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Posts posted by Freud_Chicken123

  1. I'd recommend Sire, I own a V7 (not a P yet but planning on getting one) and they really are amazing for the money.

    The necks are great, the action can be set amazingly low but i did have a high fret that needed sorting on mine no big deal tho and this happens at any price range. Knobs are totally fine, dont really know what people are talking about in this regard. Maybe a teeny bit loose feeling but nothing that'd ever affect u. Tuners are only noticeable thing. They are by no means bad but probs worth swapping out if you decide u like the bass and want to keep it. They are a little loose with some dead spots where turning does nothing and are easily bent. With all this in mind they are still absolute not brainers if you want a super versatile, great sounding active/passive bass that you dont have to worry too much about damaging 

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  2. Wanted to share my recommendation for these basses. To my ears and experience, this would be considered incredible tone for a 1k plus bass. Just insane quality for such a low price.

    Tuners - nice and tight, the G peg has a zone where it gets a bit crunchy but still works well. Keeps its tuning very very well. I've installed an extra string retainer for the A string as it lacked a bit of punch, but i didnt worry about doing it on a bass this cheap.

    Fingerboard - no dead spots, no fretwork needed whatsoever, and the bass intonates like a dream, totally in tune chords up high with flats is no mean feat.

    Neck - obviously no finish makes it nice and smooth, quite thick front to back but nothing outrageous. Truss rod works great and the relief is surprisingly even on either side of the neck (so far!). Neck pocket is insanely tight - best fit on a bass ive ever seen. 

    Pickup - really clean, traditional sound, i have absolutely no issue with the stock pickup and have no reason to change it.

    Electronics - smooth range on the volume and tone controls, no 'off-to-on' feeling you get with some basses. Good amount of high-end to play with as you can hear in the demo, for my tastes i could use a tiny bit more but this is an easy and cheap fix. 

    Bridge works perfectly well, id prefer threaded saddles but the bridge was installed perfectly so I wouldnt want to change the string position if i could.

    Pretty ordinary weight, tuners are nice and light so very little neck dive. 

    I expected this bass to be good value for money but i didnt expect to prefer it over my American Vintage Fender P. Maybe that will pass but right now I cant recommend these enough.


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  3. I have just bought one, I can safely say YES!!!! Here's a short demo of mine: 


    Incredible sound, honestly I can't tell it apart from a Fender 51 reissue P (10x the price). Mine came in great shape, no sticking out frets, neck pocket is WAY tighter than my American Vintage 62 P. Neck is nice, quite thick front to back but nothing ridiculous. No fret problems whatsoever. Truss rod works great. Tuners are fine, nice and tight which I like. Keeps its tuning as well as any bass i've owned. Tone and volume controls work great with great smooth range, no 'On or Off' feeling like with many cheaper basses and no crackling. Pickup sounds great, nice and clean. Only tiny thing was the A string lacked punch because of a shallow break angle, but installing a string retainer for like £3 totally fixed that. Bridge works fine, i would prefer threaded saddles to fiddle with string position but the bridge has been perfectly installed so i wouldnt want to move the strings from where they are anyway. 

    I bought it as a bass to bring to jams, mates houses, festivals etc. but i am honestly preferring the sound to my American Vintage. 100% recommended


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