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Posts posted by mike257

  1. Bass was actually the last instrument I came to, but the first one that I really felt at home on. I spent my early teens dabbling with drums and guitars, but it never really amounted to anything. One day, jamming in a friend's house, his muso Dad made the canny observation which would soon change my life.

    "You lads haven't got a bass player. Mike, you can borrow this - keep it as long as you need it"

    With his shocking yellow Hohner Arbor in hand, I set about carving my niche, and never looked back. I've actually learnt to play the guitar and the drums a whole load better since then, more to help with writing than anything else, but bass is where I feel at home.

    Brings a tear to my eye!

  2. As usual, I'm going to pitch in and rave about [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de"]Sandberg[/url]. Haven't wanted to touch another bass since I've got hold of it. Plays like a dream, sits brilliantly in the mix, looks the biz, and the range of tones is ace. I'm hooked on the neck pickup in passive mode at the moment, it's lovely and thumpy!

    Anything that's left my beloved Stingray redundant must be something special!!

  3. I bought my Stingray for just shy of a grand in 2004, and it was the first 'proper' instrument I treated myself to. I got my Sandberg in a trade, but reckon it would have cost my a touch over a grand for a new'un.

    I love the pair of them, and find it hard to see that anything could be [i]much[/i] better than them. I don't think I could justify spending much more than that for an instrument.... and now only if I was paying the bills with it, because I think those two are enough.

    Once you hit a certain price point, you're going to be getting a really good quality instrument. I'm not sure how much better off you'll be by spending [i]another[/i] £1k. Having said that, I've never tried some of these [s]sw***y[/s] posh expensive basses that some of you lucky lot have in your collections, so I might be talking rubbish.

    [size=1][i]EDIT: The profanity filter working overtime today then?[/i][/size]

  4. I just can't get on with those dinky little bodies! I've got no problem with the tone, but I just can't get comfortable wearing one, and that puts me off, even if it is a bit superficial.

    Mate of mine just finished doing an album with his Warwick's, and it's one of the best bass tones I've heard on record in ages though, they do sound lovely!!

  5. A drumming friend of mine has had his gear insured with Allianz Cornhill for a few years now (I think it's them anyway). He cracked one of his [i]very[/i] expensive Sabian HH cymbals, and they had it replaced within days. They just wanted written confirmation from a dealer that it wasn't repairable, and they had a new one out like a shot.

    He was telling me that if something breaks while you're touring, they'll deliver a replacement to your next gig so it'll be waiting for you!!

  6. I haven't seen the basses anywhere, but Dolphin in Liverpool stock the plexi guitar, so they might be worth a shout.

    On a side note, I tried one of the skinny-string plexis, and was absolutely stunned by the quality of it. One of the best balanced guitars I've had hold of in ages, and a lovely neck. I want :)

  7. I used to own one of these (the one that's just sold on the forum, actually!), after GASing after it for ages. It was my second 'ray, picked up when I was touring and could justify the spending :)

    They're fantastic basses, but as mentioned above, there's nothing 'Ltd Edition' about them apart from the paint job and the fancy case, which doesn't take van abuse as well as the standard MM case does. As gorgeous as it is, I couldn't recommend paying full whack for one when second hand stingrays are so affordable right now. Everyone should own a Stingray, but I wouldn't pay shop prices for one at the moment!

  8. [quote name='dood' post='289140' date='Sep 22 2008, 01:23 PM']I'd like to the the V-machine [url="http://www.smproaudio.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=74"]http://www.smproaudio.com/index.php?option...=view&id=74[/url] in a rack mount format, so that I could use it with my system and eventually take it on tour with IEM's.. perfecto![/quote]

    Have you checked out the Muse Receptor, Dood? That's a rackmount VST-running-thingy, might be just what you're after. Comes with a whopping big hard drive so you can keep loads of plug-ins on there, and a bunch of assignable knobs for tweakery.

  9. Mine was and is a maple necked stingray, in natural with a black plate - and i got it in '05!

    I guess i could upscale my ambition, and i do love my 'berg, but if i had to strip back to one guitar, the ray would be the keeper.

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