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Posts posted by urbanx

  1. I'm a total whore for image.
    Being young (ahem...) and in an originals band, people can have certain expectations before we arrive. I.e. Teens with encores an 15w amps. When we turn up with pro instruments and large rigs it can help dispell this thought. But then again a bit of the 'grunge' ethos / image died inside me when I spent over 1k on a rig!

    IMO I think it's vital as to how you present yourself as a band.

  2. I had a Marshall MBC410 delivered to work by DHL from Soundslive.
    40Kg, massive box.
    Got delivered next day, almost like a letter, just slightly larger, and a slightly more bemused delivery man. I think the amount on the postage (on the box) was £13 or thereabouts.

  3. Gear Tetris:

    Simple rules, post the make and model of your car, and a pic of how you slot all your gear in:

    Toyota Celica (brave, I know)

    Typical gig:
    Hartke HA3500 Head
    Marshall MBC410 Cab
    PA System
    3 Cases of leads
    2 Basses (one in case, one wedged behind)
    1 Can of Red Bull

    Music Video:
    Hartke HA3500 Head
    Marshall MBC410 Cab
    2 Hartke 210’s
    1 Fender Jaguar Bass (in box)
    Change of clothes, Red Bull

    Both pics show classic arrangements of gear to follow the outline of the rubber boot seal.

  4. I think we're all looking at it from the wrong angle.

    How much would it cost for you to have a 30 day road trip with a bunch of mates?
    If you happen to rock out a few times along the way, bonus.

    I'd think of it more of a trip than a money making scheme :)

    Otherwise: Don't buy fuel from Holland, stay in hostels, drink where the locals drink and you'll be 'reet. Have fun!

  5. [quote name='nash' post='744192' date='Feb 13 2010, 06:17 PM']i'd love a white one with matching headstock[/quote]

    Get the Tippex out!!!

    They are a bit complicated. I spent a day fiddling with it, and have just left it. Bugger playing with the settings between songs!

    I'm obviously in love with the red, but our guitarist has just got a Mustang in Daphne Blue which is gawjus!

    Monk: Have you ever been curious what yours would look like with a BLACK scratchplate?

  6. This sound like our first 50 gigs!
    We ended up putting a massive band logo on the bass drum. It was quite funny how many picture there were of different bands in different publications, all with our band logo on!
    Seriously tho, I'd politely decline, and go do some gigs you'll really enjoy!

  7. Has anyone here ever used“BargainBandMerch.com?

    I ordered some badges and stickers, and payment was taken over a month ago, yet I still haven’t received anything.

    They aren’t responding to any form of contact etc. I’ve now disputed it with Paypal, but that’s going to take ages.

    Just wondered if anyone else had ever dealt with them?
    Failing that, does anyone know anywhere cheap to get the above items made?

  8. Not sure if you can see in this pic, but I've added a couple of subtle white dots (tipp-ex pen) on the small rollers so I can see if they've moved...

    I dont know the magic behinf the series / parallel swich, but I have mine like this, just works for me!

  9. I had this as my main bass for many, many years (in my avatar!)
    I had it set up by a pro for £70 and it completely transformed it. Love the chequer plate!
    Nice one!

  10. Hi Tim,
    IMO Myspace is a fantastic tool for musicians, I don't know how life worked without it!
    However it's no substitute for word of mouth. Once you're 'out there' you should have plenty of gigs - We normally play with 2-3 other bands on the bill, so generally get introduced to 100+ bands per year, hence we're never short on offers for gigs!

    Anyway, my advice is just get the best recording you can afford, this will also involve the begging, borrowing and stealing of what ever musicians you need!

    Definitely get some decent photos up, a lot of people that look at your profile will either be at work: with no sound card, or need it set to mute, or on a phone that doesn't support Myspace player. They will just have your pic and your description to go on...

    Also, keep it simple. If your page takes ages to load people will just click 'Back'. And never, never put pink writing on a lilac background!

    Look forward to 'Befriending' you!

    P.S please feel free to check mine out below (NoPlanB.info) although as always it's in need of updating!

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