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Posts posted by urbanx

  1. I've lent my amp out once.

    First band played it fine. It didn't work for the next band. So neither band claimed fault.

    I wasn't insured. Amp was beyond econimical repair.

    I went out and bought an identical amp the next day for £887 (we had 3 more shows that week)

    I spent the week in a rage and drinking heavily.

    Never, ever again.

    We've done 24 gig's this year, I've been asked to lend my amp at every single one. Including the 3 upcoming gigs that we've booked but not yet played.

    Never, ever again.

  2. [quote name='Shambo' post='981613' date='Oct 8 2010, 02:24 PM']Let them use your 30 quid amp then. :lol:[/quote]

    Y'know on the Top Gear challenges where they follow them round in a hateful car, I feel like that!

    I fear we'll get blacklisted for being a**eholes about lending gear. But as you can see from the last mail, they expect us to get to the venue, not headline, and provide back line free of charge.

    I'll try and get a pic of the amp of doom up soon :)

  3. [quote name='Rich' post='981581' date='Oct 8 2010, 02:00 PM']Oh I like that... [i]"We're travelling up from London [/i]{to where?} [i]so only bringing ourselves and breakables and one smallish guitar amp. Can you guys get a bass amp?"[/i]

    Right. So a bass amp isn't breakable then..?[/quote]

    All the way, 50 Miles North to Cambridge.

    I like the way they also played on the "We only have a small guitar amp" card, hinting that they'd like to borrow our guitar stacks too.

    (Note: All of these email assume both head and cab when they say 'amp')

  4. I haven't got round to updating the poster yet but tomorrow (5th August) we're playing at Club Revolutions in Peterborough.

    We're playing with a band called CIVET, who will be playing later in the month with a band called 'Gun's 'n' Roses' at the Reading & Leeds fest.

    So come on down and have a good old perv at us, and them!

  5. Can I ask some silly questions about Wireless systems and pedal boards?

    I use my pedal board a fair bit, but also do a fair bit of running around stage / pub. I’m assuming most of you wireless users use pedal boards too?
    I can’t find an option that will work:

    [u]Option 1[/u] - I have my wireless on my belt/strap. Fantastic, this is living the dream, I can do all the Fall Out Boy spins, and Busted jumps I want – great...Except, if I have to have the receiver between me and the pedal board, surely I will impale myself on the aerials performing the aforementioned jumps? That’s if I don’t coil myself in the cable between the pedal and the amp first.

    [u]Option 2: [/u]Cable between myself and my pedal board, and wirelessly link pedals to amp. The system is useless - As I spin round impressing the ladies, the cable coils around my ankles and my pedal board is migrating across the stage towards me. My feet are tangled, I so can’t even part my legs far enough to put a foot up on the monitor.
    Option 3: [/u]Buy 2 wireless kits. That’s crazy talk.

  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='900122' date='Jul 20 2010, 03:03 PM']I cna get this done. got a pattern? Also, is just shielding.[/quote]

    ...Just a photo at the moment. I am trying to get some 'rough' quotes in before I have it drawn up on AutoCAD.

    How much do you think it should 'roughly' cost?

  7. I’m currently trying to source someone to fabricate a stainless steel scratchplate for my Jaguar. Despite this proving to be pretty difficult, can anyone see any problems with the electrical side of things?

    I know it’s probably a silly question, but I barely know what’s going on this side of the scratchplate!

    Any comments would be appreciated!

  8. We played BikerFest this weekend for the third year running. Easily the best year, beautiful weather so I could legitimately wear sunglasses on stage! I was told it was about 1,500 people that showed up (although I expect not just for us!) Great sound guy, great other bands.

    But...The best thing was when we showed up, we found out there would be female dancers (BikerFest Babes) joining us on stage! :)
    Never been so distracted in all my life!

  9. I guess a lot of this thread boils down to the magical balance of Risk vs Reward. (which is probably why this thread went on to pay-to-play) Risk vs Reward.

    If you risk lending your gear to someone, you could be rewarded with a great, smoothly run gig, and some new friends. You could also be rewarded with a massive repair bill.

    I’ve accepted the outlay of £30 for a crap amp, just so crap bands can support us, and we might get more gig’s off this ‘promoter’. My reward? When I jump off the tiny stage, and I’m dancing and rocking out with my a room full of my mates, drenched in sweat and beer.

    Is that worth a £30 risk? To me it’s priceless.

    ....(but I’m still not lending my full rig out!)

  10. True.

    But if I didn't know the Beatles, and Paul just came up to me moments before going on stage giving it all "So I just plug in here, yeah?" the principles would be the same.

    Surely the crowd count doen't matter? Or are you just re-iterating that bigger gig's just attract more professional bands with their own gear?

  11. Oi! I'm professional and entertaining! Well entertaining....

    No, it's a good point. I actually think our whole band suffers from this gear problem because of our professionalism. We've all spent more on our gear than our cars, but yes we do play with bands that are young an spend most the eveening pissing about, and expecting gear for free. I'd like to say I was a wippersnaper, or that I don't know better, but I've done over 100 gigs with this band, I'm pushing 30... But seem to be put in this position at nearly EVERY gig! Argh!!

  12. It has a permanant PA, but is essentially the back room of a pub. I don't know where they plucked the figure is from. It's actually £240 as you get £40 back deposit, so my bad. The similar sized venue next door is £170.

    [quote]I suspect Urbanx is under pressure to comply or not get any more gigs from that venue.
    He's already said it's one of only two venues in town that have his kind of gigs so he needs gigs there if he's going to play anywhere...[/quote]

    It's exactly that.

    [quote]I think buying the lender amp is a pragmatic solution.
    You get to use your real gear, you don't have to lend it to others, the show will go on and you get more gigs at the venue.
    With luck and a following wind the promoter may even like you a bit more and give you a better deal next time.[/quote]

    It is rubbish I know, but I'm desperate to play gigs, I live for them! As this thread has proved I'll do almost anything for any gig, including buying more backline.

    As this one's through a 'promotor' we haven't actually had to pay to play, hence I didn't mind buying a crappy combi (£30).

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