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Posts posted by urbanx

  1. [quote]like I say, depends where you live. In some places the only venues are run like that, so you don't have much chance.

    Plus it also depends on how much a venue is charging to hire out. If it's expensive, you may not make the money back on the door, thus it's costing you to play. Not the best scenario to be in.[/quote]

    We have hired this venue in question before, and they run a clever system: Venue & Tech hire (you have to use theirs) is £280. Venue capacity is 50 (plus bands). You cant really charge more than £5 for a venue that size...

    So even if you sell out it'll cost you £30...

  2. [quote]Gigging should not be stressful.[/quote]

    This week has been extremely stressful for me. I didn't get any sleep last night worrying about my rig!

    I realise this situation will come up time and time again. And I will be put in the awkward position (again) of "If they can't use your amp, no other bands can play".

    It's got to me so much, I have gone out and bought another amp, one which I am willing to lend out. So I can keep my rig for myself, [i]and [/i]provide a combi for anyone that needs to borrow.

    Although everyone has assumed the other bands are teenagers, I just don't know if they are or not; I've still not been able to get hold of the 'promotor'.

    I guess there's just the principle of the matter that 'musicians' still just turn up to gigs with no instuments, and without any prior contact with the other bands, expect to be kitted out, straps and all.

  3. [quote name='Bison' post='857861' date='Jun 5 2010, 12:14 AM']I use an Ampeg SVT 300 and an SVT IIP with a couple of 8x10's for larger rock gigs,
    although for everyday stuff I use an 80's SVT III head and an Ampeg BSE 4x10 (saves my back :) )

    That's how it's done!! V. Jealous!

  4. [quote]I suspect in the middle of this is a promoter who's managed to get one of the bands to let everyone use their gear on his gigs for many years so he's not looking to change that.[/quote]

    Exactly that. Most bands we play with use 30w combo's, miced through the PA. We have a reputation for turning up with 3 stacks, and everyone

    [quote]He's probably telling all the other bands that a backline will be provided and he'd prefer it if they didn't bring their own as it takes longer to change bands over and clutters up the venue.[/quote]

    I expect thats [b]exactly[/b] what has happened!

    [quote]It's always worked out for him 'cos no one playing this kind of gig has the clout to say no and risk loosing that gig and future gigs.[/quote]

    It's one of a couple of venues in our city, and a regular gig for us.

    [quote]There are best practices like asking nicely, getting the bands to discuss and co-ordinate things beforehand[/quote]

    Ah, but for that to happen, the bands would need to know who each other are! The 'promotor' is unavailable, I've been looking for flyers round town (that's how I find out who I'm playing with, with this promotor)

    [quote]We use each others cabs everytime we play together. Without fail. Except when we're on different stages...

    Thats how it works, we phone you up a few days before saying "you bring drums and a guitar cab we'll bring bass cab and a guitar cab?"

    you go "yea cool"

    and its sorted.[/quote]

    Ah, but you two know each other. I don't even know who the other bands on our night are.

    [quote]I assume you're getting extra payment for providing the backline?[/quote]
    Ha ha! It's a pay-to-play venue, but that's another issue.

  5. [quote name='oksocialbass' post='859763' date='Jun 7 2010, 12:39 PM']Would you go golfing expecting to borrow clubs when you got there?

    To work expecting to borrow a shirt, tie and tousers?

    Don't lend it. If they want to call you and ar*e - let them, if everyone wants to think you're a tw@t - let them, at the end of the day, you're the one who can play the gig - not them.

    I never let people use my stuff and if they ask me, I ask for £600 to hire it per hour - that goes for the venue and bands. I'm hated amongst most of the bands in our scene/area because of this and it actually makes me feel quite good to be honest - at least I don't do something I don't want to - plus all of those bands are a bunch of hippies/scenesters in my opinion, and i'm sticking it to 'em...[/quote]

    I may just laminate that answer and bring it on Sunday!
    I mean I just don't get it, how do they normally play?

    I'm just upset that I'm now contemplating leaving my stack at home, and buying a £30 combi to gig with.

  6. Hey,
    I know this has been bought up before, but it’s a re-occurring problem.
    We have a gig on Sunday, four bands, we’re on third. I’ve been asked to bring all my gear to share, because [i]“One of the bands has a guitar amp” [/i]

    WTF!! So among the other SIX guitarists, and THREE Bassists only ONE of them can bring their amp!!

    How do they practise?

    I have lent my amp out once before. And it got broken. Not dented or scratched. Fried. Not sure what they put in it, but it completely killed two Hartke 210XL’s and my Hartke HA3500 Head. I went out the next day and had to buy all of my gear again. £887.

    I lent it to two bands, so first band said “It was working when we used it” and second band said “wasn’t working when we used it”. Thus both avoiding blame.

    I really don’t want to bring my nice amp on Sunday now. But then again it kills me to have all this nice gear sitting at home, and here I am considering buying a crappy amp just to lend out at gigs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’m going out my mind here!

  7. All days long peoples ask me about my website “Comparesthefender.com”

    I tells them Simples, look at the shoddy mongoose build quality of replikas! Sure it may looooook like real Jaguars, but where is your pre-amp - eaten by fleas?

    Only one place to by originals Fenders, simples! :)

  8. [quote name='Bassassin' post='854357' date='Jun 2 2010, 12:15 AM']Very pretty bass - hope it doesn't turn out to be a Photoshop fantasy...

    But if it does, go buy a [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/stagg-bm-370-vintage-m-series/68744"]Stagguar[/url] (or is that a Jagstagg?) for £130. And take a chill pill! :)


    That's identical (even down to pick up screws) as the Wesley Cougar, which is only £109!

    ...Still none of them are a REAL Fender Jaguar!

  9. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='805409' date='Apr 13 2010, 09:43 PM']haha,,,I hope the next pic of that set was setting fire to the cab and dancing round it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(ive had major bad experience with the MB range!!)[/quote]

    Ha ha, I got to kick the full stack over (there were another two 2x10s on top, it's in the 'show us your rig' thread) for our muisic vid! Personally never had any prob with the MB, apart from the weight I suppose...

    P.S Nice bass!

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