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Ted Theodore Logan, III

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Posts posted by Ted Theodore Logan, III

  1. 1 minute ago, fleabag said:

    Anyone remember  James Dewar ? 


    Couldn't say I remember him as I'd never heard of him before now but...

    Heck Yeah!!"

    Amazing voice!!


    Gotta love dem guitars & drums too... :swoon:

    The guitarist is literally eating his tasty licks as they come out... You watch close...

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, pete.young said:

    On a more positive note, the amazing Gail Ann Dorsey, with some help from the dodgy-looking geezer in the green shirt.


    Goose-feckin-bumps!!! Love it!!!

    Such a simple Bass line but only works when played absolutely perfectly!! 

    ... and that tone!!! :x

    • Like 2
  3. Here's one I keep stumbling upon each time I relapse and find myself back in the BC Marketplace Forum...

    Stephen Lee Bruner 

    (Former member of Suicidal Tendencies, believe it or not...)


    & yes... the same gorgeous instrument is currently available in the BC Marketplace... :x

    Fortunately the moths in my wallet keep telling me “No"... “but their body... their body's is telling me yes..."

    (Apologies, terrible RnB reference...)


    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, Len_derby said:

    Lee Jackson has never had the profile I think he deserves.

    I was lucky enough to see him live in Refugee , a prog trio with Patrick Moraz on keyboards and Brian Davison on drums. Very impressive. He was playing a mirror-shiny Rickenbacker as I recall. 

    I like... very “Nice" (excuse the pun)...

    Left hander as well... Double points awarded!

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Hellzero said:

    The late Mark Sandman of Morphine who died as fast as he was living.

    A great singer and an astouding bass player. Saw them loooooong ago with Moondog Junior opening for them. Fantastic concert, still in my memory.



    Ooooh!! Great shout!!

    Huge admiration for tha' guy and completely slipped my mind... :$

    Can't believe you got to see Morphine live... (Shakes fist)

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Hellzero said:

    The almighty Lemmy, of course. No need for a picture. If you don't know him, you know nothing about bass. Period.

    Or lemonade...Screenshot_20200203-203924.png.c4baeaa592a0b15d85c0352cec740b2d.png





    “YOU!! QUENCH MA' THIRST!!!.."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. So, from the majority of my encounters meeting and conversing with other musicians, I have found that the Bass Guitar tends to attract the more palatable and all-round pleasant musical artists among us...

    Case & Point; All you lovey BC'ers :i-m_so_happy:

    I envisage the Bass & Rhythm of Music as it's Heart & Soul and it would appear that most Bass players have an abundance of “heart & soul", hence why they're great Bass players.

    A good Bassist will always compliment the song as opposed to their ego; knowing when to provide subtle rhythm accompaniment and when to (humbly) upstage the lead guitarist.

    My point being that most Bass players are within their element and most content when playing for the love of music rather than for recognition.

    Which brings me to the subject matter of Bass players that can't help but be in the “limelight"... i.e. Lead Singers who play Bass...

    Now, there are numerous “front-persons"/“lead singers" who are flying the flag for all us “low-enders", some famous, some not so famous and some, well let's just say in a league of their own...

    Which Singer/Bassist has inspired, amazed or just down-right annoyed you?...

    The obvious ones might not be so obvious to some and likewise, the obscure ones might not be as unheard of as you'd first think...


    So let's here from you fine BC'ers on your favourite, not so favourite or completely unknown Lead Singers who play Bass...



    It should go without saying that should any of you gorgeous BC'ers be holding it up for the Bass/Singer front, let it be known and wave your flag proud!  Would be mighty impressive to see the talent contained amidst this beautiful Bass Forum...


    (Any pictures & links encouraged)



    Gonna start this one off with the late, great Peter Steele of Type O Negative, as I'm just sooo “Brooding Goth"!!  


    You might know of him, you might not...

    Let's here what you got... ^_^




    Peter Steele: Part-time Bassist, part-time Warlock, full-time L'Oréal hair model...

    (Geez!! That Bass gotta be heavy!!! Needing a chain strap an' all...)


    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, gjones said:


    Well, as well as my class amps, I also have an Ashdown ABM 500 III, which I bought on Ebay for the price of a pair of Dr Martens boots (i.e. pretty expensive for a pair of shoes but dirt cheap for such a classy amp).

    It sounds great!

