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Count Bassy

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Posts posted by Count Bassy

  1. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='399952' date='Feb 4 2009, 01:35 PM']A synth is often thought of as an electronic keyboard instrument that makes weird noises as well as replicating the sound of traditional instruments.

    Understandable as the marriage of a synth with a keyboard to trigger it's sounds inside one 'box' is -probably - the most widely used and convenient form of a synth.

    In fact , a synth is a box of electronics and it's sounds can be triggered by almost anything. Drum pads , guitars , basses , footpedals , wind instruments etc.[/quote]

    Fair point.

    I suppose a theramin is just anotherform of synthesiser really.

  2. To me a synth is something that creates a sound from fundamental components, as someone has already said.
    This is quite different to a keyboard with sampled sounds, which most keyboards seem to be these days, or something that takes an already complex sound and adds effects to it.

  3. Anyone out there play a contrabass recorder? Big buggers aren't they. Don't worry I've a brilliant solution that overcomes the size problem. My contrabass recorder is tuned 3 octaves up and because of that will fit in my shirt pocket. Don't worry - its still a contrabass, just tuned up a bit.

    But seriously, I have no problem with what the bloke is playing. I have no problem with what anyone wants to play. It's just a case of whether it should be called bass or not. To me 'Bass' doesn't say anything about the size of the instrument, or the technique used to play it. It does say a lot about the pitch range you'd expect to it cover however.

  4. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='397804' date='Feb 2 2009, 01:06 PM']That video has been messed up by youtube,

    if you go onto youtube and search for marlowedk you will see that he has more than enough skill to play this tune![/quote]

    I've not checked, but I'll take your word for it, and I'm happy that this is the case.

  5. Brilliant thread chaps,

    Two weeks ago my bass teacher asked if there were any song I particularly wanted to learn. Having thought about it for a week I came up with this one and the Wishbone Ash's 'Handy' (of their first LP), so this thread has been brilliant for the former and the various sound tracks are now loaded onto my bass trainer.

    Don't get me wrong, I doubt I'll ever get to play these out, but they'd both stretch my technique and agility somewhat, and after all, if you can play Rhythm Stick a lot of other bass lines must suddenly seem a lot less daunting.

    That first video of someone playing it does seem a bit odd. Has he recorded it slower (to make it easier) and then sped it up to make it look more impressive? If so, then shame on him. If not then well done.


  6. [quote name='Rayman' post='385104' date='Jan 19 2009, 04:05 PM']Superb gig, JB's one of my all time favourite players, guitar royalty. I had the pleasure of meeting him once, very nice bloke, and he leaves the likes of Clapton in his wake IMO.

    As far as his band goes, I thought they were all top notch, including Tal, who's a very talented bass player, and backed JB up perfectly. That's what she was there to do, not show her chops off to other bass players.[/quote]

    Personally, I'm not convinced that she did complement him that well. I agree that she wasn't there to show off her chops (what bassists are?), but I just found what she did a bit bland and wishy washy.

    However, if I may. I'll change my previous comment to say:

    "personally would be happy to play as well as Tal, but that doesn't stop me thinking that there are lots bass players [b]I prefer [/b]out there"

    Also please note the first part of this comment: I am not saying that she is not a good bassist.

  7. [quote name='largo' post='384262' date='Jan 18 2009, 07:10 PM']I watched the show when it was shown last year.
    I always rated myself as an OK bassist, played for 20 odd years now and "think" I can hold a tune, although the stick I get from the guys in the band might suggest differently. All I can say is, if someone asked me to sit in on that gig I wouldn't have a chance ! I'm in very esteemed company if those that don't rate Tal think they could have stood on that stage and held the groove any better.[/quote]

    I don't think anyone here has claimed that they could do better. I for one was simply dissapointed afetr all the hype I'd heard.

    I personally would be happy to play as well as Tal, but that doesn't stop me thinking that there are lots of better bass players out there.

    You don't have to be better than someone to have a view on them.

  8. [quote name='rayfw' post='382253' date='Jan 16 2009, 12:20 PM']Ah, right. I'll give that a try.
    How about taking them out? I can't seem to do it without it making an awful ptpthh noise through my amp with my active basses.[/quote]

    I've never had any problem taking a straight one out from any bass in one movement. Yours isn't one of the right angle ones is it?
    Also, is yours one of the latest generation Neutrik ones (maroon coloured)? If not then I can't comment as I've only used those.


