice and leave as is for a while and see how you get on, might not need to do anything.

    They aren't exposed. But the plaster feels more like concrete or something. Must be some ancient plastering solution from the 19th century. They're not flat as such, smooth but not level.

    I did think of the suspended floor being an issue. I think we are more anxious about damp prevention/ventilation than boominess. It's a good point though, and I'll run it by them again.

    [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1474580430' post='3139064']
    Cheapest and easiest way is to put Superchunk traps in all four corners.
    I made mine from packs of rockwool RW3 insulation. Bought a Value electric carving knife from Tesco for about a fiver and cut each piece of RW3 into triangles all the same size, about 2 ft across the long edge. Bought two pairs of cheap sheets and got my wife to sew up four triangular bags the right size. Stuffed them witrh RW3 triangles. Then using plywood triangular formers at the top I screwed cup hooks into the ceiling plasterboard and D-connectors to the plyewood.
    Bags hung with no real damage to the walls or ceiling and the difference is surprising. Cost me a total of about £50 including the sheets and the carving knife!

    That sounds great. I have seen tonnes of good stuff on the web about these. I can't sew, nor can anyone I know. However, I won't let that stop me from pursuing these avenues.

  6. We've (the band) recently got ourselves a place to rehearse. It was an old gamekeeper's house, even has the old range in it (and a gun rack). It's a bit of an odd building, very old, massive thick stone walls, a stone floor and in the middle of nowhere (noise isn't a problem). We're building a raised floor, mainly for damp, but also should be better for sound?

    Anyway, we're not wanting to spend a lot of money on acoustic treatment for the room - we won't be recording in it. However, it is important that we can still achieve a [i]decent[/i] sound for playing around with the PA and settings of our gear.

    The dimensions of the main room are 5.2m x 4.85 x 2.5m. The room has one door, a couple of shallow cupboards (both covered by big old doors) and a small bay sash (old, rippled single glazing) window that has some nice old shutters. The electrics have all just been done recently, tested by someone that actually knows what they're doing. We've done some damp-proofing etc and are now looking at options for making the room sound better.

    I've found some info online, but i'm quickly getting lost in it - especially given that most of it is geared towards a 'no compromise' approach. Should we just chuck some foam panels on the wall and see what happens? We're going to build a kind of polystyrene wedge to block the window. Apart from that we're not sure what else we should do?

    Many thanks for your time in reading and/or advising.


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