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Posts posted by Nothingman

  1. 2 minutes ago, ubit said:



    But being from Seattle in the early 90's made you Grunge yet there is a massive difference in the music of those bands therefore as a music genre it's a misnomer. It should have been simply called the Seattle scene. Grunge has become sylised with a certain rock based element that had certain qualities marking it apart from earlier hair metal, not least the look of the musicians which had as much owed to the time rather than the music. In that sense I would argue that STP were Grunge. That's to say they had that sound, look, style of grunge at the time. At the end of the day who cares what's grunge and what isn't? I just liked all the rock music coming out then and if it got lumped in with grunge then I called it grunge. I liked grunge as in I pretty much liked every band I heard back then. Apart from the Melvins. I couldn't get into them.

    Yeah, That’s a fair argument.


    But, I always STP as a bit more…I don’t  know.. sleazy rock band stuff. Quite the distance from how I viewed the rest of the associated scene. 


    It’s all subjective at the end of day. 



    • Like 2
  2. 26 minutes ago, ubit said:



    So what is Grunge? Is it just that you had to come from Seattle in the early 90's? Because that's pretty much all that connects most of the bands. Music style is very varied.

    So what is Grunge? 

    The eternal question. 

    Let’s stroke our chins over this one.


    Did you have to be from Seattle? 

    Yes and No, but an association with the North West was a certain. It was born out of a frustration of lack of touring bands in Seattle abs therefore a home grown scene developed. 

    The scene that spawned grunge is very specific to that city. 

    Stone Temple Pilots were an alt rock band from San Diego. Did they have elements of what was know as grunge? Yes. 

    But so did bands both before and after the grunge moniker- Smashing Pumpkins, Live, REM, Pavement, Butthole surfers, Sonic Youth, pixies et al. However, their not, in no way grunge. 

    It was all alternative rock, grunge was quite a specific sub set.

    Not that it’s relevant, but They sold millions and were massive in the 90’s. Fair play to them. 


    Were STP a grunge band? No.


    Were they an alt rock band with massive grunge influences? Yes. 

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, Eldon Tyrell said:

    I posted this some time ago, but this is a good place to post it again. Good documentary about the Seattle grunge scene. Check it out!


    "This rock documentary by director Doug Pray focuses on the explosion of grunge music that took place in the Pacific Northwest during the early 1990s. While the film features the most popular bands of the movement -- namely Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Soundgarden -- it also presents lesser-known acts such as the Melvins, Mudhoney and Seaweed. Incorporating concert clips, interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, the movie paints a dynamic picture of this highly influential scene."



    Love this film. 

    Not seen in a while, so thanks- that’s today’s watch sorted. 

    • Like 1
  4. I was fond of a pedal. 

    But not that fond. 


    Mike purchased said pedal and I was fond of the money.

    I hope Mike finds fondness in the pink pre-amp. A least for a bit. 

    Top Basschatter. 



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  5. To join three song writers on a new studio (but some live project). 


    Must be relaxed, yet committed. Good egg and patience of a saint. 


    Songs ready to record (One of us has tracked demo drums - or is soon). 


    Doesn't need to be a flash Harry/Harriet. 




    Some influences include: 


    Teenage Fanclub, Bevis Frond, Death Cab For Cutie, Frightened Rabbit, War On Drugs, The Cranberries, Band Of Horses, Superdrag, Archers of Loaf and Pixies. 


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