  9. [quote name='rayfw' post='373867' date='Jan 8 2009, 10:48 AM']Re. muting jacks. I've found the Neutrik straight jacks work well enough (but not with some active basses as mentioned above) but that the right angled ones are useless. They seem to stop muting after a while and the plugs start to wobble about. I made 3 leads with them on and they are all the same after less than 6 months use. Not what I would expect from Neutrik as I've got some cables with Neutriks on that work perfectly after approx. 20 years use.[/quote]

    Same experience here - the straight ones are good, the right angle ones are useless. It seems that any slight sideaways pressure on the RA ones stop the sleeve sliding, and hence it doesn't mute. You wonder how someone like Neutrik managed to let them out of the factory.

    On someones elses point, they do mostly work with active basses, but you need to put the plug in up to the sleeve and wait a second while the pre-amp powers up/stablizes, and then plug it in the rest of the way.

  10. [quote name='YouMa' post='378524' date='Jan 13 2009, 12:33 AM']Tals cute but why i am never as impressed by her playing as everyone else,shes fantastic for her age but i just cant get the buzz.[/quote]

    I'm with you on this. Having heard so much about Tal Wilkenfeld I came away from watching the program feeling decidedly dissapointed. Not by the the rest of it it, just the bass playing. Can't help but wonder that if she didn't look 12 and reasonably cute (although she doesn't do it for me in that way iether), then there wouldn't be anything like the buzz around her. I've seen many better bassists playing in less high profile positions, but then they are mostly old men (and some with beards as well).

  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='360586' date='Dec 21 2008, 11:16 PM']If for 10 years every time you did the washing up, you used your feet, by now you'd be pretty good with your feet. Maybe as good as some people using hands? But is using your feet to do the washing up the best way to do it, even though you are good at it?[/quote]

    I didn't get married so I could do my own washing up!

  12. Well, I did say it meight be a laod of bollocks, but I actually meant that above the comment, not that below it. The latter being a result of not deleting the left over bits of crap at the end!!

    I like the humbucking idea, but what would you do with the left over string on a fiver?

  13. [quote name='agoulding' post='347734' date='Dec 7 2008, 10:24 AM']carol kaye, meshell and tal wilkenfeld win for me.

    wilkenfeld is not just "the best female bassist" but one of the best all round bassists imho[/quote]

    I watched the Jeff Beck thing on the telly a few weeks ago and, after all I'd heard, came away dissapointed by Tal Wilkenfeld

  14. [quote name='Cabal' post='343742' date='Dec 3 2008, 02:40 AM']Also, i'm without a key for the case, so does anyone know if they're universal fit? If they are, would anybody out there be prepared to lend me one to get a copy made, if indeed a copy can be made of this type of key.[/quote]

    I've always been puzzled as to what good a lock on a instrument case is. I supose that it prevents accidental opening in transit, but if someones wants to steal the guitar they'd surely just take the case as well?

  15. Moving a wire in a magnetic field will induce a voltage in the wire. Similarly having a static wire in a changing magnetic will induce a volatge. The later will is how a classic pickup works, as moving a magnetic material in a magnetic field will disturb the magnetic field, and this disturbance induces the a voltage in the pick up winding.

    What you are suggesting is using the first effect, and a voltage would be induced along the length of the wire when the string vibrates. However the voltage would be miniscule as the pickup wire (the string) only passes through the field once, and is not closely coupled to it.

    To pick this up you would need to tap the signal at both end of the string. I would have thought that the frequency response would be good. After all the inductance and resistance of the pickup would be very low which should give it a very even response and very low losses before it got to the (extremely high gain) pre-amp.

    BUT! the string will also act as a wonderful ariel for all sorts of interference, and the chances are this would totally overwelm any of the signal you wanted, which is probaly insurmountable in any practical sense.

    PS this may be a load of bolleaux

  16. [quote]But this is the bottom line for me; a neatly polished version of Mustang Sally is NOT better than bad jazz, not because it is not good, because it is not professional, not tight, not well delivered etc. It is not better because I know what's coming and don't care![/quote]

    " Pas d'elle yeux un que nous."

    That's what Mustang Sally sounds like to you.....

    You don't get it because you haven't learned to hear it yet. Its not that you can't hear it; children who have no preconceptions about music react just as positively to Mustang Sally as they do anything else. But, if all you ever listen to is hi-falluting jazz, you will struggle with something with the simple beauty of Mustang Sally.

    If you ever do get into it at any stage, it is amazing how over complicated and pretentious all the stuff you used to like will sound. Its just a different way of listening and very rewarding.

    With apologies Bilbo, but these arguments can be made both ways.

    Runs for cover.

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