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Posts posted by stingrayfan

  1. [quote name='ZPQ' post='54340' date='Sep 2 2007, 07:14 PM']Thanks for the reply,

    I've seem the 5.1 going for £250 which would seem to be a bit of a bargain for a 500W head if the specs are realistic and the tone and reliability are good.
    £250's a good price. I paid £300 for my 5.1. I've been pleased with mine but I wouldn't say it feels like 500w - even with a 4-ohm cab. That said, it sounds really good and does my range of gigs happily. Nice bright modern tone, the compressor is ok and the things like the mute button very useful. I tend to leave mine flat and EQ via the bass and always pretty happy with the sound. Feels chunky and well made, especially when you're lifting it to the car (it's not light).

  2. I've now got one of these and can back up Olie's review.

    The sound of mine (Blueburst Ash w/rosewood neck) is deep & bright (the hi-fi sound I like), warm and punchy. Like a hotter Stingray. Those pickups are hot hot hot. All the notes ring out thanks to the great p/ups, which is not something I can say about my Stingray (quiet G string, anyone?). To say I'm impressed by this bass is an understatement. Great feel too - smooth neck, not too heavy and comfortable right hand postition.

    Fit and finish very good. Compares very well with the US version. Yes, the woods used are cheaper and don't look as pretty as the US version, but when they play and sound as good as this, I'm not that bothered. This isn't a cheap guitar, £550+ (I got mine for £350 ex-US Ebay) so should be good quality. It won't be everyone's thing, but defo advise seeking these underrated basses out to try one yourselves.

    Edit: pic attached

  3. Nice bass! You're going to be a happy man with that I reckon. You'll find it's like a better Stingray. The sound is great.

    Edit: Oh, let us know what's it's like when you get it. Lots of pics please.

  4. I'm one of the freaks who actually [i]chose[/i] to play bass.... :) ....although I gave it up in my teens, in favour of guitar (sorry) and have only been playing again for 2/3 years and loving it. Own an electro acoustic and a couple of electrics and try to play whenever I get the chance. Did some acoustic singsong stuff at a party the other night which was fun. Playing bass with a good drummer wins hands down though!

  5. [quote name='krazy_olie' post='51511' date='Aug 27 2007, 11:59 PM']I wish mine was in blue. Good though aren't they :)[/quote]
    Yeah they're great. You never can tell though till you use it in anger, can you? So last night it got it's first gig outing at a party we were playing in a field. What a sound. Deep & bright (the hi-fi sound I like), warm, punchy. Like a hotter Stingray. All the notes rang out thanks to the great p/ups, which is not something I can say about my Stingray (quiet G string, anyone?). To say I was impressed by this bass is an understatement. Great feel too - smooth neck, not too heavy and comfortable right hand postition.

    I think I'm in love. :wub:

  6. [quote name='Bass_Junkie' post='53787' date='Sep 1 2007, 12:57 PM']i love all black bases, specially the headstock being painted, dont like basses with a really long horn cause i like to sling my bass low.

    probably using it for rock stuff over anything else.

    about £200-250 pounds

    any idea?[/quote]
    This maybe? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1992&hl=bb414"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1992&hl=bb414[/url]

  7. [quote name='ste_m3' post='53723' date='Sep 1 2007, 09:22 AM']Okay! I may have been a little off target with one of my guesses! The bass is actually made in [b]korea[/b]

    another clue... hmmm.

    If you belonged to a clan of Luthiers what would you be?[/quote]
    Give up!

  8. [quote name='beerdragon' post='53761' date='Sep 1 2007, 11:40 AM']...but he say's there's no way he's going out for that kind of money. couple of hours later he rings me up and says that the other two are in agreement that they are taking the p..sand we should forget it.those days are gone when we go out for that kind of money...[/quote]

    Haha... I used to be in a band like that. Arguing the toss about money when it's a hobby and the cash isn't needed to pay the mortgage. Delusions of grandeur.

    I can see why he's saying it though. Especially if you're used to getting £100+ from covers gigs. But like you say, a gig's a gig and you might have missed a good night. It's a paid rehearsal, if nothing else.

  9. Fine for bedroom use... If you want to gig them though, suggest going the 2nd hand route for Hartke, Warwick, Peavey etc. All can be had cheaply here or on Ebay. You'll thank yourself in the long run.

    Behringer mixers are good though - esp 1204FX. Been using one of those for 3 years now for gigs and it's great.

  10. He probably used automatic bidder software called "sniping". Some think it's bad form and unfair, other think it's an easier way of bidding up to you maximum amount, without you having to sit in front of your PC. Auction Sentry is one of the most popular. It bids up to your limit at a pre-agreed point - usually less that 10 seconds to go.

    Edit: corrcting tpos

  11. [quote name='ped' post='52374' date='Aug 29 2007, 03:15 PM']There is some discussion about Oxford being a possible area for the next 'national' meet - does that sit well with most people?[/quote]
    Just checked and my gear's still insured...so yep that's fine. :)

  12. [quote name='99ster' post='31359' date='Jul 13 2007, 04:08 PM']Just had my vintage 1965 Ampeg B-15 restored by Steve Rowse [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url] - highly recommended for valve amps.[/quote]
    +1 on Steve. He's a good guy with lots of great advice. He fixed my Trace Elliot combo for me.

  13. [quote name='G MAjor' post='51992' date='Aug 28 2007, 09:47 PM']wow 'i'll collect it in the morning! i've got to go to sheperton, so i could go utside the mm25 then flit back in to wards london, thanks G.[/quote]
    Silverfoxnik contacted me and has first dibs on this. Will let you know if he no longer wants it.

  14. [quote name='LPG83' post='49470' date='Aug 23 2007, 12:33 PM']The trouble I have, even since upgrading the pickups, is that clackety/ reedy/ grainy/ brittle sound, that I suppose is the nature of "the sound of wood".[/quote]
    How about putting the original pickups back in? Maybe it's just the EMGs you don't like the sound of.

    Failing that, buy a G&L. ;-)

  15. Just go with what makes you feel good when you're up there playing, Nik. Don't start flogging stuff off just yet though - allow for a re-think!

    Truth be told, the punters at the bar are probably hearing a completely different sound anyway. Mind you with that Peavey head, they won't be listening to the sound, they'll be trying to work out why the bass player's brought what looks like a top-loading VHS video recorder with him. :)

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