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Posts posted by mike257

  1. I don't know the kind of music you're playing, but if the nature of the gig is limiting you to bongos, and playing basslines on a guitar, it might be better off without you. I assume you'd be leaving them with a singer and guitarist, which, on an acoustic night, is enough to get by. I know if I saw a bass player playing the bottom two strings of an acoustic in lieu of a bass, I'd be wondering why they'd bothered coming. I wouldn't get pushed into it.

    Having just re-read things above me, I've realised that it's now 1am, and the gig was tonight, so me posting any kind of advice is totally without relevance, even more so than usual!! Hope whichever way you decided, it worked out ok :) I'm after trading one of my excess of basses for a small combo as I'm finding myself in a lot of these 'quiet acoustic gig' kind of scenarios lately, and don't like to be left out!!

  2. [quote name='darwin' post='312165' date='Oct 22 2008, 02:05 PM']I have a tendency to walk/dance/hop round in circles (in the same direction) when I'm playing which always led to a twisted cable. I kept trying to compensate by going the other way when I remembered to but it never seemed to work so I've recently bought a Sennheiser freePort for £109 from iMuso to give me a bit more freedom.

    It's UHF, multi channel and has diversity which are the three things I wanted and so far no problems - I can go for a little wander whenever I feel that way inclined :)[/quote]

    +1 for the Freeport, although it's cheap and cheerful compared to the EW172, I've had mine for a couple of years and never had problems. Four frequencies to pick from, and I've never had interference problems. There's a slight tone loss, but nothing that you or an audience will notice in a live band setting. For the price, they're ace. I know somebody who paid £220 for one and was happy with it, so the iMuso price is a winner.

  3. I've used one of these at an open mic night the last couple of weeks, I just can't decide if I like the shape or not! Feels like it could be a good bass, but the strings appear to have been on since about 1980, and the electrics are on the blink.

    Maybe I should offer them a fiver for it and see what happens :)

  4. [quote name='ziggenpuss' post='348578' date='Dec 8 2008, 01:34 PM']Big fan of flats for Motown, Stax and Reggae...oh, and Iron Maiden stuff too![/quote]

    Yeah, I'm loving the big round bottom end. I hadn't realised Steve Harris played flats, one of the singers I was playing with told me on Sunday! I guess it gives me a reason to keep all these basses - I can have a flats bass and a rounds bass, and erm... a spare of each :)

    Honest, I need them all!

  5. Hola! After putting it off for ages, I stuck a set of Webstrings flats on my Sandberg today, and whipped it out for tonights gig. Crikey!! I've never used flats before, but I absolutely loved the tone and the feel of them. I was plugged into someone else's battered old Laney Linebacker, but the bottom end was magic. I was playing with a couple of acoustic guitars and it sounded so much more 'right' than it ever has with rounds. I think i'm converted, at least for my acoustic-based gigs. Can't wait to try it through my rig proper and see how well they rock out :)

    So yeah, why have none of you insisted I do this sooner?

  6. I'm feeling utterly under-equipped with my 5 - and my girlfriend thinks I have too many :s

    [i]Sandberg California JM4[/i]: My main squeeze, just put flats on and loving it!
    [i]MM Stingray 4[/i]: The first 'proper' bass I got. It's been neglected lately, but I'll never part with it.
    [i]Peavey T-40[/i]: Doesn't really get a look in at the moment, I'd trade it for something interesting if anyone fancies it...
    [i]Squier P Special[/i]: My first ever bass, currently rebuilding with Badass and Wizards
    [i]'Extreme' Jazz copy[/i]: Won in the Basschat raffle - the neck is amazingly nice, so I'm modding it up at the mo

    There's my 6-stringers too (Ibanez Artist, Epiphone LP, Ibanez acoustic), but they don't count, of course!

  7. After a quick dabble with drums, I started on guitar when I was about 13. A year later, when someone cannily pointed out that we didn't have a bass player, I got the 4-string because I was the least capable guitarist!!

    At the ripe old age of 24, bass is still what floats my boat, and I haven't stopped gigging it in the last 8 years. Still play guitar, mostly for songwriting and recording, but occasionally do some 6-string gigs too. I still like to have a quick dabble with the drums when I get the chance, I think playing bass has made me a much better drummer! The bass to guitar ratio in my collection shows where my true calling lies though :)

  8. I had an email from Dawsons saying they've reduced their web prices, and they're making the reduction at the checkout in stores (because it's too much hassle changing all the tickets!!), so that's one place worth checking out.

    My gear budget doesn't stretch past the odd new set of strings at the moment though, so it's lost on me!

  9. [quote name='steve-soar' post='342228' date='Dec 1 2008, 06:52 PM']Try some preamp pedals, Aguilar, Sadowsky or the Electro Harmonix "Knock out" looks good value.
    In Bass Guitar Mag, it gave it a brilliant review and said it did a great job of making slapping sound good.[/quote]

    What, it has a mute button? :)

    If you're not 100% sure about what you want to go for, a pedal might be a better move. You haven't got to make any irreversible big holes in your bass (I get nervous whenever I go near mine with power tools!), and if you upgrade to something new, your preamp stays with you. It's also a lot less hassle to sell/swap for a different one if you don't like the sound.

