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Posts posted by Killed_by_Death

  1. 1 minute ago, Bill Fitzmaurice said:

    You'll never see a proper engineering document

    You're probably correct.

    Although, I did see many Engineering documents when I was heading up a Document Control center on a refinery construction project, but those were mostly about Piping & Tanks.


  2. 6 hours ago, lownote12 said:



    It's called Impedance instead of Resistance, because it changes due to frequency changes.

    Two 8-Ohm cabinets will receive a roughly equal amount of Power from the amp, but how they each respond to that Power will be different.


    • Like 3

    Don't just go adjusting the truss-rod willy-nilly, check the neck-relief first. Here's a complete guide, follow it step-by-step:



    I'm not liking the new format for Fender setup guide, the old one was better.

    The old link doesn't work anymore:




    3 minutes ago, Bill Fitzmaurice said:

    That's not a crossover, it's a high pass filter,

    That's exactly what I commented about the MarkBass 'crossover' years ago, but a design engineer told me even if the full spectrum of frequencies were going to the woofer, it would be considered a crossover.

    MarkBass claim they are allowing all frequencies to the woofer.



    It doesn't bode well to me when the company doesn't even know what's in their instruments:


    "Nordstrand® SB4 single-coil soapbar bridge and neck pickups deliver an all-around pulverizing and striking sound"

    and then at the bottom of the page:


    ^ Configuration = HH = Humbucker Humbucker

    It's bad enough that the design copied Ibanez Premium Soundgear verbatim.


  6. 11 hours ago, Merton said:

    a “standard” Jack-Jack guitar cable is NOT the same as a Jack-Jack speaker cable. Do not use an instrument cable for a speaker connection.

    Thanks for following up with 'Instrument Cable'.

    Guitar-Players are constantly calling them 'guitar cables' & it's irrational, but it gets on my tits.


    • Like 1

    I abhor the 0.1" 4th stringsets, the tension is so unbalanced. There's nothing wrong with using another finger to help bend.

    2-1/2 steps is one Hell of a bend, I don't think I went that far with a guitar with a double-locking vibrato bridge.


    • Like 1

    Limitations, there's also the physical.

    Not only am I slow, but I can't reach sometimes. That Ghost song 'Pinnacle to the Pit' has a 2nd to 5th fret stretch that I can barely do, & definitely not at tempo.

    However, the reason I'm posting today is because of my arm issues. This time last year I couldn't play at all from tennis-elbow.

    Visited a physical therapist & learned some exercises & even how to hold my arm when sleeping. Problem solved, for the time.


    When people brag about playing for hours I feel envy, I've been able to play for hours only a few times, Saturday was one of those & I suffered for it all day yesterday.

    My strumming arm forearm was sore all day & still is just slightly. I tried massaging it, then Diclofenac Sodium, & finally CBD cream & Acetaminophen.

    I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, LOL!

    but I'm about to take my chance to play a little before really starting the day



    Here in the U.S. the great unwashed think everyone who plays bass MUST be a slapper.

    So if they're feeling saucy, & find out you play bass, they will do the Paul Rudd move from "I Love You Man"

    I once was within 4 Meters of Paul Rudd in NYC at Rockefeller Center. I could see him & he could see me, & I wanted to give him the finger, but I also wanted him to know why, so I just smiled & kept moving.

    He was waiting to be interviewed on The Today Show by NBC.


    Those windows at their back are real. I spent a fair bit of time around TV studios when I was in New York, was at a David Letterman show, Tonight Show (Jimmy Fallon), & saw Saturday Night Live in the studio. Kevin Hart hosted.

    More about slap, at Guitar Center, that's all anyone does, it's a cacophony back there in the bass corner.



    I guess I did open it up to what others think by making it a poll, but IRL I don't have to worry about what others think, because I'll never be playing in public.

    When I'm playing something that I'm just not getting I sometimes get that "WTF am I even doing?!" feeling, like it's time to give up, given all my limitations.

    Branching off into Goth is me trying another genre.

    Other times, like yesterday, I pick it up & just love how I can make those sounds with so little effort & think it's Romantic somehow, fighting a struggle I can never 'win'. I'm so accustomed to 'winning', that it's just foreign territory for me.


    Bach famously stated: "You only have to hit the right notes at the right time"

    but timing has never even gotten into the equation for me

    I sometimes think truly pitch-perfect people must have a difficult time enjoying Music if there's any pitch issues. If I don't know my timing is off or I'm out of tune, all the merrier.



    Today I was watching an interview with one of the ladies from our TV show, Shark Tank. She said that in about 3 months from starting a deal with the entrepreneurs on the show, something has happened, & there are two types. Those who complain, point fingers & feel sorry for themselves & those who look for a solution. I realized immediately that applied in the situation I've been 'crying' about, so I got out my bass & decided to rip through some riffs on AmpliTube 5. Then I took it out onto the back porch to play through my VOX a little louder. Something just feels good about playing, so I stand by my signature & Ian's words of wisdom.



    I just updated version 4 & also installed 5, & they're both awful now.

    The only reason I used 4 in the past was for Crunch & now I can't get crunch on either of them w/o paying for an amp model or summat.

    My USB interface sounds great, but I can only get Clean w/o some sort of software modeling.


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