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Posts posted by Shaggy

  1. Glad to see some Gibson love going on here; after many years of whoring around with any old bass they're the marque I've finally come around to, in particular the "reverse" models for the reasons given here; [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74502&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74502&st=0[/url]
    Here's my Kalamazoo Kuties :) :

  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='739501' date='Feb 8 2010, 10:33 PM']Alberto Y Los Trios Paranoias ... if I am not mistaken

    But yeah, agreed![/quote]

    Of course - my first thought was Half Man Half Biscuit, but you're right.
    My room mate in Uni used to play this continually, when he wasn't listening to taped radio repeats of "Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" :)

  3. Nothing that I can add to the legend that is Beedster that's not already said! :)
    We've been threatening to trade since the days of Bassworld, and finally did at a soggy services on the M11; my P for his Ric.
    ........might even buy it back when the inevitable sale thread appears :rolleyes:

  4. [quote name='retroman' post='734136' date='Feb 3 2010, 03:17 PM']There's a link to my issues with "The Thunderturd" as I now call it earlier in this thread.[/quote]


    Must have the "Dirty fingers" pickups Gibson used to make!

  5. Sold Chris a custom bitza Sabre; top bloke - genuine, friendly, great communicator, real bass enthusiast :rolleyes:
    Ta for a smooth deal! (Just hope you won't need a chiropractor after playing the Sabre, Chris...... :) .)

  6. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' post='721944' date='Jan 23 2010, 09:25 AM']The T bird is all about the triumph of style over practicality. It's the bass that says "wake up , it's time to rock!"[/quote]

    Personally I think this is one of those myths that gets handed down to each successive generation of bassists. (second statement agreed with, of course!)

    I like to rest my right hand on the top body bout so you can really dig in hard and fast against the strings - like Thunderfingers (pic) - only wish I had an ounce of the talent!

    That's what makes my '65 T'bird IV the most ergonomic bass I've ever played, by a big margin. The well-known strap button re-position mod sorts out the balance issue. :)

  7. Stephen broke into my house, stole my beautiful Trace Elliot Twin Valve head that I love more than my children, molested the cat, then made me write this feedback at gunpoint. :)

    Oh all right then, I sold it to him. Great guy, great communicator, fastest payer in the West, deal with in confidence. :rolleyes:

  8. Definitely, especially those three in the OP title, also Ian Curtis (Joy Division) who I'd seen play Eric's in Liverpool just a couple of months earlier, and John McGeogh (Magazine, Banshees)

    The night George Harrison died (was it the night?) I woke up with "My sweet Lord" running through my head. Spooky. :)

  9. [quote name='lonestar' post='703208' date='Jan 6 2010, 06:09 PM']assumes weasly man with a small Hitler moustache and clipboard type voice:
    " I think that if one checks the rules and guidelines for posting on the marketplace thread..."
    Did Hitler have a clipboard?
    Possibly to compensate for having one testicle :)

    Don't know about the guitars, but the bass version (Rivoli) used to be made at the Korean Peerless factory, and very highly regarded

  10. I’m a big fan of DI: conceded defeat on the “power race” within the band a couple of years back when we bought a 2.5kW PA with full mixer, crossover etc, and got a volunteer sound guy at the same time. My Ampeg SVT-2 / Mesa 2x15 rig could cope with it, but the sound guy was pushing hard for me to DI so he could control the mix, so I grudgingly gave it a go. Everything else miked; drums (x3 mics), guitar amps (x2).
    I wanted to keep valves at the front end at least; so initially used an all-valve Retrospec Juice Box active DI also feeding into a small digital head (Yamaha BBT-500H) / 2x10 cab on an amp stand acting as a stage monitor; pumps out enough for the whole band to hear it on stage, which is crucial. Now using Molan’s old Eden VT-40 with built-in Demeter preamp; nice fat DI sound, bags of on-stage power (still with the 2x10 / amp stand), and almost as compact as the digital head. I probably get more good comments about the bass sound now than when backline-only – the PA definitely throws it deep into the audience and the crossover helps keep it defined.
    Biggest beneficiary has definitely been my back! Transport easier too – all fits in the back of the crappy small family hatchback. The 2 guitarists are still using their 4x12 full stacks though even though they’re miked up, as it “looks right”! :)

  11. Some info on this recent thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71270"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71270[/url] and I guess the mods will probably move this to the amps section too.

    I'd say around £300 in good nick (what I'm selling mine for if anyone's interested!). These cope with the average pub gig fine, but I guess would be underpowered for anything much bigger. Plus points are the tone - gives me a gorgeous buttery tone on fretless I can't get with any other amp; it's really compact and portable for an all-valve head, and of course it's vintage Trace.

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