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Posts posted by Bassfinger

  1. I remember the Axe stuff, though it was a bit late for me.  My Mum thought me a Hohner Les Paul, which looked lovely but which was a bit nasty to play die to set up difficulties.  A mate of mine got guitar'd up at about the same time and went for the Encore Strat, which was a much better instrument, albeit not as nicely finished as the Hohner.  By the time the Axe stuff came about I was in my 20s and had money and had moved on to Yamaha and Washburn.

    Didn't Axe do a guitar with a carrying handle cut into the body, or was that someone else?   

  2. I'm still very much learning having converted from guitar.  I'm a dyed in the wool a rocker, from AOR through prog and hard rock and nibbling into heavy metal in my tastes, particularly earlier HM.  However, some of the scales I've been practicing have had me tapping out some classic 50s-60s rock n roll bass lines this last week, over and over, consolidating my skills.  If Mrs Bassfinger hears me play Rock Around The Clock again I'm liable to end up in hospital having a bass guitar removed from my skull.

    • Like 1
  3. Greetings and welcome.  I'm the other way around, a Scotsman (actually, a Northern Islander) living in England, although I'm fast getting fed up with the noise and bustle so maybe for not much longer.


    A little squirt of contract cleaner might well cure the pots, although take care not to get any on the finished surfaces of the instrument.

  4. Got divorced.  This sucked much of my time, money and my will to live, so I thought the decent thing to do for the sake of the other two was to hand in my cards as my mind wasn't on it and heart wasn't in it.  Not much point in being in a fun pub band if life is making it a chore.

    I moved away and lost contact with them, so I have no idea what became of the 2 remaining members of The Velocity 4.  Google hasn't revealed anything, and I don't do Twitbook, so who knows?

  5. Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas.

    Nantucket Sleigh Ride - Mountain.

    Rock And Roll Hoocie Koo - Rick Derringer.

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles, although I love the Frampton version and some of the soulful guitar work in the Vinnie Moore instrumental version.

    Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull.


    Could listen to any or all of these over and over...and I do. I love to immerse myself in them and cherish every note.

  6. That's quite an elegant headstock.  Some of the copies look a bit gash as they try to deviate from the Fender design, but that one is quite subdued.

    What does the old girl play like, as to me that's the measure of the finished product? Other clues can be found if you lift the scratchplate and peer behind, or demounting the neck and look in the mounting pocket to see if its solid wood or laminate.  That'll give you some idea of the likely pricepoint it was made to back in the day.  I suspect it is laminate - but I would be very happy to be proven wrong - but I'd sooner have a sweet sounding laminate tool than an indifferent one made from a solid piece of timber.


    Let us know what you find, and good luck.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Howdy.  A rock/blues bassist from Northamptonshire checking in.  I'm a fairly recent convert to bass, having previously been a keen guitarist of many years standing.  However, breaking my right elbow in an accident has left my with very limited feeling in my two outside fingers. 

    Aside from meaning my typing is poor (sorry!) It was making a mess of my playing.  Thinking laterally,  Mrs Bassfinger bought me a bass guitar from Gear4Music last Christmas, and I've taken to it pretty well with my own DIY thumb and 2 fingers technique - her thought was there's a third less real estate to cover with my right hand and I would manage that better, and turns out she was right.  Don't tell her though...

    Aside from having to relearn how to play, it's also given me a different perspective on listening to music.  Lime most of you lot, I'm now listening to the bassline first and foremost!

    So I'm getting into it and progressing well enough that I'm considering selling my guitars and using the dosh to buy a better bass, although to be fair the Gear4Music bass (the Chicago model, if anyone is interested) is actually eminently playable and not bad sounding.

    So here I am, seeking to learn more and expand my skills and abilities.

    Chin chin.

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