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  1. I Wish, that's in E flat right? Do I need to detune everything a half step, just the E or shut up and this is played on a 5 you idiot, or am I tone deaf?

    1. MartinB


      Yep, it's Eb. But the lowest note in the original bassline is an F# on the E string, so you should be fine on a four-string without detuning. Love this tune! It's a real workout for your left hand.

    2. caitlin


      Hmm, I'm playing it out of the Trinity grade 4 book, but it sounds 'wrong' to my ear against the original.

      If I smash an Eflat at the 11th on the E on the first of the bar that sounds 'correct'. tum te tum, the guy was a genius and I'm a drummer so I expect that's where the gap in understanding is.
      I'll go look at it again with my ears just as soon as I fix my wonky jack socket.

    3. MartinB


      Your ears are right! I like to start with that Eflat on the 6th fret of A string - same pitch, but it's less of a jump to reach the next note:

      G ----------------------3---------
      D ------------------4-6---6-------
      A 6-----1---3-4-5-6---------3-4-5-
      E --2-4---4-----------------------


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