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Posts posted by Bassfinger

  1. On 28/01/2020 at 12:55, Davo-London said:

    If the objection to the J in a PJ is a wiring issue, couldn't there be a wiring scheme that keeps them separate.  For example a switchable P-only to P+J.  Just asking!



    Yep, and just to confuse matters further there are several different ways they can be wired in before even resorting to switchable pots, so to suggest they never quite sound the same is a statement so broad it's almost completely untrue.

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  2. Not that I'm an expert by any means, but to my eye the writing has more of a Korean look than Chinese or Japanese. 

    It's likely 30-40 years old, which makes it unlikely to be Chinese.  I wouldn't say it isn't Japanesemfor sure, but Japanese basses in that style are much more unusual, so by an amazing piece of guesswork and elimination I'm going with late 70's and Korean.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Lozz196 said:

    Reverse psychology, tell him that although his bass lines are good you think they’re getting in the way of his sublime sax melodies, so it would be best to dumb said bass lines down in order to not do so - but do admit it will pain you to do this.

    I prefer standard psychology- "f*** off, d***wad" might have been my considered, thoughtful riposte.

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  4. If the information in the OP is correct about Hofner owning the plant and everything being manufactured to the standard and tolerances they set then there's no moral or physical reason why they should be any difference.  A chinese millimetre is the same as a german one, and a CNC machine in china works identically to the same machine situated in Germany.

    There is some tat coming out of china, and as aforementioned a lot is deliberately aimed at budget prices and markets.  However, there is no reason whatsoever why a quality item made in china should be inferior to a quality item from germany.  Are people's memories that short? I recall in the 70s folk would scoff at Japanese cars, and before you knew it they'd taken over the world with a quality product at a keen price.  Well, its happening before our eyes again and still people don't get it.

    Their heavy machinery and recent civil engineering structures are already some of the best in the world bar none.  In terms of military naval technology and its application they've very quickly overtaken every nation in the world other than the US and UK (and it could be argued they've already surpassed the UK). Hell, they had a decent civilisation, buildings and technology while we were still living in caves and wearing animal skins. There's no reason why they shouldn't make a decent guitar if so mone paid them to do so.

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  5. Is it just me who finds the Schaller system great, but inexplicably expensive? I use Dunlop jobs for that reason.  Very decent quality copies are about £6 a pair, and shopping about gets you genuine for 15 sheets or so if you're canny.

  6. Is rather not sell anything than let Mark Zuckerberg harvest my data to sell to anyone willing to pay for it.  One day he'll be president of something and those that did are going to regret helping him get there and allowing him to make money along the way.

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  7. We laugh, but it's almost as daft and thoughtless as when protesters though US IRA pension funds were to do with the terrorist IRA.  Youd think people would realise that, a) a few letters in a reference number is hardly evidence of anything amiss, and b) if you were trying to buy fissile material you'd hardly be likely to make any reference to the rogue state for which you work in the reference number.

    And don't get me started about money laundering.  I get all this crap when clients pay me for my work.  The regs are well intended but utterly stupid - they inconvenience normal, decent folk going about their daily lawful business while doing little to actually stop criminals from laundering money. This country is very good at kneejerk legislation and bureaucracy.

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