    Or you could get the best of both...Screenshot_20200202-180502.png.2816f92171a97524c880b36dd69d9f5f.png

    That'd give any rig a run for it's money and it'll fit in your back pocket... ;)



    • Haha 2
  9. I'm not in any way comparing the ways of the BBC with Nazi regime but...


    Rules for “stuff" aired on BBC radio

    - Must NOT be invigorating, honest or inspiring

    - Must be auto-tuned

    - Must fall into the category of “indie-acoustic" or “R‘n'B / c-RAP"

    - Must sound almost exactly the same as the song aired two songs prior

    - Must advocate either; promiscuous sex, getting “crunked" or having a “good time"

    - Must include words that aren't actually words i.e. “crunked"

    - Must have a rich mummy or daddy, connections in the industry or be very, very good looking (a willingness to solicit oneself is a plus)






    I mean c'mon!!... Just take a look at Nick Grimshaw...  


    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, upside downer said:

    Did you buy the saz in the end? They are great instruments to play. In my old band we used to do 'Kashmir' with yours truly on saz, the tuning I use (GDA) is ideal for it. 

    I did contemplate purchasing the Saz for a while however my “music room" is in serious need of a clear out... so alas I refrained from adding the Saz to my collection.

    Not that a Saz would take up too much space... ^_^


    I've rather naughtily been looking into purchasing a cello though... Certainly no room for that... and the fact that I've never even touched a cello might make learning to play one very taxing... :scratch_one-s_head:


    I've just been besotted with the instrument ever since I was a child and heard “The Sanctuary" as the theme tune for the TV series “Angel"


    “Love me some brooding vampires..." 


    ... but the emotion that the cello can evoke is amazing!

    Such a serious and sombre instrument... It's like the opposite of me xD


  11. 7 hours ago, Old Horse Murphy said:


    I'm looking for £1,500 plus shipping, which is a huge saving on a new one of these.


    Have you pm'd @edwn ?...

    He was after one o' these back in November...

    “ I'm after a Tony Franklin Fretless Precision. In Black rather than 3TS.

    Would also consider 6 string unlined fretlesses suitable for roundwounds. But not Jazz basses please.

    Thanks! ".... (His quote, not mine... I already got one of these... xD )

  12. 41 minutes ago, Newfoundfreedom said:

    the one voted off this week is an absolute legend in my eyes.

    Would he, per chance, have made a comment that follows thusly?...

    “I'm not fond of new music, so I had to force myself to assimilate inferior compositions"


    “BRAVADO, Monsieur ‘awkins, Bravado!!" :hi:

    • Like 2
  13. On 02/01/2020 at 11:42, Stippy said:

    Hi to all...

    I've been into rock/metal/any other music all my life, tried the guitar(strange 6 string thingy type) a few times, couldn't get into it....suddenly realised after too many years that my interest was in the bottom end..

    So at 53, decided to try it !!....bought an Ibanez SR300, as recommended as  a starter bass, and the rest is history...so only one question from me to all the pro's and previous learners..What's the best way to learn, please ??

    Thanks People...

    Howdy Partner!

    Welcome to the melting pot... :crigon_04:


    “The one spot stop to shop for all your Bass related needs!!"


    You'll find countless “Low End Aficionados" residing here within, all of whom are eager and keen to share their expertise, advice and experiences... (whether you ask for it or not! xD)


    Good choice with the SR300, I would recommend them as a starter instrument to the world of Bass!  They have an ergonomic neck and their weight is very manageable.  They also provide a very pleasing tone for an instrument in their price range :i-m_so_happy:

    If you are keen on the Ibanez SR series and wish to eventually upgrade you are likely to find more “premium" models being advertised at very appealing prices in the “treasure trove" marketplace of this very site!  But be warned, there are A LOT of incredibly tempting instruments and gear available on Basschat so be prepared to contract GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)... I recommend having your inoculations before visiting the Basschat Marketplace or at least be ready to have a very cold shower after viewing said forum...


    In regards to “learning the Bass", I find that an openness and willingness to listen to multiple genres of music can be very inspiring and insightful.  However, I don't recommend listening to multiple genres all at once as this could turn out quite cacophonous... Though it did work for jazz...  :scratch_one-s_head:


    Once you've found a few Bass lines that “tickle your pickle" start learning them and play along with the track, maybe even ad-lib when and where you can...

    As long as you keep it varied and more importantly enjoyable, you will start to learn fast and learn well...


    Also, check out other BC'ers comments on technique and practise... You will find many useful Bass related hints and tips scattered amongst the pages of this glorious site...  


    All the best for your journey on the Low End!!







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