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Posts posted by mike257

  1. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='422939' date='Mar 2 2009, 10:08 AM']1. Instrument
    2. Multi-effects unit (input, stereo output, phones output)
    3. DI box
    4. Mixer (connected to drum machine and MP3 player)
    5. Tuner
    6. Combo (effects loop, tuner out, no headphone socket)[/quote]

    I would go:

    Multi FX

    And then it depends on a bunch of other stuff...

    - Does your Multi FX have a line out? You could skip the DI altogether and go straight to your mixer.
    - Does your combo have a line-in (for CD player etc)? Or is your effects loop line level? If so, I'd run the mixer into there, rather than the instrument level input on your combo.

    IF that's a big fat no, I guess you would go:


    Although other people might have a different take on it! Hope it helps anyway.


  2. I've swung back and forth between the two for years. I was a convert from guitar, so pick was the natural thing. Once I sussed my fingers, I renounced all things plec-shaped and took the snotty teenage attitude that our OP's nemesis has displayed.

    I soon grew out of it when I realised how damn good it sounds when you need to cut through a pair of Marshall-wielding guitarists. I'm happy to swing between both as the situation requires. It's like anything, rounds or flats, P or J, HP or Ketchup. Some questions don't have a [i]right[/i] answer!

  3. Hi guys, just throwing this out there to see if anybody fancies it.

    [s]I've currently got a set of Ampeg Classic series cabs, SVT410HE and SVT15E, both 8 ohms.[/s] - Ampeg SVT15E now sold!

    [color="#C0C0C0"]I'm looking to change my current setup for a single 4ohm cab, and to that end, I'm offering up my Ampeg SVT410HE for sale/trade. It's about 3 years old, USA made, and has some battle scars to the vinyl covering but sounds the absolute business. It's 8ohm, 500w, and has a horn with attenuator on the back (i've had it switched right off since day one, I'm not a big lover of sparkly top end).

    These currently retail at around £580. I'm open to offers of trades (with cash either direction as required) for Ampeg SVT610HLF, SVT410HLF, or anything else you have to offer that is 4ohm with minimum 500w power handling and of decent quality. I'm also up for a straight sale, make me an offer!![/color]

    [b]Ampeg SVT410HE now on hold.[/b]

    I also have a black 1980 Peavey T-40, in pretty good nick, that I'd be prepared to work into a trade deal. It's a cracker, but I've got more basses than I need so it's in the case feeling neglected! There's a Korg DTR-1000 and a Gemini 1U power conditioner that are currently surplus to requirements too.

    Happy to trade the bass, cab and/or any of the other bits for the right deal ;)

    I've not cracked out the camera yet, but if there's any interest I'll go sort some photos out. Let's hear what you've got to offer!



  4. A big fat plus 1 for the AKG D112. It's pretty standard issue for bass cabs and kick drums, so a lot of venues will have one (or something similar) knocking around.

    The 57 is nice too, although you won't get as much hefty low end out of it, you could have them blend it with a DI. You'll have to find a very friendly soundman who'll give up two whole channels just for the bassist though!! ;)

  5. So there's no love for more recent 'alt country' stuff (god, I hate genre names) like Ryan Adams and The Cardinals? The guy has put out about ten albums in 9 years, and not a bad one amongst them. The live show is killer too, everything is 'rocked up' a little bit more, and the musicianship is top class.

    When you look at a lot of 'good' country-esque music, not the production line commercial nonsense, I think musically it has a lot in common with the early soul stuff - replace the pedal steel and banjo with a brass section and the bloke in the cowboy hat with Sam and Dave, and you've still got those tight choppy guitars, and minimalist but swinging rhythm sections. You're only footsteps away from Stax. It's (as somebody said before) simple honest songwriting, played brilliantly.

    Admittedly, I've only come round to this view in the last couple of years, I used to dislike country purely on principle. I couldn't help but associate it with mad Texan evangelists and Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel. Maybe it's just old age setting in!

  6. Mine sounds like that! I always assumed it was down to my active basses, heavy handed technique, and cheapo Behringer electronics. Seems I'm wrong. No wonder I never like the tone much ;)

  7. [quote name='sifi2112' post='391045' date='Jan 25 2009, 04:45 PM']- sanded / stained & waxed body, removed veneer top layer to show 3 piece alder body but left most of veneer on back (does appear a bit purple on pic but it's not .. black stain)


    Aww, I liked the purple, you almost had me tempted! ;)

  8. I've kept my gear at the practice room for years now - I never have the need or the opportunity to use it in anger at home, so I don't miss it much, and it's easier for gigging because everyone's gear is in the one place when we're loading the van.

    If your rig doesn't get used much at home, I'd think about storing it there, and maybe just treating yourself to a little practice amp for in the house ;)

  9. The Squier Classic Vibe and Vintage Modern series get regular good shout outs on here. Not sure on the prices or the lefty availability off the top of my head, but a quick google will sort you out. Great basses for the money, and easy to mod/upgrade if that kind of thing tickles your fancy too. Can't go far wrong with that.

  10. Couldn't agree more, I've been getting this for a year or so and it's absolutely fantastic. It's not cluttered up with reviews that kiss up to manufacturers like most recording mags. It's full of interesting interviews about how people make music, and even the letters page is filled with contributions from professionals... Steve Albini is a regular ranter in there! I still can't believe it's free, it's the best recording mag going.

  11. Playing a Telecaster worked out ok for Bruce Springsteen and Steve Cropper! Tom Morello rocked one in Rage Against The Machine too. Don't let all these comedy indie bands ruin a perfectly fine axe for you!!

    I've been playing loads of guitar myself lately, mostly for acoustic gigs we've been doing. It's my main songwriting weapon at home too, it probably gets more playtime than the basses. They're all just a means to an end though, right? Like Bilbo said, it's still making music ;)

  12. Bought a fully loaded Geddy Lee control plate from Chris, turned up the next day packaged up a treat too. The man is a proper gent!! Cheers Chris :)


  13. I've got an Emu 1212M, and have always been happy with both the sound, and the PatchMix software that runs it all, so my recommendation would be the Emu. Haven't tried the USB versions though, mine is PCI.

  14. +1 for Gumtree. I threw an ad on there for a guitarist recently, as a total afterthought to using the dedicated sites, and recieved a deluge of replies, compared to a tiny trickle from the others. Like anywhere else, you'll get some jokers, but definitely recommend it.

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