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Posts posted by fumps

  1. I just love the rhythm section on this track, it's one of the tracks i can listen to over & over again.....a real summer tune. one i will be blasting out in the car on the way home this fine summers evening.

    He was a talent i dont think will ever be touched on again, the only problem i have when i go on a Hendrix binge (I'm on on at the moment) is i can never find anything to play after his music as it all just doesn't go with it. :)

  2. Hi guys i'm not 100% sure if this is the right section for this but i'm looking for a tab or silular for one of my favorite rhythm section tacks "Gypsy eyes" by the amazing Jimi Hendrix experience !

    I've always loved this track & have recentley decided to learn it but i keep gettin stuck. can anyone help. i know it sounds like i'm being idle but being dyslexic & some of the people on the t'interpipe can be a issue, especially since i've seen about 10 differant misspellings of this songs title already, makes a search for me a bid hard to say the least.

    can anyone help ? or at least point me in the right direction....i'd be reet happy !


  3. It pretty interesting being a Floy fan. everyone has differant angles, views, opinions & loves differant songs for differant reasons. I love this Floyd for that.
    For instance i've never liked Roger Water's stuff, my other half loves his music.....i find Radio Chaos horrible & although it has it's moments i dont like the Wall very much Hayley on the other hand thinks it's fantastic.
    I'll always have a real love for Dave Gilmours voice & guitar sound, Metallic spheres for instance made me do sex wee when i first heard it & On an island is just a beautiful album.
    but down to it all we both have a passion for their music (thats why i knew she was a keeper)

    I think Pink Floyd is summed up very well by the prism on the front of Dark side of the moon (Probably the best album cover ever created) everyone see's differant things & feels differant things from a single point. Dont think any other band has or will do that again.

  4. Mate as i said before seeing that Bass built is a dream come true for me, i am a lover of both the headless look & the Thunderbird bass.

    After spending ages looking for one, i can finally say i have seen one !!!! mate your a star & a clever one at that........now i want one !!!

    [quote name='robocorpse' post='1350583' date='Aug 24 2011, 06:40 PM']If anyone else wants a go at a Thunderbird custom job, I am selling [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=151201"]THIS DONOR BASS[/url][/quote]

    Arrrghhhhhh nooooooooo dont tempt me !!!!!

  5. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1340795' date='Aug 15 2011, 03:52 PM']People like to whinge about Behringer, I can't deny their reputation for poor reliability. Having said that, in my experience, their reputation is not born out.[/quote]
    Yeh i know a few peeps that use Behringer stuff, i'll ask them about this, not a make i know much about tbh

    I just remember them being in Leeds uni when i worked there & the sound desk's were pretty good, they felt well made but this was a long time ago now lol

  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1340511' date='Aug 15 2011, 11:38 AM']I think behringerdo a cheap one... Check out this [url="http://www.studiospares.com/browse/comsoundcards?ex=co_wizr-locayta&collate=pdxtleadtype&collate=pdxtplug1&collate=pdxtplug2&collate=pdxtlength&collate=pdxtcolour&collate=ivtype&collate=price&collate=cat&collate=brand&collate=pdxtpowerrating&collate=pdxtimpedance&collate=pdxtbacktype&collate=pdxtheight&collate=pdxtinputs&collate=pdxtoutputs&collate=pdxtinternalmic&collate=pdxtrecordingmedium&collate=pdxtscardtype&collate=pdxtscardmidiio&collate=pdxtscardinputs&collate=pdxtscardoutputs&sortstock=descending&sortorder=stock&fieldcatrestrict=xancestorid&termtextcatrestrict=comsoundcards&typecatrestrict=exact&fieldinvt=type&termtextinvt=invt&typeinvt=exact&fieldpcatid=pcatid&typepcatid=exact&fieldpdxtscardtype=pdxtscardtype&termtextpdxtscardtype=USB&typepdxtscardtype=exact&termorder=catrestrict%3Ainvt%3Apcatid%3Apdxtscardtype&template=wz_locayta&pagenum=1&perpage=10&threshold=0&spellcorrect=1&datasource=studiosparesen&setsortorder=price,name&setsortprice=ascending&setpagenum=1"]page[/url] which has a good few interfaces. If you have a pedal or something you can use as a pre-amp then the very cheapest stuff which just accepts line inputs will work for you.[/quote]

    cheers dude thats kind of what i was thinking, my mate used to have an old CReative front pannel on his PC i used to used the old Fostex 4-track as a mini sound desk & input through there.......was'nt bad for low-cost DIY demo's .

    As i say i'm not trying to do high end stuff just a way so i can import/ record via my laptop & keep it otherwise i just forget what i've done lol

  7. Hi guys
    I've been writing some Bass peices & know that it's about time i got them down before i start to forget them. i need a simple Bass to PC interface as the last time i did home recording it was on my old trusty 8- track Fostex beast that is no longer living lol.

    I dont need anything that flashy as i have a good friend that owns a recording studio but do need something just to make raw recordings onto a laptop......Can anyone help with advice ?

    Cheers fellas

  8. Hi mate
    To be honest i was'nt aware a feedback section existed so i am really sorry i have not given you the appropriate feedback you so rightly deserved.

    Purchased a Multi effects pedal from the good sir Floyd Pepper back in march.

    Had good communication, good price & item came well packaged & in good time. Will be more than happy to deal with again.


  9. [quote name='gub' post='1235785' date='May 18 2011, 02:54 PM']What a nice idea ,dont thik i could hold it together long enough to play wish you were here though , an amazing song choice.[/quote]
    Cheers mate, it's going to be a pretty emotional gig, i've not played in front of a crowd for at least 11 years, but for him i would have walked through fire for him......i suppose i would for any of my friends.

    Thank you for the links guys i am thinking of doing something soft & nice for this, rather than sticking to the basic notes (Like most Floyd stuff) i wanted to revisit my picking of the guitar chords as well & really filling the sound out. With it being for my mate i dont want to make a mess of it.

    I really appreciate all the advice guys.

    thanks again

  10. [quote name='Vinny' post='1235746' date='May 18 2011, 02:17 PM']There's chords on UG, but I've never heard the song so don't know how much use they'll be. Which LP is it from?[/quote]
    Its from Meddle mate
    It's an old friends favorite tune by pink floyd who sadly died at a young age, i am planning a return to performing live for a gig in his memory & we want to play it straight after "Wish you were here" in his memory.

    I'm just really struggling with this one

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