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Everything posted by littleal

  1. Still looking for to trade for a jazz 5 string or something interesting 5 or 6 string
  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='1183865' date='Mar 31 2011, 08:39 PM']Couple of bad flash camera shots of my newly acquired June 2004 Mach II (or according to one Wal blog, a Mach II/III hybrid) fretless with American walnut facings and mahogany core. Ebony board has useful side fret marker lines on it, like an Ibanez fretless I once owned. Weighs 9.4 pounds, balances very well on a strap, almost Jazz-like neck dimensions, and in immaculate condition. Sounds very like a DB on the bass/neck pickup with the tone rolled off (it has LaBella flats on it) which is what I need in my band, plus has a ton of other tonal options. Will be spending a couple of hours with this tonight as the Mrs on a girlie's night out and kids broke up from school today [attachment=76379:P1040152.JPG][attachment=76380:P1040149.JPG][/quote] I saw that one in the gallery, that looked lovely in the flesh, congrats man!
  3. [quote name='Spoombung' post='1183793' date='Mar 31 2011, 07:52 PM']I don't understand - I thought you were trying to sell that recently? Why have you had a re-fret?[/quote] I was as she was fretless & I need a fretted bass,
  4. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='1183674' date='Mar 31 2011, 06:34 PM']Bet you're glad you kept her Al[/quote] You bet, she sounds & plays lovely Keith
  5. Very nice, looks a little like Mick karns wal
  6. Just got this back from the gallery (sei bass) & Martin has done a stunning job fretting this for me
  7. Yes it comes with a hiscox case & I will ship it insured via courier
  8. [quote name='Kev' post='1180013' date='Mar 28 2011, 08:56 PM']Gorgeous example of an early Walnut BO, do want![/quote] Thank you, Their is no fret ware & has a nice grain on the body too
  9. [quote name='Big Black Shed' post='1179800' date='Mar 28 2011, 05:52 PM']I have so much Warwick GAS at the moment. Just a little too rich for me. Have a BUMP.[/quote] Cheers, you're more than welcome to make an offer
  10. I only have a link to my star now page & track 3 on there I used this bass, It sounds warm compared to other warwicks I've used, it does not sound harsh atall & records lovely, here is the link, [url="http://www.StarNow.co.uk/allantodd"]http://www.StarNow.co.uk/allantodd[/url]
  11. This bass is in excellent conition & quite rare, it has a much warmer sound than the later thumbs. I'm looking for £950 ono I may be interested in trades for a jazz 5 string something interesting, Or a galling krueger rb1001 + cash
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  13. [quote name='Le Chat Noir' post='1155501' date='Mar 9 2011, 04:03 PM']You might have more joy on some guitar-orientated sites like MusicRadar or even the Matamp forum - I think perhaps 100w just isn't enough headroom for most modern bassists, but these are certainly coveted in the guitar world![/quote] I've used one of these & they are seriously loud, it seemed to be as powerful as my trace 600 smx head & it sounded lovely too, Have a bump on me
  14. One last bump for my fretless wonder before she becomes fretted
  15. How did I miss this! I would have traded my wal 6 string for this
  16. Aria 5 string fretless with fret markers, This is a passive bass that was originaly fretted & has been refinished in aquatic blue with mahogany stripes added, looks lovely & sounds sweet with nice low action, Bargain 150 ono 01983 855177 it
  17. [quote name='dmz' post='1137771' date='Feb 22 2011, 09:35 PM']Geez Al what ARE you thinking.......get her fretted - think of all that time you spent speccing her, saving for her, researching....... You can get ebony inlays to replace the existing ones on the side of the fingerboard. Would look nice with some maple dots actually on the fingerboard along with the frets - a la US Lakland Still loving the 6-string Thumb by the way [/quote] Oh dude that thumb is awsome, I'm glad youre still enjoying it, if you do get bored of it I'll gladly have it back I'm giving the wal one more day on here, then It's off for a fret job
  18. [quote name='Snarf' post='1136791' date='Feb 22 2011, 10:05 AM']Every time I see this thread, a small part of me dies. Damn, that's a fine bass and I REALLY wish I would scrape together that kind of money.[/quote] I think everyone must be skint at the moment
  19. Last price drop down to 3"250 or she's having a fret job done
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