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Posts posted by Killed_by_Death

  1. 4 hours ago, RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE said:


    Stormtroopers of death - speak English or die 

    Hawkwind - Hawklords 


    overkill- taking over

    Nuckear assault - the plague 

    I agree with these & would add:


    News is that Tony plans to remaster some old Sabbath, but he's choosing Tony Martin tracks, I really wish they'd do that with B.A.!


    2 hours ago, Eldon Tyrell said:

    My concern is that future generations probably won't know what an album is in the first place




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    Just did 30 minutes of Pop with a vocalist, & even though the songs are dreadful, I feel better!

    Stefani (GaGa) Germanotta

    Maroon 7

    Kelly Clarkson

    Taylor Swift

    that Trouble song by Taylor is human-metronome territory, if it weren't for the chorus change


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    When I quit bass a few years ago, I sold it ALL, even took down the Music-related posters & threw out the guitar-shaped decanter, I bought bongos.

    When I mentioned I was playing bongos people directed me to Zappa's Bongo Fury, & I'm thinking: Thanks for the 'encouragement'!

    but inside I'm dying, because there's no !@#$%^& way I'll ever be able to do Bongo Fury, LOL!


    I pounded along to Fairies Wear Boots several times, that was fun, but then I slowly grew back a collection of basses, thinking I'd just get 1 u-bass for a Turkish once in awhile.

    Turns out you can't hear the damn things if there's even a slight breeze in the vicinity, you can't do bends or harmonics, & you certainly can't do a convincing Motörhead, so I bought an Ibanez BTB & a Fender Rumble.


    I think most of the reason I started again was from hanging on the forums still, if I really wanted to quit I should have stopped posting.

    Maybe I will just keep the u-bass for karaoke-bass. I can play along to Pop songs on Rocksmith while someone else sings. My electric basses are almost a source of humiliation some days.



    Can't believe I left this one out earlier under Conditions, but I am Slow.

    Not slow as in stupid, slow as in I can't keep tempo, too often.

    Even a relatively slow song like Rainbow in the Dark has me struggling to keep up, no matter how many times I play it.


    I was really working on Pinnacle to the Pit by Ghost & finally gave up after months of playing it every day.

    The song in the rotation now like that is Killed by Death, oh the irony that I can't play it fast enough!



    I'm not sure when they stopped doing onboard EQ, but I do believe it's a thing of the past on guitars.

    I owned an Ibanez with a scoop switch, but it was produced from 2009 to 2012.

    Ibanez changed things at the end of that time & lost Carol Kaye as an endorsing artist. I firmly believe that is when they started putting chintzy machine-heads in the SoundGear Standards & GIO.


    Carvin had onboard EQ in their really heavy guitars, but of course they are no longer an entity.

    Lita Ford uses an active booster on her Morice guitar, but that was produced in the 80s:




    Learning theory was a dead-end for me, it's like reading about how the animals look on a safari, but never having gone on a safari or ever even seeing photos of these animals.

    I'm like Stevie Wonder trying to paint.

    I could learn the technical bits, I have a technical mind, but I can't connect the dots to the notes or chords.


    People who play in my area that are my age are accomplished Musicians. People at my level are half my age & I don't know them.

    I got to know some local musicians, it's all very incestuous, everyone knows everyone, & I was selling bits & bobs I no longer wanted to these folks, & was constantly getting invited to come jam.

    It was a train-wreck I don't wish to relive. First I was told to play 3rds or 5th & the only reason I was able to was because I could see the chord sheet on the guitar-player's stand.

    They turned my volume down so low that I might as well have just quit right then. No one asked me to come again & of course those invites ceased.


    I'm isolated, I knew another bass player from 'that other forum', but he was a gigantic bell-end at the end of the day, came over & diddled the knobs on my Aguilar/Markbass rig w/o asking & then promptly went on the forum to talk trash about my gear, & subtly took a shot at my playing, as well.


    7 hours ago, Reggaebass said:

    Have you tried playing different types or genres of music to what you would normally play, sometimes a change is as good as a rest 🙂

    I'm into both genres:


    Black Sabbath

    but not averse to some Punk or Post-Punk, like Goth

    I started looking at Goth when I get in a slump, but it's the same as Heavy Metal in the respect that the bass-player is often a human metronome, LOL!