  10. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GIBSON-THUNDERBIRD-IV-BASS-IN-RARE-CLASSIC-WHITE-LTD_W0QQitemZ320321120171QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item320321120171&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]Here...[/url]

    I seem to remember a few threads a while ago from people looking for the elusive white Thunderbird, so I thought I'd throw this up here in case anybody wants it.

    I'd love it, but I'm skint like the rest of us. Ah well.


  11. [quote name='johnnylager' post='337002' date='Nov 26 2008, 09:33 AM']

    EDIT: f*** me, there's [url="http://www.adirondackguitar.com/pickguards/Jbass/menu.htm"]loads[/url] of 'em. I'm getting a camo for me KSD I reckon.[/quote]

    I thought I was buying a diamond-plate metal one for my P a few years ago on ebay, and it turned out to be one of those 'Colorific' printed ones from that site. I was gutted when it arrived, thought it was a bit too much of a bargain to be true

    I've ordered a 3-ply black, becase every time I come back to this thread and see the first pic Hamster posted, it grows on me that little bit more. And also because I found one for a tenner, and I've spent all my money on an eleccy screwdriver and a new soldering iron!

    Think I'll throw that on for now, and when I'm not so skint I might try a different one. I like Charla's idea of swapping them to match your mood/outfit!! I'm still pretty taken with the gold one to be honest, but I haven't seen any cheapy ones :)

  12. [quote name='ARGH' post='335986' date='Nov 25 2008, 01:58 AM']Heather Mill's gammy leg[/quote]

    [quote name='Hamster' post='335992' date='Nov 25 2008, 07:04 AM'][/quote]

    Haha, these two are my favourite so far. The gold just hadn't occured to me, but I actually really like the look of that. And ARGH, you're a genius mate :)

  13. Decisions, decisions....

    Currently sporting a single ply white plate, I think I want to change it. If it had a maple neck I'd go black, no question, but I'm not sure it'll look right with the rosewood board. I'm swinging between black and tort, so I'm putting it out to the experts for consultation :)

    What would [b]YOU[/b] stick on it? Any photographic evidence to support your argument would be appreciated, would sure help me make up my mind!!


  14. Yeah, just seen that now.... somebody's been fleeced!! And I never did get an answer from the seller.

    It might not even be off a Squier, the Fender markings and S/N are mising off the back of the headstock. SX sell necks like this, don't they? Even if it is, £153 is bonkers when there's more than one used VMJ sold on here for £150.

  15. Good, innovative design is surely about presenting a solution to a problem. When Leo set about assembling the electric bass, it wasn't to pass the time on a quiet Sunday afternoon. He recognised the problem, and attempted to solve it, and solved it pretty damn well.

    The reason all the radical innovations since then have failed to revolutionise bass design is because they were solutions looking for a problem, or the problem was too small.

    Innovation in bass design, when it comes, will be driven by necessity. As much of an achievement as the Stick or the ever-growing ERB might be, and I do believe they are, in most mainstream musical contexts they just aren't in the picture right now.

  16. I'd have to take the Stingray.

    Even though I've neglected it lately in favour of the Sandberg, it's still the bass I love the most. It's hard as nails too, it's already survived flying here from Australia, countless treks up and down the country in a battered van, an attempted robbery where it was dumped in the street with no case, and god knows what else. That's the kind of stubborn survivalism you need from a desert island companion!!

  17. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='330266' date='Nov 16 2008, 08:38 PM']Just noticed it's the SVT410HLF cab and not the more expensive B410HLF cab...........still, it's not a bad deal.

    see here...http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/options.php?id=9693

    The B-series cabs are the cheaper ones, aren't they? The SVT410HLF usually sells for near enough £600 on it's own, if I remember rightly. It's part of the same 'Classic' range as the SVT-810. If that's the cab they're offering, then it's not a bad deal at all.

    If it's the B-series, I'd have another think about it, and maybe look at the Harke LH-500. I've not heard one in real life yet, mind you, but the spec you get is pretty damn unbeatable for the money, so it's at least worth a go. It'll be on a level with the B2-RE, volume wise if nothing else. Either that, or look for second hand Ampeg SVT stuff, if that's what you've got your heart set on.

  18. [quote name='thebeat' post='329439' date='Nov 14 2008, 10:11 PM']It's Fender Squire neck...what's the issue here? The guy makes it perfectly clear it's from a Squire...obviously he's stuck a Fender jazz sticker on it...but he never states that it's from anything other than a Squire, which after all, are made by Fender.[/quote]

    [quote name='budget bassist' post='329456' date='Nov 14 2008, 10:50 PM']The guy has decent feedback and it says it's from a squier more than once... why would that give you (or anybody) the idea that it's from a fender? His feedback isn't bad either...[/quote]

    No need to take a smart-arse attitude, I never gave the slightest indication I thought it was from a Fender. I said pretty clearly I think it's from a VMJ, and I was asking for the opinion of someone who owns one, to confirm that, and maybe for some thoughts on the price of it. I want to know I'm buying what I think it is, and not some knock-off. If I'd had an email back from the seller saying "Yes, that's exactly what it is", this post wouldn't be here, but he hasn't responded to my question.

    I share Sgt-Pluck's sentiments to be honest, I'm wary of buying from someone who isn't forthcoming with their communication on e-bay, I can hardly walk back to the shop with it if I'm not happy. Cheers for the advice Sarge!

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