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Posts posted by Bassfinger

  1. Jet Harris was booted ott the Shadows for trying one too many times to play while pithed, and Tony Meehan couldn't  be arsed to get out of bed and turn up for shows and eventually quit before being pushed. 


    They then joined forces and had a couple of hits of their own before booze and epic lie-ins became a problem again.


    In both instances publishers, managers, random music industry figures, or the Illuminati had nothing to do with it.

    • Like 2
  2. 55 minutes ago, PaulThePlug said:

    Nice... I like Jazz PJ's here are my Bitsa with Kent Armstrongs and Modded Aria Pro with Entwistles...

    The only thing on yours I might change are the Strat Knobs for Jazz... and wire VBT...




    Entwistle P pickups sound so sexy, and are so inexpensive, I'm sure they must be illegal in some way. One of the best rock or blues P pickups for any money IMHO.

  3. Ah, I steer clear of jam nights and the like. While I'm a decent enough technical player, and have the rare skill of being able to read music, I have the zero imagination and even less spontaneous creativity skills, so jamming is out for me.


    Respect to anyone that can make it up as they go along, and sound good while doing so.

  4. 7 hours ago, FinnDave said:

    I've been playing bass for about 50 years, always finger style until 2017 when a motorcycle accident meant I couldn't use my right hand fingers properly So, I switched to using a pick. Took a week or two to get used to it, but as Bassfinger says, when I listen to recordings of the same songs played with the same band, I have to check the date to know whether I was using pick or fingers. 

    I found the best pick for me was a 3mm Dunlop, absolutely no chance of any flex, so it had the feel of direct contact with the strings that finger style did.

    About two years ago, I was fiddling around with one of my basses and realised I was playing fingerstyle, but bending from my knuckle joint instead of the base of my finger as I had previously, until the loss of  tendon ruled that out. I don't think I have played with a plectrum since.

    Still can't tell in recordings which I was using, though! 

    I mainly bend from my knuckles rather than the joint up at the hand proper. 


    I also have the benefit of great big hands so can play comfortably anchored almost all the time, and only need to move my thumb onto E if the song requires extended time up on G.


    I do enjoy finger playing and practice it daily. Sadly all the pracrice in the world won't repair nerve damage, so when accuracy matters it's out with the Tortex triangle 1.0 mm.

  5. 53 minutes ago, NancyJohnson said:

    I've pretty much always played with a pick, for me it's more of an attack and speed thing. 


    You can woolly things up and sound more like a finger player easily enough.  Felt picks anyone?  Failing that, adjusting the tone controls post bass; personally I'd just leave everything open on the bass and alter things via the amp or any pre-processing. 

    And attck the string with the pick angled so its more the edge stroking the string than the side plucking it.

  6. I play both, but mainly use a pick when live playing as I can't feel all the fingers on my right hand so Im more prone to mistakes playing finger style. 


    For all the talk of tone and stuff that folk trot out, I find that when I listen to recordings of my playing I cant tell which method I was using at the time.

    • Like 1
  7. On 18/08/2022 at 21:58, Happy Jack said:


    In 2016, the aircon unit cost £800 plus £200 for necessary bits to install it plus £350 for the actual installation, so £1350 overall plus VAT to take it to £1620.


    I don't imagine it's got any cheaper since then. This is an aircon rated for a small industrial unit, maybe 1500SF, installed in a space that's well below 500SF, so it's quite deliberate overkill.


    In six years it has never missed a beat, never misbehaved, and given how much time I've spent in there I'm happy with the decision I made at the time.


    To the very best of my knowledge, basses and amplification have no need for climate control. The only thing they respond really badly to is rapid change (in temperature or humidity or both), especially if that can lead to condensation. 


    I, on the other hand, am a far more delicate petal ...


    Our rhythm guitarist owns his own aircon compamy.


    Just before the heatwave hit he installed 2 x Mitsubishi aircon units at Chez Bassfinger for 2 gee.  He pretty much covered his costs and worked for free, which was very generous for 8 hours work

  8. Fear not, I've not forgotten, it's just that its been fearsomely hotmin the workshop this week so haven't done anything further.


    But the imminent arrival of the relatively cooler weather will bring some more progress, taking things perilously close to being finished.

  9. Tried painting the headstock, but bring the perfectionist that I am wasn't happy with the result.


    So went carbon instead. Should provide a nice contrast to the white truss rod cover. Once the glue is dry I can finish sanding the edges.



    • Like 6
  10. Built up the Danish oil on the neck like varnish. You can do this but it takes an age to dry, sometimes months. Fortunately a week of 40C temps in the workshop have done the trick.


    Rubbed back with 0000 wire wool and T cut, then buffed and waxed. Lovely.









    • Like 4
  11. Right, DV247 are arsing me about with the pickup.  Luckily I paid via PayPal and got a refund right quick.


    Retrovibe toaster duly ordered instead, so I have to wait again.


    Still, other things to be done. There was quite a build up of Danish oil on the neck and a week drying in a 40°C workshop has cured it so it's now harder than a Ross Kemp documentary.  Given a good T cut and buffed to a high shine and it looks and feels lovely.

    • Like 1
  12. I've not fogotten!


    Have finished the front in danish oil, 5 coats. Gives a nice shine and makes it more resistant to mucky hand prints.


    Also done the neck in danish oil, and it looks lovely.


    Left the sides and back with the wax over tung oil, which looks pleasant and adds a nice contrast to the gloss front.


    Its hanging up in the workshop curing.  In this hot weather its 40°C out there if the door is kept shut, so it should cure and harden nicely.


    Now it's a waiting game while the new neck pickup and bridge work their way ro me through the post, then I can press on with some assembly.

  13. On 02/07/2022 at 16:39, horrorshowbass said:

    I've been hovering over the passive stingray clone, the MB4. :)


    My MB4, with Wilkinson tuners and Warman pup, is a snarling beast and has now become my main gigging tool.


    Not only does it growl like an angry rottweiler with a deep tone that would make Brian Blessed take a respectful step back, but it's fun to play, not too heavy, looks good, and the boys in the band reckon its the best sounding of my basses. 


    It's arguably the best combination of attributes and price of any new bass anywhere and a ripe platform for fun, cost effective modding. Were it not against God's law I'd marry it!

    • Like 2
  14. MU is good.  Your arriss is covered, and it solves all sorts or arguments that arise when insurers try to argue you were still acting as your own free agent and not on band business at that precise moment in time.  


    Of course, to satisfy the venue youd probably all need to be members. But my mob are all in the MU, so we're good.


    They also give you 2 grand of free equipment cover, which is jolly handy.

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