    Maitri's bass-arrangements with Christian Death were cool, but also very simple:

    As a measure of how tone-deaf I am, I had to look up the tab for this song, & it's about as complicated at Brother Jacques (Frère Jacques)

    Directly related, but an aside, if I take a break, it's like I never saw the instrument before when I start up again.

    I feel like I'm in a red lorry, or a yellow one, & it's full of large stones on a steep incline. IF I let off the fuel pedal I'll drift back to the bottom of the mountain.


    6 hours ago, paul_c2 said:

    bass IS boring on its own, but it comes alive when played along with others.

    Year of the Cobra (video above in post-5) are just bass & drums & I love it. If I could just play like her I'd be very happy with myself.

    The enthusiasm isn't shared however. I've posted their videos in bass player forums & groups, no one cares. I really can't comprehend, because I think it's fabulous!


    No one can related, because everyone else's ears improve as they play. Mine have not, even when I've put effort in at ear-training.

    I'm Musically handicapped.

    I also knew from the start that the more I post in this thread the more pathetic it seems.


    I forgot to add that my previous threads elsewhere were about how to improve my ear, been down that road, & still a dead-end.



    Maybe that's why I have so much trouble learning new songs, I have never ever recognized a chord progression. I'm in no position to join with real Musicians, unless I'm paying them to instruct me.

    I tried a few local instructors, six weeks in & I was only mildly better off, so I sufficed with just learning from the book that the instructor insisted I buy.

    Music Theory seemed the way forward for improvising, but then I hit the wall of tone-deafness headlong in the 2nd or 3rd lesson.



    My enjoy/abhor ratio is under 25%, but I could easily change that my just playing stuff I enjoy, however...

    that list might end up being so short that I get bored of it quickly.

    What taxes my brain is that I should love every bass-arrangement Terence Butler ever wrote, but I can't.

    At least he rarely does the human metronome schtick.


    Dee Dee Ramone penned some great songs, but he was a human metronome, LOL!



    in my mind, I'd like to be able to just come up with bass-arrangements like this, I could entertain myself that way:




    I took some time away from the internet when I got banned on 'you-know-where' & that's when it hit me square in the face, maybe I don't enjoy playing bass as much as everyone else.

    An impromptu plug-in to my PC using a USB interface is fun sometimes, but I run out of material quickly. I suppose I need to spend more time playing the things I enjoy, instead of wading through the murk.



    Over the past week I've considered & reconsidered starting this thread.

    However, it was in my mind as the "'I'm finally quitting for good this time!" thread.

    I started playing bass in 2012. My hobbies up until then included reading sci-fi novels & watching a LOT of television, LOL!

    My original goal was to entertain myself with tasty licks, but I've never been able to do that for more than a few minutes.


    The last time I laid out this much information about myself my pal Jimmy Miller pounced on the chance to ridicule my state of mind & yet I'm the guy who gets accused of trolling.

    So, you can understand why I'm hesitant. Perhaps down here in Technique there are fewer folks like him.



    *tone-deaf: unable to distinguish intervals

    no support from anyone, including family

    unable to improvise or form bass-arrangements


    * this part is huge, it's a handicap of epic proportions for a person trying to play Music, I'll never be able to play by ear


    As a little more background, lately I've been pruning songs from my play-along list, removed 200 & down to 350. The 200 I removed were boring 'human metronome' songs, you know where the bass player drones away on 3 notes for the whole song or summat.

    When I started playing the remainder I'm still pruning & out of 33 songs I've tried, only 7 passed the 'do I enjoy playing this' test.

    Songs I do enjoy:

    Virgin Prunes - Baby Turns Blue

    Duran Duran - Come Undone

    Dio - Rainbow in the Dark

    Jenny O. - Well OK Honey

    Black Sabbath - Country Girl

    Ramones - Poison Heart



    Having the 3-way switch actually does introduce real independence for the separate treble-cut controls, since you can dial in a sound on each pickup isolated from the other, but when the switch is in the center position my comments in this thread from April 28th still apply.


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