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Posts posted by philw

  1. I've been looking out for a cheap fretless neck for this Jag HB body for a while but nothing suitable has come up, so I may as well see if it can find a new home.

    It's from the short-lived Squire Jag HB model and although it's been gigged a bit and has picked up the odd small blemish, it's basically in great condition. Any standard Fender or Squire P, J or Jag, 34" scale neck should fit. The mint green (yes, really) scratch-plate wasn't standard but I still have the black plate and will include it.

    Happy to ship at cost.

    [attachment=219562:Jag HB body - 1.jpg][attachment=219563:Jag HB body - 2.jpg][attachment=219564:Jag HB body - 3.jpg]

  2. And arriving unexpectedly from the left field, the first short scale, headless Fodera.




  3. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1462277821' post='3041647']
    Yes, Ropetackle it is. I would have seen you then, we went to that gig. Lucky you - I can only dream that one day I'll reach those giddy heights!

    Not sure the Ropetackle quite counts as a giddy height, but it was a fun gig - The support band was The Galleons. My only regret is that band pressure to play fretted meant I took along a "bitsa" Squire Jaguar. Would have been much more fun to play my fretless Wal through Norman's rig. He might then have even have looked up from his dinner during our sound check. Hope the gig's fun on Thursday.

  4. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1462181333' post='3040787']
    Going to see them this Thursday in Shoreham - can't wait!

    Last time they played Shoreham (Ropetackle Arts Centre I presume?) I was playing bass in the support band and got to use Norman's Ashdown rig. And no, I didn't touch any of the controls (and I certainly didn't need to turn it up at all).


  5. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1458383799' post='3007106']
    Fair enough. A good place to start with this guy is his disclaimer..


    Blimey! That's the kind of disclaimer that'd make me want to invite him around for dinner. Not. There's no way I'd place an order after reading that. Jeeez!

  6. That's a truly gorgeous looking bass.

    Now, flats. I've got very recent experience of both TI and Di'Addario Chromes. Basically, the TI are lower tension and brighter (well, more mid) than the Chromes, but they're both great strings, with a unique character all of their own, and not as dull/dead as many old-school flats. I've just put a set of TI's on my fretless Wal and am really kicking myself that I never tried it before (and I've had the Wal since 1983).

  7. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1453680563' post='2961835']
    I found these guys when I was looking for something else.


    There are probaby others who sell pick up covers a bit closer to home.

    Oh that's useful. That's for posting.


  8. I'll be sad to see this go but things change and it's time to thin the collection again.

    So, well gigged but in very good nick, it's a Yamaha BEX4 that I've owned for around 4 year I think. For those that don't know, the BEX4 is one of the most characterful and capable inexpensive basses that Yamaha don't make any more. It's a semi-acoustic (not particularly loud un-amplified but louder than a solid body bass) with a 34" scale and both mag and piezo pickups. Capable of a good range of sounds, easy to play and looks very cool (if you like orange). What's not to like. I'm happy to ship it (no gig-bag or hard case but it will be very well wrapped) at buyer's expense or if you want to collect there's tea, toast and bass-talk available here by the sea in Brighton.

    There's a bunch of pictures here:

    [attachment=210422:Orange BEX4-1.jpg][attachment=210423:Orange BEX4-2.jpg][attachment=210424:Orange BEX4-3.jpg][attachment=210425:Orange BEX4-4.jpg][attachment=210426:Orange BEX4-5.jpg]

    And if you want to hear the bass it's on this track (wearing flats):

    Any questions, just ask.

  9. All,

    I've decided that the only way I'm going to get myself my dream "Fender" parts bin bass is to build one myself using bits from various sources. I have a neck ready to go, and I've just ordered a Surf Green Jaguar style body, so now I'm wondering about pickups. So how about some recommendations. I'm after a J that provides lots of honk and a P that majors on growly thump? Only constraint is that I'll want pickups that can come in white or cream finish. Suggestions please (The more cost effective the better. My budget isn't huge).


    PS. The bass will be passive with two vols and a tone control.

  10. Funny, I've been reminiscing with old Brand X stuff on Spotify all day. Percy was one of the reasons I started playing bass and one of the reasons I bought a fretless Wal as soon as I possibly could. I still reckon PJ's the best out there.

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