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Posts posted by Bassfinger

  1. We're  all MU members, so were insured individually.


    One if our team is an aircon engineer and has a sparkies ticket so were all PAT tested. 


    We always check the venue has a PRS licence before we agree to play (never had a negative result on that one yet).


    We keep every receipt and log everything incoming and outgoing on a spreadsheet just in case were tupped by the revenue.


    Nothing goes on social media that isn't either us, or something we've created ourselves.


    While its not a business, in order to stay out or the sheet it needs to be run as such, scrupulous records kept, and all eventualities considered. Its a ballache compared to being a pub band in the 70's, but thats modern living for you.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Marvin said:

    I see Robert Cray has cut any ties or links with Clapton after Clapton likened lockdowns etc with slavery.


    For someone who made a fortune from ripping off black American music, Clapton has an unenviable propensity of looking like he's either thick, nasty, a racist or all 3.



    Read his biography.  He comes across as someone who simply isn't a terribly nice person.  If I were George Harrison I'd have done unspeakably unpleasant things to him.

    • Like 6
  3. Remove the neck plate and check the rear - OE Fender ones are a solid plate, the copies are sort of almost hollow on the rear.


    The tuners look wrong to me, but I can't quite place them.  Possibly Squier, but I wouldn't take that to the bank.

  4. 4 hours ago, NancyJohnson said:

    I've known Josi for years...top bloke.  If you're looking for great budget pickups, Warman are brilliant.

    His products are a cost effective way to pep up a Harley Benton.  Like the HB's, Warman pups punch well above their weight so it's a match made in heaven as far as I'm concerned.


    His customer service is invariably first class too.

    • Like 2
  5. Is it a 'bad' habit if it works? The bass 'guitar' is a relatively new instrument, and techniques for its use relatively young themselves and will be devloping for decades and centuries to come - who's to say what's  bad?


    Look at Mark Knopfler on the geetar - his right hand technique is, by his own admission, an absolute abomination but boy does his playing sound good. 


    My goodself, I cant feel 2 fingers on my right hand so I've  had to develop my own technique that wouldn't be found in any guidebook, and Im confident I sound as good as half the tutors out there.


    If it works, helps you sound how you want to, and isn't impeding any other aspect of your playing then you carry on dping exactly as you are and stop worrying about the self apointed arbites of correctness.

    • Like 1
  6. Hofner shorty already fits the bill. They sound nice and bitey (new word, (c) Bassfinger industries 2021), when set up properly they play great, are inexpensive, compact, and lent themselves to being modified if you're a tinkerer. Once you've  got the knack then issues with balance etc aren't  an issue.


    If you're a tinkerer yourself and what to make such a thing then go for it - I would be very much interested in watching the project unfold. However, I don't believe there is much of a commercual market for such a device, but would be happy to be proven wrong.


    I don't know if Hazbeen has made any progress since his original post but would be keen to hear if he has.

  7. 36 minutes ago, BillyBass said:

    Your reactionary message has been noted.  Come the day of the revolution comrade, you and your Daily Mail reading counter revolutionaries will be the first up against the wall.

    I only aspire to the Mail, comrade. With my place at the lower end of the capitalist scale I'm well and truly a Daily Star man.

  8. Last nights Christmas gig went ok.  It's a low concrete ceiling at this venue and we suffered a bit with the vocalists monitors reflecting the sound back off the ceiling to the rhythm section and I couldn't hear myself play for much of the show, but was told I didn't drop any clangers.  Guitarist hurt his back the morning of the show, but an emergency appointment with an osteopath, a stool to sit on and some crack cocaine just about saw him gut through the show.  Fair play to him.  Thats it now until the end of January.



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