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Posts posted by V4lve

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='742701' date='Feb 12 2010, 12:33 AM']Is that amp either battery-powered or light or cheap or any two of those three?[/quote]

    Here you go [post="0"][/post] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74648&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74648&hl=[/url]

  2. Hi.

    Got an gospel album with some great solid bass playing on it. I think it might be by a session player called Freddie Thompson. All I can find out about him is a [url="http://forum.warwick.de/14-maddrakketts-caffe/7347-bass-player-freddie-thompson.html"]post [/url]on the Warwick forums and this [url="http://www.andrewsmall.net/documents/Freddie%20Thompson.pdf"]reference[/url]. Was wondering if anyone know any more about him or have more examples of his playing.

    [url="http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/s/Be+Careful/2BZKsC"]This[/url] is him playing on the album I have. I love the counterplay with the drummer during the break at the end.

  3. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='732018' date='Feb 1 2010, 06:29 PM']I've had an Artec and they're good value for money for sure. The Audere was spare, so an install seemed like a good thing to do :)[/quote]

    Good job. It sounds great. Interesting that you decided to keep the battery under the pickguard. I am wondering whether to route out for a battery box.

  4. Hi.

    Am looking for a small portable mixer to use in church for a music group. Needs to be pretty flexible (up to 12 inputs of various types), sophisticated enough to compress vocals, gate channels etc, easy enough to use by occasional users and robust enough to survive being stuffed chuck into cupboards etc when not in use. Budget probably up to three hundred quid . Any suggestions?


  5. Wife reckons it's a Salsa. I think she is right.

    The 16th tip is a really good one, ta. I found myself doing it naturally after a while.

    The album is "Mark Beswick & The Power Praise Worship Band - The King Is Coming" and can be found [url="http://www.google.co.uk/products?rlz=1C1GGLS_en-GBGB291GB301&sourceid=chrome&q=mark+beswick+power+praise&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=p3ZQS6KFNaG60gTazrmzDQ&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CCIQrQQwAg"]here[/url] (CD) and [url="http://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/mark-beswick-the-power-praise-worship/id260828683"]here[/url] (iTunes). Enjoy!

  6. [quote name='Faithless' post='709768' date='Jan 12 2010, 10:13 AM']Ah, that's the kind of groove I was practising last time :lol:

    In the chorus, it's all about the upbeat thing, which you have to get..

    Sadly, (at least, for me), there wasn't any other way, than practising over and over along to the groove. With time, upbeat 'feel' will become more and more friendly to you, it simply needs to take some time.

    What would I do, is to put recorded bass part in to the front, and play along with it for a few times. (do it slowly)

    Then, cut the bass out, and, at the same tempo try playing it all again, and, if you can, [b]record [/b]it. Recording will not lie :)

    BTW, awesome song - listening for a 5th time, no break :rolleyes: Astounding rhythm section.


    Thanks. Good tip! Been practising and it does come with time. Found it helps if I "play" some of the missing notes/beats in my head, or occasionally add them.

    Got the album. The bass playing is phenomenal. Whoever he/she is... Freddy Thompson?

  7. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='712531' date='Jan 14 2010, 01:34 PM']I like the idea of the platform trolley.
    I was contemplating cobbling together a sort of wheeled tray device as an option instead of having to drill holes for casters in my new Hartke 410 cab.
    This would allow it to be pushed across floors easily and also to be lifted off for good floor contact for live gigs.
    The other option is get the drill out and install some detatchable casters to it. I'm really not sure if sitting on plastic wheels affects the sound quality, I guess it depends on the floor.
    I suppose with the tea tray option I could push round the PA speakers as well if needed, and it keeps the 410 cab pristine. I'd fix a small lip to it so the cab didn't slide off when it was pushed.[/quote]

    The trolley is fine for moving stuff around but I wouldn't leave my cab with on it for a gig. The combination of 60lb head, ground clearance and and wheel spacing (which gives good manoverability) would make it a little vulnerable to tipping over. You would have to consider this in your design.

  8. Been trying to play along to this Latin based bit of gospel. Would love to be able to play it properly but the feel in the chorus (where everything is off the beat) is beyond me. I can get the right notes in the right place but after a few bars I begin to lose it and start wandering off. Any tips on how I can lock in?


  9. I think it's an audio memory thing. Some people are simply better at it than others.

    Having sung to the same kinds of songs in church and played guitar since I was a kid (over 35 years now...) I have moderately good pitch memory (my dad did too). Given a tune I know well I can usually make a good stab at the key it is supposed to be sung in without using an instrument (which is useful when there are no musicians at a meeting and we want a good sing song). Or work out what a note is based on my memory of what the top E on a guitar sounds like. Occasionally I surprise myself by being spot on. But mostly not (just tried to remember E, tested it on the piano and found I was whistling a D!).

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