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Posts posted by M4L666

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='448782' date='Mar 29 2009, 05:13 PM']A lot of metal genres need new names. It's funny that being "Progressive" now means recreating music from the '70s.[/quote]
    Agreed. If metalcore was actually metallic hardcore, I'd be it's biggest fan.

  2. [quote name='noisedude' post='438483' date='Mar 18 2009, 05:22 PM']I don't want it as such, but if it ever comes up to West Yorkshire I'd look after it for an hour so I could put an awesome sticker on it and become part of BC folklore. So don't put me on the list, I'll just see if it ever makes its way this far north. :)[/quote]
    This far north? In Yorkshire?... (Damn southerners!).

  3. [quote name='Paul S' post='437499' date='Mar 17 2009, 04:36 PM']Cooler than the inside of a fridge that has been set to 'very cool' here.[/quote]
    That's pretty cool. :) My mum thought of the depot thing as well. If it's still with Starvolt, once they have it from him it will be easier for me to collect it. So Starvolt! Where is the bass?

  4. [quote name='Paul S' post='435758' date='Mar 16 2009, 07:51 AM']Reading through the post the last confirmed sighting was 20th Feb with Starvolt waiting for DHL.[/quote]
    Yeah, me too. The problem is the couriers only collect/drop off during the day, which is bloody inpractical for me- I have school, and my parents work full time.

  5. [quote name='OldG' post='416318' date='Feb 21 2009, 07:09 PM']If you are not using Vista, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38159"]this[/url] Tascam might be worth a look...[/quote]
    Yeah. I need moneys though- I'm saving for a bass. Thanks for the advice. ;)

  6. [quote name='mybass' post='416187' date='Feb 21 2009, 03:20 PM']MK 61 Midi Keyboard Controller.
    5 octaves. Pitch bend, modulation, Data entry plus octave change and other controls. (see pics)
    I probably used this once or twice and since then it has been under cover totally unused, so it is still in "new" condition.
    Postage? I'd say around a tenner would do it.

    The original receipt from Digital Village was £120.
    Asking £60 plus yer postage or collect/meet up on the musos gigging highway.[/quote]
    Do you need a tone module for it? Can you use it out of the box?

  7. I am looking for an external soundcard for my PC (or old mac). I was considering the Line6 POD Studio range, can anyone tell me about them? I need a device that will record and play me back all the other tracks I have laid down without latency. Fairly basic really. But I was wondering if anyone can suggest any specific devices that will be suited to this? I need XLR and 1/4 inch inputs, and MIDI would be a nice bonus. I have a small budget, so under £200, preferably under £100 is needed. Thanks for your help guys.

  8. [quote name='josh3184' post='409799' date='Feb 14 2009, 10:59 PM']man thats oooooold metal. These days is not metal unless you can't hear what they're screaming into your face and are bleeding on you.[/quote]
    To be fair, all these "hXc" bands are just taking DM templates and mixing it up a bit. Change is good.

    To be clear, I do listen to "proper" metal- Lamb Of God, Testament, CC, etc and on the weekend I saw Priest and Megadeth! Best gig ever (so far). Seeing Testament+Megadeth tomorrow... I'm having a good life ATM.

  9. So my current setup is my Line6 PODXT acting as an amp for my 115 speaker. This speaker is more of a speaker than a cab, as it is designed for PA use. Once I have a new bass, I will be upgrading my rig. To something bigger. I was considering a 115 or 410/412 bass-specific cab. Would this work well with my current speaker, considering it has XLR for I/Os instead of 1/4 inch? Or should I get a proper head and upgrade cab/speakers after that?

  10. Try and learn from CD. I'm very accurate as a riff just several notes out of place f*cks up the feel of the song. Like at the moment I'm learning Like Callisto To A Star In Heaven by Trivium. I learnt the guitar part first, as the bass mainly doubles it. Then I moved to bass and simplified the simpler bits, and added in any bass-specific fills or runs (of which there where none this song ;)). So by ear/ a little tab.

  11. GOOD
    Good at playing metal or rock.
    If left to my own devices, the solo-type stuff just flows like I'm a guitarist.
    Mostly cheerful.
    Decent singer.
    Good at set up.
    Can't slap to save my life.
    Good at tapping (well better than the average indie bassist).
    Can sound interesting...
    with decent theory, but mainly just knowing chord patterns.

    Only good at playing metal or rock.
    Not enough right hand speed to do fast solo-type stuff.
    Get moody if I play badly.
    Good at setting up wrong and having to correct it twice.
    Can't slap to save my life.
    Limited musical taste ("So when does the heavy bit kick in?").
    Can't read bass clef.

  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='401032' date='Feb 5 2009, 02:02 PM']That's the inherent limitation with electric bass guitar. Once you've got past the convention of plucking the notes with your fingers or a plectrum, then slapping/popping's about all that's left.

    So people are bound to try it and some will perform with greater proficiency and / or musicality than others. There is no point in assigning a greater or lesser cultural value to a playing technique, in the same way that there's no point in stating that a hammer's 'better' than a nail-gun. It depends on who's using it, their intended objective and whether they achieve it.

    If their objective is to satisfy their audience, that's one thing. If it's to satisfy themselves that's another.

    If it's to satisfy themselves at the expense of the paying audience, that's Jazz ;)[/quote]

    You forgot tapping!

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